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♛        ~ Dalvin ~        ♛

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”


Dalvin is the name of the Director of Cane Creek Country Club, known to be a Mage who wears fabulously exquisite, high fashion - usually of the business suit variety. Outside of that, not a lot is known for sure about him. There are individuals who might know about more than others, but in general, his cards are kept close to his chest, though he's likely to have an ace or two up his sleeve at every given moment.

Friendly and engaging, he's usually pretty open and inviting to people that he comes across, though his motives and intentions sometimes seem a bit unreadable, which sometimes works against him. He's happy to engage in discussion about pretty much any topic, but has a penchant for asking probing questions regarding personality, morality, and the inner workings of what makes people tick.

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

Roleplay Hooks
(work in progress)

An Akashayana in sheep's clothing

Dalvin has long been a fixture in Houston, though his presence often fades into the background for years at a time. His extended absences, spent on study and travels in the farthest corners of the world, have become almost routine. Most recently, Dalvin has kept a deliberate distance from the other Traditions, shrouding himself in mystery and making no contact with the city’s magical community for the last two years. Even as he maintained his polished public persona—a successful, stylish figure in high society—his true self remained buried beneath layers of detachment. He has not been openly hostile, but his silence and aloofness have left an air of uncertainty.

However, the recent storm that hit Houston has changed everything. The strange, unnatural force that swept through the city has drawn Dalvin back into the undercurrents of power and danger that define Houston’s supernatural world. His reemergence in the city’s affairs signals a shift, one that many will not expect. While he has retained his calm, sophisticated facade, the dangers that lurk behind this resurgence are real. He knows that to survive—and to protect what he values—he may need to become his old self again. The city, now more dangerous than ever, demands the return of the man who once thrived in its darkest corners.

Shadow Lord Kin

Dalvin discovered early in his life that he was Kinfolk, though the significance of that connection was a mystery to him at the time. All he knew was that somewhere in his family line, there were ties to werewolves, but what that truly meant remained elusive. Shortly after this revelation, Dalvin Awakened, and his focus shifted entirely to the demanding path of becoming an Akashic monk. The rigors of training, meditation, and discipline consumed him, leaving little room to explore his Kinfolk heritage. For years, his life was dominated by the intricate burdens of his magical awakening, with his connection to the Garou left as a distant curiosity.

It wasn’t until much later, once Dalvin had gained more independence and control over his responsibilities, that he revisited his Kinfolk lineage. Delving into his connection to Gaia, he uncovered the truth—he was Kin to the Shadow Lords. This revelation set him on a new path of research and introspection, as he sought to understand the legacy he had inherited. He spent considerable time learning what being Shadow Lord Kinfolk truly meant, both in general and on a deeply personal level. Recently, Dalvin has reconnected with the local Sept, offering his skills and knowledge as a dedicated Kinfolk. Fortunately, his integration has been smooth, and he has repaid their hospitality with unwavering loyalty and dedication, solidifying his place within the Garou community.

Director of Cane Creek

You got problems? I got... less.

Working out:
You gotta hit this new gym

If we could just all work together...

A Wu Lung? Yep. Deal.

City Secrets:
But they're secrets for a reason

You forget about the Families?

I know what you know. Kinda.

Crucible Pyramid:
Athleticism hard check.

A fear. A primal fear...


Dalvin cuts a striking figure, a masterclass in sartorial elegance and understated opulence. His suit, crafted from the rare and exquisite Vicuna wool, exudes an almost ethereal softness, the dark grey fabric shimmering subtly under lights. The jacket, tailored to perfection, accentuates his broad shoulders and tapers smoothly down to his narrow waist, where it meets a matching vest that fits like a second skin. Each button on the vest is a small work of art, platinum discs engraved with intricate patterns that catch the light with every movement.

His tie, a deep, regal purple, is flawlessly knotted and adorned with a sleek platinum tie bar that holds it in place just above the vest. A vibrant handkerchief peeks out from his breast pocket, folded with precision into a neat puff, its rich hues of purple and gold complementing the tie and adding a splash of color to the ensemble. On his right lapel, a delicate mandala pin, also in platinum, serves as a subtle nod to his training, the intricate design offering a quiet contrast to the otherwise bold and modern look.

The overcoat draped over his shoulders is a masterpiece of cashmere, its weight and warmth almost palpable. The coat’s inner lining is a riot of color, a swirling vortex of purples and golds that mirrors the cosmic chaos he keeps hidden beneath his composed exterior. Hanging from one of his belt loops is an oversized platinum wallet chain, its links thick and heavy, connecting to another belt loop above the back pocket. The chain sways rhythmically as he walks, adding a touch of juxtaposition to his otherwise polished appearance.

Dalvin’s belt, another piece of fine craftsmanship, features a stylized platinum buckle shaped like a complex geometric design, almost like a sigil, reflecting his deep connection to the arcane. His cufflinks, set with flawless amethysts, glint alongside the black diamond-studded bracelet wrapped around his wrist, both pieces catching the light with every gesture. Every detail of Dalvin’s attire speaks to a man who is not only aware of his power but revels in it, presenting an image that is as enigmatic as it is commanding.

“So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible.”