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+equipreq: <item name> (<itemnumber>)=<details>

Always include the item number in your details, as well as your relevant stats and levels for equipment: Resources / Crafts / Equipment.

Equipment with an X for price can not be justified with Resources.



Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
101 Hatchet 6 1 L J M20/450 0
102 Tomahawk 6 2 L J M20/450 1
103 Axe 7 3 L N M20/450 1
104 Great Axe 7 6 L N M20/450 3 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
105 Polearm 7 3 L N M20/450 1 Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed.


Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
106 Stiletto 4 1 L P M20/450 1 Penetrates up to three points of armor.
107 Knife 4 1 L P M20/450 1
108 Short Sword 5 2 L J M20/450 2
109 Sword 6 2 L T M20/450 1
110 Broadsword 6 3 L T C20/286 2 Weapon gains +1 damage if used two handed.
111 Katana 6 3 L T M20/450 2 May be used two-handed for an additional +1 damage die.
112 Great Sword 5 6 L N M20/450 4 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
113 Klaive 6 2 A J W20/302 X Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
114 Grand Klaive 7 3 A T W20/302 X Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
115 Sai 5 1 L J M20/450 1 +1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
116 Hook Sword(s) 7 3 L T M20/450 1 Used as pair, requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.

Clubbing Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
117 Riot Baton 5 1 B T M20/450 1
118 Baseball Bat 5 2 B T M20/450 2
119 Crowbar 6 1 L J M20/450 1
120 Staff 6 1 B N M20/450 1
121 Iron Staff 7 3 L N M20/450 1 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
122 Mace 6 2 L N M20/450 1
123 Nunchaku 7 2 B T M20/450 1 +1 to dice pool when used to block, +1 difficulty to opponent’s block attempts.
124 Spiked Club 6 2 L T M20/450 1
125 Huge Spiked Club 7 4 L N M20/450 2 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.

Fist-Extension Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
126 Sap 4 1 B P M20/450 1
127 Brass Knuckles 6 0 L P M20/450 1
128 Spiked Gauntlet 6 1 L J M20/450 1
129 Hand Claws (small) 6 1 L P M20/450 1
130 Hand Claws (large) 6 2 L P M20/450 1
131 Katar 6 2 L J M20/450 1
132 War Fan 5 2 L J M20/450 2
133 Wind and Fire Wheel 6 3 L N M20/450 2

Improvised Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
X Broken Bottle 6 1 L P M20/450 0
X Chair 7 2 B N M20/450 2
134 Chainsaw 8 7 L N M20/450 3
X Table 8 3 B N M20/450 2

Whips and Chains

May be used to entangle an enemy’s limb at +1 difficulty.

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
135 Chain 5 0 B J M20/451 1
136 Chain Whip 6 1 L J M20/451 1
137 Kusarigama 7 3 B T M20/451 1 Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
138 Manriki-Gusari 7 2 L T M20/451 1 Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
139 Flogger 6 1 B J M20/451 1
140 Barbed Cat 6 0 L J M20/451 1
141 Whip 6 0 L J M20/451 1
142 Bullwhip 7 1 L J M20/451 1


Conventional Guns

Type Dam Range Rate Clip Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
201 Revolver, Light 4 12 3 6 P M20/452 2
202 Revolver, Heavy 6 35 2 6 J M20/452 2
203 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Light 4 20 4 17+1 P M20/452 3
204 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Heavy 5 30 3 7+1 J M20/452 3
205 Rifle 8 200 1 5+1 N M20/452 2
206 SMG, Small 4 25 3 30+1 J M20/452 3 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
207 SMG, Large 4 50 3 30+1 T M20/452 3 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
208 Assault Rifle 7 150 3 42+1 N M20/452 3 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
209 Shotgun, Sawed Off 8 10 2 2 J M20/452 2
210 Shotgun 8 20 1 5+1 T M20/452 2
211 Shotgun, Semi-Automatic 8 25 3 6+1 T M20/452 3
212 Shotgun, Assault 8 50 3 32+1 N M20/452 4 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.

Technocracy Sidearms

All category weapons except chain-gun feature laser sights and can be used by Sleepers and extraordinary citizens; issued only to Technocracy personnel of extraordinary citizen level or higher.

Type Dam Range Rate Clip Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
213 Biggs X-5 Model R Protector 5 40 4 12 J M20/452 X Revolver; at the touch of a button, can chamber any type of ammunition loaded in the cylinder. Both Model R and Model A made of composite materials – invisible to metal detectors.
214 Biggs X-5 Model A Protector 5 400 4 12+1 J M20/452 X Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
215 Biggs Mjollner Mk. IV 10 100 1 10 T M20/452 X Rarely issued to unEnlightened personnel, as it tends to jam on a failed roll during unEnlightened use.
216 Castle-Graves WW-3 8 200 3 50+1 N M20/452 X Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
217 Bolan Mk. 13 Weapon System M20/452 X Combines a submachine gun main weapon (as per AK-47; 50-shot clip) with auto-shotgun capabilities (as MPS AA-12; 20-shot clip) through the main barrel, plus a grenade launcher under that barrel (as a MP-79/ six-shot magazine). Laser sights. Heavy; requires Strength 3 or better to employ but has relatively low recoil. Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
218 HIT Mark Chain-Gun 8 150 3 200 N M20/452 X Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.


Long and short bows take an automatic action to nock and draw; crossbows require two automatic actions to reload. A character with Archery 3 or higher can nock, draw, and loose an arrow as a single action but cannot do the same thing with a crossbow.

Type Dam Range Rate Clip Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
219 Short Bow 4 60 1 1 N M20/452 2
220 Hunting Bow 5 100 1 1 N M20/452 3
221 Long Bow 5 120 1 1 N M20/452 2
222 Crossbow, Commando 3 20 1 1 J M20/452 3 Collapsible; requires one turn to unfold from storage configuration, plus one action to load once it has been unfolded.
223 Crossbow 5 90 1 1 T M20/452 3
224 Crossbow, Heavy 6 100 1 1 N M20/452 3
225 Taser 5 5 1 1 P M20/453 2 Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored.
226 Tear Gas 3 3 1 5 P M20/453 3 Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
227 Bear Mace 4 3 1 3 P W20/303 2 Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
228 Pacification Spray 5 3 1 5 P M20/453 X Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.

Thrown Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
229 Knife (Dagger) 6 0 L P M20/453 1
230 Shuriken 7 3 (No Str) L P M20/453 1
231 Spear 6 1 L N M20/453 1
X Stone 5 0 B varies M20/453 0
X Stone, Large 5 3 B N M20/453 0
232 Tomahawk 6 1 L J M20/453 1

Special Ammunition

Special ammunition is handled on a case by case basis. Trying to get illegal ammunition can (and probably will) get you into trouble with law enforcement, local or federal.

Type Dam Bk/Pg $ Effects
301 Ectoplasmic Disruptors 5/A M20/454 X Blasts spirit entities and vampires with aggravated damage explosion; normal damage to physical beings.
302 Explosive Shells 6/L M20/454 5 Mini-grenades; six dice on target, minus one die/ yard from impact to max. of -6 dice; usable only in shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
303 Flechettes 7/L M20/454 3 Tiny darts; modern body armor reduced by -2 to protection from this ammo, but old-style thick armor counts as double for this ammo only; only from shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
304 Incendiary Rounds 4/A M20/454 5 Phosphorus – ignites in air when fired; inflict two dice aggravated damage for one turn after they hit; ignite flammable objects.
305 Rubber Bullets B M20/454 1 Damage as normal bullets for the gun, but bashing, not lethal.
306 Taser Bullets 5/B M20/454 2 Electrical charge inflicts 5 levels bashing for two turns; Technocratic special ammo.
307 Tear Gas Rounds 5/B M20/454 2 Fills two meter radius with tear gas – see Toxins, p.456; shotguns and Technocratic firearms only.
308 Teflon Bullets L M20/454 4 Damage as per normal bullets for the gun, but reduce armor protection value by -1.

Special Gun Sights

Scopes add two dice to shooter’s dice pool for the first shot only.

Type Diff Reduction Bk/Pg $ Notes
309 Laser Sight -1 M20/454 2 One turn to aim.
310 Sniper Scope -2 M20/454 3 Two turns to aim.
311 Night Vision Scope -1 M20/454 3 Dark only; also lets shooter see in darkness


Thick coats, flack suits, cybernetic armor, and other methods of protection absorb the damage of an attack. In game terms, armor adds dice to a character’s soak roll and allows a human being to soak lethal damage as well as certain types of aggravated damage – a vampire’s fangs, most likely, but not fire, or Life Sphere magick.

Light armor is easy enough to move around in, and supernatural effects can turn business suits or lingerie into cloth-weight armor too. Most forms of normal-tech armor, though, get cumbersome. Certain types of armor inflict a penalty upon the wearer’s Dexterity-based dice pool and demand time to put on or take off. Slipping on a biker jacket takes a single easy action, but a cop donning riot gear needs several minutes to suit up properly.

Armor does not stack. Any armor with a Dexterity Penalty cannot be concealed.

Type Rating Dex Penalty Bk/Pg $ Notes
401-403 Tough Hide 1-3 0 M20/447 X Tough Hide reflects animals, Bygones, constructs, or shapechanged characters with especially thick or armored skin.
404-407 Cybernetic Armor 1-4 0 M20/447 X Cybernetic Armor has been built into the wearer. See the Background: Enhancement.
408-409 Reinforced Clothing 1-2 0 M20/447 2-4 Reinforced Clothing has been stiffened, padded, or layered with thin mesh protection.
410-414 Enhanced Clothing 1-5 0 M20/447 X Enhanced Clothing is apparently normal clothing modified by the supernatural powers.
415 Biker Jacket 1 -1 M20/447 2 Biker Jacket represents thick, practical, heavy-duty protection.
416 Leather Duster 2 -2 M20/447 2
417 Cosplay Mail 2 -1 M20/447 2 Cosplay Mail reflects modern costume armor. Usually made from butted rings.
418 Chainmail 4 -2 M20/447 3 Chainmail represents battle-worthy chain-link armor, heavier than cosplay mail. Usually made from riveted rings.
419 Steel Breastplate 3 -2 M20/447 3 Steel Breastplates are for example rider cuirass
420 Full Plate 5 -2 M20/447 4 Full Plate is articulated knight’s armor.
421 Kevlar Vest 3 -1 M20/447 3
422 Flak Vest 4 -2 M20/447 3
423 Riot Suit 4 -2 M20/447 3 Riot Suit is police heavy body armor.
424 Military Armor 5 -2 M20/447 4 Military Armor reflects a full suit of modern battle armor.
425 Alanson Hardsuit 7 -2 M20/447 X Alanson Hardsuit is a standard-issue, full-body suit of hypertech Technocratic armor, used by Union security forces composed of extraordinary citizens and Enlightened agents alike. See M20/656 for details.


Shields act as protective gear that can be brought to bear when facing an enemy. An opponent who’s facing your shield in hand-to-hand combat adds +1 or +2 to his difficulty to hit you, depending on the size of the shield in question. If it’s being used to ward off projectile weapons (bottles, rocks, bullets, etc.), then a shield also acts as armor, reducing a blow by one success for every level in the shield’s Rating.

That said, a shield occupies one hand, restricting the user’s movements and potential activities. Blocking a specific incoming attack (say a volley of bullets or a swung fire axe) demands a Dexterity + Melee roll and a dedicated shield blocking action. Shields are heavy, too, and they suggest that you’re looking for trouble. Outside of riot-trained police (who often use them in formation) and medieval reenactment enthusiasts, you won’t find many people in the 90s using shields.

Type Rating Diff Bonus Dex Penalty Bk/Pg $ Notes
426 Trash Can Lid 3 +1 0 M20/447 0
427 Wooden Shield 2 +2 -1 M20/447 2 Wooden Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
428 Metal Shield 4 +2 -2 M20/447 3 Metal Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
429 Riot Shield 5 +2 -1 M20/447 4 Riot Shield is a thick Plexiglas or metal-with-viewport shield, employed by police forces (typically in a wall formation) during civil unrest situations.