2025-03-13 Camarilla court
Date of Scene: 13 March 2025 Location: Crimson Hall Synopsis: Camarilla Court Thanks to: Everyone who attended!!!!!! Cast of Characters: Kindred of Houston Cast of NPCs: Ha-Joon
<-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Downtown - Elysium - Crimson Hall ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
The Prince’s Courtroom is an imposing and meticulously designed chamber that exudes authority and gravitas, setting the tone for the weighty decisions and declarations made within. The room is expansive, with high ceilings that emphasize its grandeur, and the walls are clad in dark, polished wood panels, inlaid with subtle silver accents that form intricate, almost imperceptible motifs of Kindred lore. Warm, ambient lighting emanates from chandeliers designed to mimic a ring of suspended candles, casting flickering shadows that give the space an air of timeless dignity. At the head of the room, a raised dais commands attention. Upon it sits an ornate throne, carved from rich ebony wood and upholstered in deep crimson velvet, its high back adorned with silver filigree in the shape of intertwining roses and thorns. The throne is flanked by two smaller yet equally regal chairs, reserved for trusted advisors or favored Kindred. Behind the dais, double doors of heavy, dark wood lead to private offices and the council chamber, their surfaces engraved with the Camarilla’s insignia. The seating for attendees is arranged in an amphitheater style, with curved rows of leather-bound chairs that ensure clear lines of sight to the dais. Each chair is finely crafted, offering understated comfort while maintaining the formal atmosphere. A polished stone floor, veined with streaks of silver, reflects the soft lighting, and a long, plush rug in crimson and black runs from the entrance to the dais, guiding all eyes to the Prince’s seat. The room is a masterpiece of form and function, its every element reinforcing the power and control of the Prince while providing a space for Kindred to witness and participate in the politics of the night.
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<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Contents: Eddie 0s Bruiser in a Business Suit. Estrella 13s 5'7", Brunette with expensive clothes. Amelie 52s Slim brunette, Fame 3, App 5 Crowley 3m Gray skin, black hair, corpse-lookin' mofo. Veronica 39s Badass black gal in a silk wrap Zofia 4s A pale, athletic dark haired woman. Sonja 15m Tall redhead, usually serious. Vain 19s Imposing figure with wings and horns Ha-Joon 17s A tall, slender Asian man with hunter green eyes Yulia 56s Tall, dark haired, Eastern European Garabaldi 5m Six foot, thin Hwarang 18s Shorter Korean man with black hair. Isabella 1h Brown long hair, 5'6" toned body build David 3m Tallish man with dark hair and steel blue eyes. <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Obvious Exits:
Prince's Office <PO> Patio
Primogen Council <PC> Keeper's Office <K> Sheriff's Office <Sh> Seneschal's Office <Sen> Out <O> <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Abraham comes in from Elysium - Crimson Hall Abraham has arrived.
Garabaldi leans against the back wall going over a list he has on a clip board, he checks off items as he looks over the room. Nodding his head as other kindred file in. He seem less troubled then he has been in recent nights and offers the occasional smile.
Crowley is one of the cool kids, off in the periphery. He's leaning against a wall, not looking carefree but definitely seeming aloof. He's dressed in his normal garb, and has divested himself of a small arsenal at the door to comply with the demands of Elysium. He appears ready to hunker down and take in the night's agenda, arms crossed over his chest and eyes on the dais.
Sonja enters through the front tonight, making her way towards the dais and her seat there. She comes to stand next to her chair, waiting for the Prince to enter before settling in.
Having been here already, Eddie sits where he usually sits. One leg crossed over the other, he watches people come in. His usual smile is missing, his expression fairly bland and cold.
A little on the later side of things this evening, Estrella finally makes her way on into the room. She pauses for only the briefest of moments to survey the room, before heading to a chosen seat among those gathering and filtering in.
Estrella sits down at Front Seats.
Amelie arrives, her hair down, designer dress, heels...all of the pieces one much come to expect from the Toreador ghoul.
Smooth steps taking her closer, she comes to take her position, arms crossed low in a self-hugging motion. Her eyes move, sweeping over the gathering, taking in the faces of those gathered and offering a little smile of greeting to those who would acknowledge the ghoul.
Yulia enters the hall with Zofia, dressed very similarly to her sister with the whole black turtleneck and jeans look. She wears it better, of course. In her opinion at least. The tall slavic woman follows Zofia over to a seat, her posture excellent even as her movements sway. How prim. How proper. Right until she just plunks lazily in the seat, looking rather boneless.
Crowley sits down at Back Seats.
The Prince's door will open, but the first to appear is not Ha-Joon, but his childe Hwarang. The shorter Asian man will stand up straight, and proper as he holds the door open, likely signaling the arrival of the Prince but as usual his face has a neutral expression about it.
Tonight Hwarang is decked out in the finest of black suits with a notched lapel with three ruffles in it. Beneath the black jacket is a fine silk dress shirt, but no tie is seen instead a large gold neck that covers most of his throat with gold pendant lies between the collar. The tatted ands have no visible jewelry. His legs are covered in fine black slacks and upon his feet are a pair of shiny black oxford dress shoes.
Abraham is positioned in his spot next to the dais, below it actually and to the right. The Brujah is wearing his usual outfit tonight, but he often mixes up his frock coat with a different vest or even a formal tie if he's feeling fancy. One difference tonight is that he seems to have made himself a new gunbelt. A beautiful black leather affair that sems to match his dark outfits. He has two pistols mounted on it, one on each hip in low cut holsters that look designed for quickdrawing. Interestingly, the Brujah seems to have no sword tonight. Often, a Scottish claymore is strapped to his back. But it is not today.
The Prince enters shortly behind Hwarang, his hands resting casually in his pockets. He nods to his childe in passing before making his way to the dais, each step measured, every movement purposeful. As he settles onto the throne, his gaze sweeps over the gathered Kindred, a faint smile playing at his lips.
"As always, I thank you for joining me this evening." His tone is smooth. He leans back slightly, fingers tapping once against the arm of the throne.
"There are several matters I wish to address tonight, but first—tradition dictates I defer to the Seneschal and the Sheriff before proceeding." He inclines his head toward the two officers, signaling for them to speak.
As is proper and right, when the Prince arrives, Eddie stands. After the Prince speaks, he offers a slight bow and then retakes his seat. He crosses one knee over the other and folds his hands in his lap. He has no smile tonight, his expression deadpan.
Sonja inclines her head to the Prince as he enters, and once he's sitting she moves to do the same. Her legs cross as her hands fold in her lap and she nods as he lets them have the floor first. "A word of warning to the Praxis this evening. Or a reminder as it is. The creature hunting our Nosferatu remains in the city, and has made another appearance. Continue to remain vigilant, and when possible try not to travel alone." Then looks to the Sheriff to see what he may have for the evening.
Yulia doesn't stand but she does raise a hand to wave before giving a short wolf whistle in Ha-Joon's direction. Should he give her a look or... anything really, she'll give him a big cheesy thumbs up.
Veronica stands, giving a bow to the Prince and Hwarang, then will sit once they do.
David stands as the Prince enters, bowing respectfully to him. He sits once the Prince does, hands folded in his lap as he listens.
Zofia nudges her sister in the side 'gently' with her elbow and whispers something to her in Ukrainian, glaring at her.
Rising as the Prince makes his entrance, Estrella dips her head in a graceful bow of acknowledgement, holding her stance until he takes his own seat before once more reclaiming hers.
No smile from Crowley either. He's watching the proceedings, expression deadpan, his ruined mouth approximating a neutral expression. The word of warning from the Seneschal darkens his expression slightly, though he nods in affiration of the sentiment to keep oneself protected. Quiet he remains, however. He offers a nod toward the Prince upon his appearance in the hall.
As Ha-Joon passes Hwarang will respectfully bow his head, while bending forward ever so slight in a respectful way while maintaining his silence. It is only after the prince has passed that he gently close the door behind him.
Soon the shorter Asian man will trail behind the prince, catching Veronica's bow and give a tip of his head in recognition while he moves his way off to the side of the prince, Seneschal and Sheriff. It is there that he will remain standing, hands folded behind his back and clasped together, back straight and a hawk-like gaze rolling over those gathered here tonight.
The Sheriff shakes his head after a glance at Sonja, saying, "Nothing new to report. Investigations continue, including those into this mysterious ancient. There are no new threats that have emerged. Next week, the Brujah will be holding a Rave and the week following, the Regulators will be hosting a mock Blood Hunt. All are encouraged to come out and test your skills at hunting your fellow Kindred. It is a surprisingly useful skill, when there is a need for it." Abraham then looks to the Prince, stepping back some, bowing his head to him.
Vain listen quietly to the Court's ongoing business.
The Prince inclines his head toward the Sheriff and Seneschal before casting a measured glance across the assembled Kindred. "Very well,". A brief silence follows as he rises from his seat. "It should come as no surprise that our city has faced...... and will continue to facen....umerous adversaries. We have encountered threats both seen and unseen, yet one truth remains steadfast. the Kindred of this Praxis are strong. We have endured, and we shall continue to do so, no matter what forces seek to undermine us."
Stepping forward on the dais, he continues, "I have several announcements to make. First, I am pleased to appoint my childe, Hwarang, to the position of Keeper of Elysium. While Mister Vayne has served admirably, we believe his skills and attention would be better directed elsewhere at this time." The Prince turns his gaze toward Hwarang, offering a nod. "I expect that all will afford him the respect due to his station."
A pause follows. "It has come to my attention that, while we have been preoccupied with the relentless tides of conflict....our enemies ever eager to test our resolve...we have, perhaps, neglected the very foundation upon which the Camarilla thrives." His gaze sweeps over the room. "Influence."
"My question to you all is this—who among you will rise to the occasion? Who will step forward and do the necessary work to secure our presence within the city of Houston? It is not enough to simply exist within these borders; we must command them. Who here will prove their capability in guiding the kine, ensuring that their eyes remain turned away from our affairs while simultaneously bringing them under our influence?"
He pauses, "Much to my dismay, this is where our Praxis finds its greatest weakness. To my knowledge, we hold no sway over the local media, nor do we exert control over the street gangs that move through this city. We remain uncertain of the full extent of organized crime beyond our Giovanni allies and their contacts. Worse still, there is no substantial hold over local law enforcement."
His gaze lingers on the crowd, weighing each face before continuing. "The list goes on. And so, I ask you—what are we prepared to do about this?"
Yulia faux-frowns after Zofia chides her for her lack of decorum, her head giving a light shake before she leans over, whispering in her sister's ear.
Veronique stands at the front row of seast, turning to regard the assembled members. "I believe I can work with the street gangs and maneuver around the control of the Giovanni. I have already begun."
"And another thing, the Toreador are nearing completion on renovations for a secondary Elysium in the event this location is compromised. We can also offer temporary housing if anyone needs a safe haven for a limited stay. This also applies to recognized and respected visitors who may not feel comfortable in a hotel." Veronique offers. And she'll add, "Our staff wil be accustomed to the -peculiar- hours and activies we keep, and accommodations for even more unusual situations can be arranged." With that, she'll give a nod to Vain, and then turn to the Prince. "When you are ready for a tour, My Prince, please let me know."
Zofia glances around, still a bit unaccustomed to these meetings and unsure if she should simply speak. And so she raises her hand first, "Your Excellence, I do not have criminal connections here in Houston yet, but I have done work of that nature in other cities in the past and would be willing to work to infiltrate whatever Russian speaking groups are located here."
Amelie listens to the update, the explainations and the information about the monster to be wary of and the bloodhunt she would watch but almost certainly not take part in.
Then the Prince begins to talk and she leans in, as drawn by station and message as she was the bloodbond.
Hwarang's promotion? It earns a smile, but topic switches and she follows until finally her gaze is drawn to Veronique as discussion begins to talk of the new Elysium.
Crowley raises a hand, his gravelly voice emitting, "I, too, am working on this, your Grace." He frowns slightly, or what might be assumed from his distorted visage. "Though I have to admit, it's an uphill battle, given recent events." He allows that to hang in the air, not clarifying what it means.
Vain grumbles, "Sadly, influence requires the ability to move behind the scenes, and I am just always the center of attention. So I must admit that my talents.. lie elsewhere."
David also raises a hand and speaks when he has a turn, "I have my fingers in Industry and am making end roads towards gaining influence in the Medical field."
As the Prince speaks, Eddie thinks on that a moment. A look to Veronica and that sinister smile spreads across his face. It lingers but a moment before he turns back to the dias.
"As it stands, Your Grace, I have some influence with the Underwold. I also have ears to the upper eschelons of the Cali Cartel." Eddie says to the Prince. "I have my fingers in the City Planner's office and there is a very industrious reporter that answers my calls when needs be." A slight bow of his head, "My web spreads further as we speak."
Hwarang was likely well aware of his appointment already as the announcement doesn't seem to remove that stoic look from his face, nor does he waver from his standing position off to the side.
No, the shorter Asian man is already attending to his duties by keeping a watchful eye over tonight's proceedings as his eyes will bounce from person to person as they speak, you can almost tell by the way he looks that he is making a mental note of what each of them have to say.
Considering the words of the Prince, Estrella announces in a simple manner, "Your Grace, I have reached out to a few channels within my clan in other cities. There have been a few interested parties considering relocation to these parts that might very well be able to assist with these areas of deficiency. I will endeavor to keep you informed."
Sonja looks from the Prince as he expresses his disappointment, but for once doesn't deeply frown. Hearing the various members of the Praxis speak up on how they are or will contribute keeps a rather mild expression on her face. But yes, there is a little bit of a smile and a nod as the Ventrue Primogen speaks as well.
Abraham remains oddly silent. The Brujah does listen closely as others step forward and state their assets or volunteer. He says, nothing, which one might interpret as they wish. Abraham's hands remain crossed behind him, legs held slightly apart as he stands at parade rest and utterly stock still but on alert.
The Prince nods, "The objective here is clear—we must work together, both as a Sect and as Kindred, to solidify our presence and ensure our continued dominance." His gaze shifts to Veronica, offering an approving nod. "I would like to see what you have built."
Turning next to Zofia, he acknowledges her with a simple, "Excellent." Then, his eyes settle on Crowley, and he inclines his head. "May I inquire as to what it is you are working on?" Before any interruptions arise, he lifts a hand in a subtle gesture to temper the room.
"Understand, I do not ask this to force you to lay your cards bare before your peers. My intent is merely to ensure that should a situation arise, we know precisely who among us has the influence necessary to extinguish the flames before they spread."
A low chuckle escapes him. "Excellent. I encourage you all to continue as you have been. However, there remain critical gaps in our control—The Media and Local Law Enforcement. These two pillars are essential, not only to strengthening the Masquerade but to ensuring our existence remains unknown to the kine. If we are to claim true dominance over Houston, these matters must be addressed."
"Media is...something I have some familiarity in, my Prince..." Amelie speaks up, perhaps unexpected from the ghoul, "though in my own country. I could certainly reach out, make some efforts...or suppoet those who do."
Veronica is still standing. "My Prince. I have a question, perhaps to clarify some things. If I can have a moment?"
Ha-Joon nods to Veronica, "Go ahead."
"Two nights ago, I visited the office of the cargo ship that brought me to Houston. I was curious about some news I had heard, and I followed up. I found some disturbing information regarding some deaths that occurred -on- said ship. My inquirees led me to discover the ship arrived in the city as a veritable charnel house. Over half the crew were murdered, and yet none of this reached the news. None of... reached the Praxis." She pauses. "Upon sharing this news with Primogen Dubois, he made it clear the Dockyards are his domain and I had no business entering without my permission. It seems to have caused a rift in our relationship, and I had hoped for clear up the ... expectations... of Domain and what constitutes Trespassing?"
Yulia and Zofia seem to be whispering back and forth in hushed tones.
Abraham looks to Veronica and listens to her speak. He tilts his head to the side slightly as she mentions the massacre on the ship. The Sheriff remains quiet .. for now at least. As the Rose Primogen finishes, his dark eyes drift to Eddie.
Listening silently as her row companion makes her inquiry, those brown eyes shift to regard the Brujah Primogen with a mildly arching brow. Estrella considers Eddie for several passing moments before redirecting her attentions back to the Rose Primogen and Prince, curious to the answer.
There is a certain agitation in Crowley, a shift in his demeanor, a need to interject. He grimaces slightly at the discussion, glancing between Veronica and the dais, awaiting an appropriate time to interject. He does, finally, lift one bony hand to indicate he'd like to speak when acknowledged.
Hwarang's brown eyes will flicker back and forth quickly between the Brujah and Toreador primogen. His face remains expressionless but it is clear that he wishes to hear more on the event and so he quietly awaits Ha-Joon's reply to Veronica.
The Brujah Primogen has a blank expression. He makes no outward reaction to the Rose Primogen's inquiry. His eyes stay on the dias for the time being.
Like all, Amelie's eyes move, drifting from the new Toreador primogen to indeed look at Eddie...and then back to the dias in turn.
There's a glance between Veronica and Eddie, a breath taken so she can sigh. Noting the hand lifting from the Nosferatu she motions for him to go ahead and speak, seeing what he has to add to the discussion.
Garabaldi watches in silence, his clipboard held at his side now. He frowns a little at news of a massacre as he looks between Veronica and Eddie.
Vain is leaning against one of the walls, mostly silent as he watches the business of the Court from the back.
Ha-Joon raises a brow at the question, leaning forward slightly to emphasize the nuance of his response. "No—simply entering another’s domain is not, in and of itself, a violation. If it were, the movement of Kindred between domains would be impossible, and diplomacy would swiftly deteriorate. However…" He allows the silence to linger, the weight of his words settling over the gathered Kindred before he continues.
"Should a Kindred be found conducting business within another’s domain, availing themselves of its amenities, hunting without leave, or exerting influence without the express permission of the domain’s rightful holder, such actions would constitute a direct violation of the Tradition." His gaze flicks between the two Primogen before settling.
"Primogen Chevalier was at the port investigating a personal matter—one that, as it took place within his domain, the Brujah Primogen should have been informed of." He pauses, his tone deliberate. "Especially given the circumstances that have just been presented." Another pause follows, measured and exact. "However, in this instance, there has been no violation of the Tradition of Domain. No laws have been broken."
The Prince clasps his hands behind his back as the warmth fades from his eyes as he looks out amongst the kindred present. "I will say it does cause me to be slightly concerned about the status of the Primogen council within this city. We have an ancient hunting the Nosferatu. We have Anarchs manufacturing bullets that replicate damage that the sun does to us, despite the multitude of talented Kindred within this domain - we have very little influence over the workings of this city and yet, the Primogen are more concerned about trespassing..... a minor trespass." He shakes his head slowly as he looks back to the rest of the kindred. "Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Primogen should be able to work this out amicably and continue to work on more pressing matters. Had the Toreador Primogen been conducting business that did not involve her arrival in the city, it would be an entirely other matter."
"Well, if I erred by not anticipating the trouble I encountered, then I apologize to the Court," She'll turn and look over at Eddie. "And publically, before the Court, to Primogen Edward Dubois." She'll hold that for a moment.
"I anticipated talking to someone in the office to find out what had occured, to clarify the rumors. I did -not- have any expectation to come face to face with the suspected Nictuku. I also did not realize the extend of the deaths that occurred. I had believed bringing it to the attention of the other Primogen would be the most appropriate response." "Again, Primogen Dubois, I apologize."
Deja makes her way in a bit late, as ushual, but the little Gangrel did bother to show up so a few brownie points there? She slides to her spot along the back wall as she listens in to catch up on what has been going on.
Yulia and Zofia remain as they are, primarily focused on their quiet back and forth. From their tone there might be a few invectives between them.
"Your Grace," comes a gravelly intonation from Crowley, who still has his hand raised slightly. He shifts slightly, anxious to speak.
Ha-Joon looks over to Crowley, "Yes, Primogen Crowley." He gestures for the Nosferatu to come forward.
"The discussion of domain is beyond the scope of my purview," the Nosferatu drawls, ".... but I just wanted to note something I gleaned from my discussion with Primogen Chevalier." He pushes off of he wall where he's leaning, rising to his full height and raising his voice just a touch. "She mentioned that this creature that's hunting my clan...." He does not speak the name, "... that when she encountered it, it pushed into her mind." He glances to Veronica, as if affirming his recollection. "I would not be surprised if it knows the location of our Elysium. I think it calls for an additional level of diligence, as we seek to figure out how best to deal with the threat."
Veronique nods to confirm Crowley's assertion.
Listening to the Prince, Eddie's expression does not change. There's a faint nod to what he says. When Veronica speaks, Eddie does look in her direction.
He regards her for a long moment after she speaks. Finally, his smile slowly slides across his face. He bows his head to her. "Excuses acceptées." He says to her. His attention turns to Crowley as he speaks.
"Pardon, Primogen," Abraham says as he looks to Veronica, "You said the ship in question here was one which you came to the city on? Were you able to find out more about how this creature ties into the murders on the ship and the presence of the Nic-" he stops and catches himself, as if not wanting to say that name aloud, "The ancient one, in the city? That you received a personal visit from it, says something. Are you special in some way? Why you, of all of us?"
<OOC> Hwarang says, "I have to dip to get ready for bed. Been a long day. Going to leave myself logged in so I can catch up tomorrow."
Bullets that replicate the sun. Amelie had heard this story...but well, the thought did occur to her: she had a firearm of her own, and the ghoul might well be the only person in the room who could carry such a thing safely...assuming they had any captured.
The thought remains a moment, only to be pushed aside by Abraham's question that has her blinking.
Letting her gaze slide from the Prince to the Rose Primogen to the Brujah Primogen and then finally to the Nosferatu one, Estrella is inveritably charting a path around the room. Calmly holding her tongue, she simply appears content to register the information with a degree of stoicism across her features. Finally, her gaze slides forward to light upon that of the Seneschal with a slow arch of her brow.
"I stumbled into what it was using as a lair, apparently." Veronique says to Abraham. "I doubt it remains in the Cargo Hold, but perhaps it shold be investgated?"
His piece said, Crowley falls silent as Abraham begins questioning Veronica. He reaches up, touching a finger to his hat, and leans back against the wall as the line of questioning falls away from himself. He listens to the exchange, frowning slightly, before stating, "It was sending a message. We could visit the ship, but I think we'd find it empty."
Ha-Joon nods his head and looks between the three Kindred talking, his eyes falling to the Sheriff and awaits his response.
"I think that would be advised, Primogen Crowley. Perhaps Monsiuer Dubois and his team could could accompany you? I believe the Nosferatu have their own mastery of Auspex that would help to read the site?" Veronique offers. "I will pledge my assistance, if the Brujah Primogen allows."
"Oh, I'm happy to to go look," the Nosferatu asserts, nodding his head. "We might not be the best for that task, but I can think of those who would be," he answers to Veronica, offering some semblance of a smile upon his twisted mouth. "Perhaps a member of Clan Malkavian can accompany us, as I think their insight might be especially valuable when reading the area." Crowley's grin broadens slightly, "More the merrier, though it'll be one hell of a bad night if we actually find what we're looking for."
"Primogen Crowley is correct on this, I believe," Abraham looks to the Nosferatu, "This thing appears when and where it wants, and I somehow rarely suspect without a purpose. A purpose, I fear, we may never quite divine in its entirety." His gaze lingers on the Nosferatu before drifting back to Veronica, where it settles. "Yes, we could all go have a look." Toward the Prince, he says to him, "Though, as the Nosferatu Primogen said, I expect we won't find much, Highness. It could also be a trap. It's what I would do." The Brujah grows quiet again.
Veronica nods, but doesnt add anymore.
Ha-Joon nods his head and mutters something in Korean before he rubs his face, shaking his head. "Forgive me if I seem to have lost some patience, but we know what it's motives are. We know why it's here. Now, we just need a plan, an effective one, to get it to leave." He looks to Crowley, "Primogen Crowley, there is an.... well I do not want to say easy... but, there is an option for you to seek aid in combatting this monster with a kindred that may be on equal footing." A glance is then given to David, before he looks back to Crowley and then Garabaldi, "I do not know how effective it would be in that I highly doubt this Kindred would bat an eye to aid the Nosferatu, but the only Kindred strong enough to combat this ancient would be the Tremere Council Member, Meerlinda." A glance is given to David, "I am sure the cost would be high, perhaps too high, but there is that option if you wish to pursue it. And, I say you because this creature is hunting the Nosferatu and there fore it will be the Nosferatu that will have to request this."
Eddie doesn't have anything to add at this point. He continues to sit and listen. When Ha-Joon speaks again about the Tremere, Eddie's brows go up a bit, but soon resume their normal operation. His expression goes deadpan again as he looks to see what Crowley's answer is.
David nods to the Prince when he is glanced at. He then turns to Crowley, "If you wish it I can try and set up a meeting with the Councilor." he offers before looking back toward the Prince.
Zofia seems lost in thought for a moment before raising her hand again. "We know it seeks shelter in the day, the way we do, whatever power it has it still has that weakness. Perhaps we should focus on finding and relieving these anarchs of those sun bullets, if you are seeking a way to fight such a powerful creature that shares our weakness for the sun.
Vain's normally neutral expression turns to a scowl when he hears that particular name.
"Our list of options is small," Crowley admits, nodding his head in affirmation to Ha-Joon's comments. He glances to David, considering for a moment. "I'd be willing to take a meeting with Meerlinda, to see what our options are and what price it might entail," he states, frowning slightly. "It would seem our other option is to leave the Praxis, which isn't ideal but is also a viable solution ... in the absence of other options." He glances to Garabaldi, briefly. "I do hope it would leave with us if it comes to that, and not remain a blight upon this city."
Garabaldi nods to Crowley, "Leaving is a viable option it should follow us that is its purpose."
It might take shelter from the sun, but Amelie doubted her advantage of being able to tolerate the light made hunting an ancient in its lair any safer. Instead she simply crosses her arms at her bust once more, back to silence and observation.
"We should have a visit to the cargo hold first." Veronique offers. "We dont expect her to still be there, but the impressions will be fresh, no?"
The Prince nods, his gaze resting on Crowley for a long moment before he speaks. "Primogen Crowley, Whip Garabaldi—you are both tasked with leading this investigation. However, let me be clear: this is to remain purely investigative. You are not to seek out this ancient directly, lest you walk into the very trap she has laid. I do not sacrifice Kindred on the whim of some relic nursing an ancient grudge."
His attention shifts to Zofia, offering a nod. "The Gangrel sisters may prove invaluable in this effort. Zofia raises a valid point—this creature must slumber somewhere during the day, and I doubt she takes great care to avoid drawing attention while securing a lair."
The Prince sweeps his gaze across the assembled Kindred, his tone unwavering. "With that settled, your tasks stand before you: Strengthen your influence. Investigate the ancient. Continue pursuing the matter of the UV bullets." He inclines his head slightly. "Is there anything else that must be addressed before we conclude open court and dispense with the formalities?"
Abraham listens to the Prince and in response, gives a nod, looking toward the Nosferatu who have now been signed up for this. He looks to the Gangrel as well, then settles his gaze forward, clearly having nothing more to add.
Waiting to be noticed, Eddie speaks up, finally. "The Crimson Cartel. I have some resources working on intel for the sites we have information about." Eddie says. "Should I put that on hold and focus everything to this Gorgo sitaution?" A beat. "I was under the impression that the Nictuku is a more pressing matter at the moment?"
Crowley's jaw sets slightly, teeth grinding as he seems inclined to speak again or add something else. Instead, he simply nods his head toward the Prince's directive, and settles back against the wall he's been leaning against for most of the night. "Your Grace," he intones politely. Arms cross over his chest, and he falls silent, dropping into whatever dark thoughts have absorbed him.
Ha-Joon looks over to Eddie, arching an eyebrow as he considers. "I do not want to lose track of them. So, I am going to say that you may to continue working on your intel. Perhaps another here would aid you in that? But, I fear that until this situation with the Ancient Nosferatu is dealt with - no kindred is safe."
There is a bow of his head to the Prince. "As you wish, Your Grace." Is all Eddie needs to say or know. He glances back to Yulia and then his eyes go back to the dias.
Ha-Joon has voted for you.
Sonja watches as the Prince speaks with the various Primogen, "Remember, lone wolves end up eaten or worse. Work with your groups, recruit if you find something missing. Heaven forbid actually start forming coteries. It will make tasks like this easier if you form a rounded group."
Listening to the edicts of the Prince, Estrella issues a polite nod of acquiescence to the Korean man, before glancing back to Eddie as he speaks again. Silence is apparently golden this evening, the Ventrue Primogen wearing it like a proud shroud. When her own clanmate adds the reminder, her lips twist into a faint smirk, giving the woman a slight dip of her head.
Abraham looks around as it seems like Court is wrapping up, but he is fine with waiting on the Prince to call it formally. He does uncross his hands from behind his back, however, and looks like he is ready to move away from his spot.
Ha-Joon looks up and nods to Abraham. "That is all for now."