2025-02-26 Camarilla Court
2025-02-26 Camarilla Court | |
Date of Scene: | 20 February 2025 |
Location: | Crimson Hall |
Synopsis: | Camarilla Court |
Thanks to: | Everyone who attended!!!!!! |
Cast of Characters: | Kindred of Houston |
Cast of NPCs: | Ha-Joon |
<-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Downtown - Elysium - Crimson Hall ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
The Prince’s Courtroom is an imposing and meticulously designed chamber that exudes authority and gravitas, setting the tone for the weighty decisions and declarations made within. The room is expansive, with high ceilings that emphasize its grandeur, and the walls are clad in dark, polished wood panels, inlaid with subtle silver accents that form intricate, almost imperceptible motifs of Kindred lore. Warm, ambient lighting emanates from chandeliers designed to mimic a ring of suspended candles, casting flickering shadows that give the space an air of timeless dignity. At the head of the room, a raised dais commands attention. Upon it sits an ornate throne, carved from rich ebony wood and upholstered in deep crimson velvet, its high back adorned with silver filigree in the shape of intertwining roses and thorns. The throne is flanked by two smaller yet equally regal chairs, reserved for trusted advisors or favored Kindred. Behind the dais, double doors of heavy, dark wood lead to private offices and the council chamber, their surfaces engraved with the Camarilla’s insignia. The seating for attendees is arranged in an amphitheater style, with curved rows of leather-bound chairs that ensure clear lines of sight to the dais. Each chair is finely crafted, offering understated comfort while maintaining the formal atmosphere. A polished stone floor, veined with streaks of silver, reflects the soft lighting, and a long, plush rug in crimson and black runs from the entrance to the dais, guiding all eyes to the Prince’s seat. The room is a masterpiece of form and function, its every element reinforcing the power and control of the Prince while providing a space for Kindred to witness and participate in the politics of the night.
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<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Contents: Eddie 0s Bruiser in a Business Suit. Veronica 18m Badass black gal in a silk wrap Luke 29m A tattooed man with dark hair. Ha-Joon 0s A tall, slender Asian man with hunter green eyes Isabella 5m Brown long hair, 5'6" toned body build Garabaldi 4m Six foot, thin David 5m Tallish man with dark hair and steel blue eyes. <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Obvious Exits:
Prince's Office <PO> Patio
Primogen Council <PC> Keeper's Office <K> Sheriff's Office <Sh> Seneschal's Office <Sen> Out <O> <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
Isabella has her self posted by the door on the wall looking to the kindred as they enter. She is dressed in a purple top and black jeans with boots upon her feet. She will greet those who come in.
Garabaldi comes in and takes his place against the back wall. His gloved hands rests on the head of his cane and he waits for the room to fill and court to begin. As Primogen and Officers file in each is greeted with a bow of his bald head. When the Prince enter the bow becomes a more formal thing. He straightens and resumes his watching of the room and kindred gather within.
A Gangrel is never late, nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to Mister Baggins. Speaking of Deja arrives without much fanfair as she slips in the back and moves to take up a place off to the side out of the flow of traffic. As ushual she has the Goth/Punk thing going on, but at the moment a simple old worn hoodie of forest green, er maybe gray, its hard to tell what color it originally was really.
It's that time again. Eddie comes into the Crimson Hall, ready for Court. He looks around to those that are gathering and offers a slight smile. He moves to his normal seat and gets comfortable.
Vain on the other hand, simply has a knack for showing up precisely on time. Which is exactly when he does. Whomever said on time was late is dumb, apparently. As soon as the moment turns, there is Vain, striding in like he owns the place.
David has apparently been here for sometime, lounging in his normal chair. Arms folded across his chest as he waits.
Sonja enters through the front, carrying a box of her papers that was removed during repairs. She walks to her door first, opening it up to tuck it into her office with a foot before she shuts it and moves to her seat at the dais to wait for the Prince.
The Prince enters from his office as he walks up to the dais, his eyes scanning the room as he arches an eyebrow. "Small crowd this evening." He says, grinning as he looks over to the Seneschal, offering her a nod before he looks back to the rest of the Kindred gathered here today. "I will admit, I was hoping for the appearance of our new Gangrel." He then shrugs his shoulders slightly, glancing to Sonja. "Before I begin, is there anything from the Seneschal?"
Sonja looks to Ha-Joon as he comes in, inclining her head respectfully. As he asks her for any news she might have, "Just the delightful news from the Primogen meeting that Clan Brujah's arena construction has resumed, and that Keeper Vayne has some exciting plans for spicing up Elysium and the Phoenix." A nod at the end to signal that's all she has.
David stands when Sonja enters, offering her a respectfull bow, then another one to the Prince when he arrives, waiting till they are seated till reataking his own seat.
As the Prince arrives, Eddie will stand and offer a bow to the Prince, then the Seneschal before taking his seat again. He smiles a bit more at the announcement.
Isabella bows to the prince as he enters, she will return to her hands to her side after the bow. Looking to court. She will toss a smile to Eddie at the annoucement about the brujah.
Abraham has been present, as he is most Courts. The Sheriff stands to the right and below the Prince's dais, wearing his usual attire -- old-style suit, claymore on his back, and pistol at his hip. The Brujah's arms are behind him as he stands at parade rest, waiting for the Princeto call the session to order.
Ha-Joon nods his head slowly, "Interesting." He then looks over to the Sheriff. "Any news from the Sheriff before I get to the tasks at hand?" He asks, glancing in Abraham's direction.
You paged Vormund with ‘You're missing court.’
Vain looks about at the gathered undead, listening silently for the moment.
Immacolata walks in with Italian swag, and Renata too. Her suit isn't too bad, either. But she's not the main character here, and court has probably sort of started, so she slips into the back seats.
Renata moves with purpose, but her presence is both quiet and unassuming. There is a stillness in her gait, a measured control that speaks of something no longer bound by the limits of life, yet unwilling to be reduced to the mindless hunger of death. Her eyes, dark wells of languid pensiveness, scan the room as she takes stock of who is here this evening. One hand rests on Immacolata's arm before she is seated, smoothing the underside of her dress before settling in.
ItsrYulia slides into the back as Court begins, the tall Gangrel that awkward kid who slips in after class starts. Her every movement is quiet but deafening from the soft footfalls to the way the door closes behind her. She clears her throat very gently, purposefully really, and settles into a seat.
rYulia slides into the back as Court begins, the tall Gangrel that awkward kid who slips in after class starts. Her every movement is quiet but deafening from the soft footfalls to the way the door closes behind her. She clears her throat very gently, purposefully really, and settles into a seat.
"Some new developments, Highness," Abraham says as he steps forward, "on those threats that I brought up last Court." The Brujah looks to the assembled Kindred and begins. "First, we all know of the Infernal threat; one of the greatest we face. Deputy Frost has been heading that up and has more detail, but we seem to facing some kind of a cult." He continues on. "Next we have the situation with Primogen Dubios' attack by this unknown Kindred. Fortunately, it has not attacked again, but I imagine we won't get lucky enough that it will end here. Deputy Garabaldi will be heading up that investigation and ensuring that we can deal with this threat." He pauses to gather his thoughts, then says, "We also have what I spoke of last Court. What appears to be a rogue band of ghouls and revenants that call themselves the Crimson Cartel. We have some details on their operation but they look to be running some kind of a black market vitae trade in Houston and have been for years. Deputy Raven will be heading up that angle and has more information." Abraham looks to Isabella and gives her a nod. "Finally, there is the matter that came up last night," the Sheriff says, "A band of hunters who were trying to acquire some ammunition that has the ability to mimic the power of the sun using ultraviolet light. The Anarchs are involved in this as well. This will have to be dealt with as well. That piece will be handed by me directly." A beat. "This is a long list of threats and issues that this city faces. All of them are dangerous and potentially deadly." A look to Ha-Joon then back. "The call will go out for you all to help and it is an expectation that everyone will do their part, where they can. No spectators." The dark-haired Kindred looks like he has a lot to say tonight! "On a lighter note, I wanted to give special praise to Deputies Frost and Garabaldi for staying behind to help with the fire in the hotel here after the earthquake. Without it, we may no longer have an Elysium. Secondly, thanks to Deputy Garabaldi, Keeper Vayne, and our newest Toreador arrival Veronique Chevalier, for their aid in disrupting a meeting between the hunters and the Anarchs last night that, if we had not succeeded, would have seen them acquire that dangerous ammo." The Sheriff then looks to Ha-Joon and nods, indicating that his part is done.
The Seneschal looks towards the Sheriff as he starts to talk, her eyebrow going up partway through. A sighed, "Hmm." slipping out as she looks back to the Court at large. "When it rains it pours. I look forward to seeing who offers to help with what and how their talents shine. As always, please make sure to take care when traveling alone. Avoid it if you can help it." Then looks over towards the Prince to see what he has for them tonight.
Isabella will nod at the Sheriff and looks back to the prince to hear from him to watch the happenings of court as it unfolds.
Immacolata leans forward and listens. An infernal cult threat. Ghouls and revenants, running responsible illegal businesses. Hunters. And anonymous kindred accosting Primogen in the streets. GShe narrows her eyes and pulls a toothpick out of her pocket, leaning back and ruminating thoughtfully.
Vain gathers his wings about himself, doubtless a shield against all the bad news.
Deja remains silent to the news as she leans her head ever so slightly to listen. Her yellow eyes resting first on the Sheriff then the Seneschal as they speak each in turn. She is a little fidgety, but she is always a little fidgety when she is in court, or around serious people.
Announcement: Ori shouts, “Is the ground shaking?! If you're in the city proper you probably barely feel anything, but if you're out at Sam Houston forest, it's a trembling! What weird cosmic forces are at play today?! And more importantly, where's the best cheese burger in town? Asking for a friend.”
The Prince inclines his head toward the Sheriff in acknowledgment before turning his gaze back to the assembled Kindred. "Before I begin, I would first like to extend my gratitude to the Sheriff and Deputies for their swift and decisive response." His eyes shift to Luke. "And to the Keeper, for ensuring the safety of all within these walls." A brief pause as he notes the arrival of the Giovanni. "It is also reassuring to see that the Kindred of Clan Giovanni remain unharmed."
Clasping his hands behind his back, he begins a measured pace across the dais, "To those who have weathered the storms that have come upon us, you have my deepest appreciation. It is clear now—Houston has become an epicenter of activity." He lifts his hands slightly, as if weighing unseen scales. "Both for better and for worse." A knowing smile tugs at his lips. "For those accustomed to intrigue, ambition, and action, I imagine there is no place more fitting."
He halts for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the room. "In the past, we have focused our attention entirely on one crisis at a time." His expression turns contemplative. "And I believe this is where we have misstepped." With a deliberate motion, he gestures to one side. "By dedicating all resources to dealing with one threat, we have, perhaps, allowed others to advance unchecked." His tone sharpens slightly, the weight of responsibility evident. "This must change."
As he moves back to the center of the dais, his posture straightens, his voice carrying the resolve of leadership. "With that in mind, I encourage those willing and able to step forward—to take part in ensuring Houston remains in our hands." He raises a single finger. "First, the infernalists linked to Mary Ash." A second finger. "The unknown entity hunting Kindred within our domain." A third. "The Crimson Cartel and their movements." A fourth. "And now, the troubling emergence of manufactured UV rounds."
His hands lower "These threats demand our attention. To that end, I would see teams assembled to begin investigations into each of these matters. Those with the skills, knowledge, and drive to act will find their efforts not only needed but remembered." His focus shifts to the Primogen, awaiting their counsel and the response of those willing to act.
The Seneschal looks over towards the Sheriff, mulling something over before she asks him. "Did the group dealing with the hunters manage to get their hands on any samples?"
Looking up to the Prince as he speaks. He waits for him to finish and nods, "If it's happening in the shadows, I can turn my resources towards the Crimson Cartel." Eddie says. "I'd also like to help with the Kindred who attacked me." A faint smile, "I owe a little payback."
Vain enquires, "Do the UV rounds actually work?" He pauses, "If they do work, can we simply substitute versions that do not?"
"We did, thanks to Miss Chevalier," Abraham says to the Seneschal as she asks about samples, "I will be having a look at them myself. The Anarchs could not have known but my specialty in guns is ammunition." A look to Vain as he mentions the ammo working. "I am testing it tonight. Nothing I have seen thus far has led me to believe it won't, but the proof will be in firing it. And, the concern with the bullets is that these are samples of a product someone is producing, somewhere. We have to find out where and stop them from doing it again and spreading the technology. Having this ammo on the street would be bad for all of us." His gaze remains on the gargoyle. "Are you volunteering to help me?"
Immacolata says something quietly to Renata --- then listens to the Seneschal, and Brujah Primogen, and Vain. She stands, and offers, "Clan Giovanni is, as always, happy to be of service to the Praxis of Houston." Her tone is respectful, if a bit cavalier in the Italian goon sense. She adds, "Perhaps we can be of assistance with the infernalist cult, or help Primogen Du Bois get justice for his trouble."
Isabella will look up from her section of the wall by the door and looks to the prince and then to Eddie. Waits for him to finish before she speaks. "Thank you for your help Eddie, I am willing to welcome anyone that wants to help me figure out about the crimson cartel. I to would like to join you on finding who attacked you and offer assitance in giving them payback. " She will let that be all that she offers for now.
Sonja nods slowly. "If you can get me a list of parts needed to construct it I would be more than happy to use my people to track down supplies being brought into the city." She offers to Abraham before folding her hands in her lap.
David ponders the Prince's words, "I would like to see this thing with the infernal to its end."
Vain replies agreeably to Abraham, "Sure. I'll help you with your ammo problem. If those bullets work they might be an inconvenience." He grins, showing off his pearly whites, "And I do so hate being inconvenienced."
The Prince nods, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Let us focus our efforts—one task at a time. I hear your questions, and while we lack sufficient information on more than one front, that is something I intend to change."
His gaze sweeps across the room before settling on David. "Magister, if you are willing, I would ask you to lead a small team dedicated to investigating the infernalist threat. You were the first I briefed on this matter—it is only fitting that I extend this opportunity to you."
He then turns his attention to the Giovanni. "The Tremere and Giovanni have long proven their effectiveness in handling occult matters. I see no reason to alter a strategy that has brought success before."
Pausing, he looks back to the assembled Kindred. "Who among you will step forward to lead the remaining investigations?" His eyes scan the room as he continues. "We still face three pressing concerns—the Crimson Cartel, the entity hunting our kind, and the Anarchs distributing UV rounds."
His gaze shifts to Vain. "You have spoken up. Perhaps you would be willing to lead the effort into uncovering the source of these UV bullets?" He then turns to Sonja. "With the assistance of the Seneschal?"
Looking back to the assembled Kindred, "Know this—those who take on these responsibilities will ultimately report their findings to either the Sheriff or the Seneschal before any decisive action is taken. Coordination will be key in ensuring Houston remains ours."
Looking up from his spot on the wall Garabaldi, "I am in for the hunt your Grace it is almosy a personal matter."
Isabella looks from her spot on the wall and offers to the prince. "I will aid in the investigation of the crimson cartel, I want to find out who injured me and seek revenge and catch those responseable. "
Immacolata looks to David and offers a friendly gesture with her hand --- elbow bent at her suit-side, palm up and moving mildly side to side. "On behalf of my cousin Renata and the other members of my family, it would make my night to offer our services to you in solving this matter of infernalists, Deputy Frost."
Vain rumbles, "Well, sure. If they're coming out of some human factory that's not my area, but anarchs are easy to talk to."
"Welcome aboard then, Vain," Abraham nods to the gargoyle, unmoving from his spot next to the throne. As Ha-Joon speaks further on the matter, the Brujah keeps his gaze straight ahead, watching who volunteers to step up and take part in which investigations. Sonja's statement about the manufacture of the bullets gets a glance and a nod from Abe. "These are extremely unique bullets that would require potentially exotic components. I may need someone skilled in sciences to help."
David nods to Immacolata and offers a smile, "Of course, the help will be much appreciated." he says before turning his attention back to the Prince.
Vain notes, "I do a lot of things, but not science things. So we will need at least one more helper."
Deja says "Well I do not have any skills in investigation or gathering information personally. My talents lay in physical tracking and in scouting, BUT if you need them my Primogen can always find me. I tend to hangout at Memorial Park mostly. Occasionally I visit the cites clubs for distraction though." She stops and gives it careful thought before she adds "Yea thats about it" as she nods her head to indicate she is finished speaking. Maybe a bit mater of factually, but that seems to be you young looking woman's nature.
The Prince nods, his gaze settling on Immacolata. "As always, this city—and I—are grateful for your assistance. If these threats affect us, they will inevitably affect all Kindred in Houston." A knowing wink follows before he sweeps his eyes across the gathered Kindred. "Excellent..."
His attention shifts to Abraham, one brow arching as he presses his lips together. "Well, there we have it, then." Turning back to the room,. "The team investigating the UV bullets requires someone with a strong understanding of science.... a pity our former rocket scientist is no longer present." A twitch of his lips can be seen as he glances to Sonja without moving his head, slowly stepping in the opposite direction from her.
His gaze lands on Isabella. "Deputy Raven—perhaps you could enlist a few of our new Gangrel to assist?"
Looking toward the Sheriff, he inclines his head slightly. "And perhaps Miss Chevalier could be extended an offer to join your team? From what I understand, her efforts were instrumental in retrieving the bullets."
Finally, his eyes move to the Seneschal, one brow lifting in silent invitation for her thoughts on the matter. As his gaze drifts to Deja, a subtle smile plays at his lips before he once again addresses the room.
"Any questions thus far?"
Isabella doesn't have any questions to ask the prince at this time. "Yes, I would be more than happy to do that, I would just need to find out who they are and I will get busy on enlisting them. "
The Prince continues, his tone steady and commanding. "We still require volunteers for the team that Deputy Garabaldi will lead in investigating Primogen Dubois’s attacker."
Sonja's head shakes slowly, nothing to add.
Having spoke his peace, Eddie looks around the room as well, to see who else steps up at this point.
Isabella looks to the prince and to Deputy Garabaldi. "I would also like to assit Deputy Garabaldi in investigating Primogen Dubois's Attacker. "
Immacolata chills, sitting back down, relaxed.
Vain, who is biggest, if not best, simply waits to see who else will be on the team with him.
Abraham is now silent, watching the Court with those chilly, dark eyes of his. Each speaker gets a faint shift of his head to look in their direction.
Ha-Joon turns his gaze to Isabella. "I appreciate your enthusiasm," he says smoothly, "but with your own team to oversee, I’d like you to focus on uncovering everything you can." His smile lingers before he shifts his attention to Garabaldi and Eddie. "I’d like at least one or two more Kindred to assist with the Crimson Cartel," he continues, his tone thoughtful. A brief pause follows before he adds, "As for the UV bullets…" His gaze sweeps the room. "Perhaps a few of the kindred who are absent would be interested in joining with Vain and the Sheriff."
Finally, his eyes settle on David. "I trust the Tremere and Giovanni have the infernalism issue well in hand," he states, his voice carrying an unspoken expectation. "Or will you require additional aid?"
A glance is given back to Sonja, "I entrust that each of you will keep the Seneschal updated and informed on your progress." He then turns, grinning to Sonja. "If that is all this evening?"
Isabella nods at the princes words and listens to him adress the rest of the court with a smile playing on her lips. she feels like she has done some good this evening on volunteering. She will look to sonja and listen to what she has to say.
David nods to the Prince, "Of course," he then adds, "Ms Chevalier has been helping me with the investigation in recent nights."
Sonja nods lightly to the Prince. "I have nothing further, Your Grace."
Ha-Joon nods his head as he looks out ot the rest, "Then I look forward to hearing updates on your progress." He says with a smile, "Thank you all for coming these evening." He then looks to Renata and Immacolata(Pina Colada!). "Give my regards to Dona Giovanni."