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Madame Mimsy

“It begins with absence and desire.
It begins with blood and fear.
It begins with the discovery of witches."
~ Deborah Harkness, A Discovery of Witches

A Little History

Name - Madame Mimsy E. Morogrove
Age - Mid Twenties
From - French Quarter, Louisiana
Faction - Mage

A Little Witchcraft

Profession - Witch 1-900-BBW-ITCH
BBS Witch Handle - Mystra
Witch Services - BBS, Phone, Tarot, Spells
Coven Mascot - Black Phillip

A Witch Stands in the Crossroads

Witchcraft, often viewed through a lens of superstition and fear, has roots that date back to ancient civilizations where individuals, often women, were believed to wield supernatural powers for healing, divination, and protection. Early practices varied across cultures, with shamans and healers performing rituals that connected communities to nature and the spiritual realm. As societies evolved, especially during the rise of organized religion, these practices increasingly became associated with heresy and malevolence, leading to a darker reimagining of witchcraft in the popular imagination.

The infamous witch hunts of the late medieval and early modern periods marked a significant turning point in the perception of witchcraft. Fueled by a mix of religious fervor, social instability, and legal frameworks that allowed for the persecution of accused witches, thousands faced accusations that often led to torture, imprisonment, and execution. The burning of witches became a symbol of societal paranoia, as fear of the other, particularly women who defied traditional roles culminated in tragic events such as the Salem Witch Trials and the European witch hunts. The witch hunts served as a cautionary tale about the perils of mass hysteria and the consequences of scapegoating.

Despite the grim history associated with witchcraft, a secret that persists is the continuing relevance of witchcraft as a form of empowerment and self-expression. Many modern practitioners, often identifying with Wicca or other neopagan traditions, view witchcraft as a celebration of nature, femininity, and personal agency rather than the malevolent force portrayed by historical narratives. This contemporary movement emphasizes healing, ecological awareness, and personal spirituality, offering an alternative perspective that contrasts sharply with the fear driven past. In many ways, modern witchcraft serves as a reclamation of power, allowing individuals to seek connection and meaning in an often chaotic world.

In the grand tapestry of history, the shadows of religious conquests, inquisitions, and crusades weave a dark narrative, claiming millions through fervent zeal and bloody dogma, while the witch hunts ignited horrific flames, tens of thousands, trembling beneath the weight of superstition and fear. The scales of mortality thus tip heavily towards the intricate dance of Christians, where faith became a sword, piercing the hearts of the innocent, while the specter of witchcraft lingered with a less insidious, unproven toll of crime based on finger pointing. Yet, when we weigh these tragedies, one must ponder: what does illustrate humanity’s capacity for devastation over the ages, as the toll of each victim leaves a haunting refrain in the echo of intolerance rendering the deadliest stories woven not just in numbers, but in the stark reminder of our shared darkness. -- The Descendants You Forgot to Burn


Carnival of Souls - Instrumental
"I see in your future...”
“Your palm tells me you will live a long life.”
“The stars are in your favor.”
"Your dead mother just told me__________” ...

The Ballad of the Witches Road - Agatha All Along
Seekest thou the road to all that's foul and fair
Gather sisters fire, water, earth and air
Darkest hour, wake thy power, earthly and divine
Burn and brew with coven true and glory shall be thine

Lullaby of Woe - Ashley Serena
For the witcher, heartless, cold
Paid in coin of gold
He comes, he'll go leave naught behind
But heartache and woe
Deep, deep woe

RP Hooks

Mage Foo - Always on Board to participate.

Witchcraft Foo - Works for Cash, Food, Wine, Candles, and other Oddities.

Archivist - Has an extensive Library on Ancient Civilizations

Pet Goat - Black Phillip is a pet rescue. Rent him to make $$$.

Fortune Telling - Will work events if paid. Works private parties, and Phone Calls.


Rumor 1: Once worked for The Carnival of Souls.

Rumor 2: Drives a beat up blue Punch Bug with Pentagram Stickers on the back window.

Rumor 3: Is that goat a familiar?

Rumor 4: Walks her goat around the city with a leash jingling with tiny Tibetan bells.

Story Memories

  • Image 1, Image 2 TBD


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