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Its a wonder that Alessio Giovanni is still alive. Struck by lightning as a child, nearly drowned after falling in a river, accidental poisoning... the list of near fatal accidents that have befallen him just get longer and longer. A cousin of (difficult to discern distance to) Fiorenza and Giancarlo Giovanni, Alessio has shown up in Houston as Fiorenza's retainer. His mood is mercurial: at times he has a careless, easy going attitude that comes with having survived numerous brushes with death; other times he can seem haunted by the shadow of something just out of sight.

  • Hook~ Deets.

  • Hook~ Deets.

  • Hook~ Deets.

  • Hook~ Deets.

Mama ~ Alessio's cousin and domitor. Loyalty to her transcends life and death.

Giancarlo ~ Another cousin.

Renata ~ Yet another cousin.

Charlie ~ Adopted cousin.

Full Name: Alessio Giovanni
Family: Giovanni
Apparent Age: 30's
Themesong: Coming Soon.

"The world breaks everyone and afterward
many are strong at the broken places.
But those that will not break it kills.
It kills the very good and the very gentle
and the very brave impartially.
If you are none of these you can be sure
it will kill you too but there will be special hurry."

~ Ernest Hemingway