
From retromux
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  • Sunny Meadows Farm: Her farm where she grows food for all creatures of Gaia.
  • Gaian: While she lacks purebreed, she is a kinkolf of the Children of Gaia.
  • Freshly Arrived: She was sent by her Sept back in Dallas to help with the food situation at the end of September 1994. Her brother and a bunch of her cousins (NPCs) are coming as well.
  • Farming/Gardening: She is skilled in growing crops and food-prepping for preservation. Rumor has it she also has a bit of a green thumb.
  • Cooking/Baking: Nothing brings her more joy than baking and cooking for others.
  • Food Prepping: She does it all: curing, canning, jarring, juicing, and drying out food items for preservation.