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Introduction[ edit ]

Penelope was born in Dallas, Texas in a huge family. She has so many cousins she has lost count and she is the third oldest but the first girl of her parents. Three of her siblings have shifted and others are too young to know if they will or won't yet. Growing up she developed a passion for gardening at a young age, which also developed into a love for farming and wanting to try and see if there is a way to help the fruits and vegetables either produce more or larger to try and help with the food storage issue worldwide.
Her sept told her that a fellow Texan Sept was having food issues and volunteered herself, her brother, and a lot of her cousins to come to Sept of the Holly King. She arrived in Late September and has acquired some farmland with growing crops. She is here to stay unless she ends up being needed elsewhere.
RP Hooks[ edit ]
- Sunny Meadows Farm: Her farm where she grows food for all creatures of Gaia.
- Gaian: While she lacks purebreed, she is a kinkolf of the Children of Gaia.
- Freshly Arrived: She was sent by her Sept back in Dallas to help with the food situation at the end of September 1994. Her brother and a bunch of her cousins (NPCs) are coming as well.
- Farming/Gardening: She is skilled in growing crops and food-prepping for preservation. Rumor has it she also has a bit of a green thumb.
- Cooking/Baking: Nothing brings her more joy than baking and cooking for others.
- Food Prepping: She does it all: curing, canning, jarring, juicing, and drying out food items for preservation.
Gallery[ edit ]