Poppa Joe

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Revision as of 00:42, 18 August 2024 by Maho (talk | contribs) (Made with player permission.)
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Introduction[ edit ]
Poppa Joe's been around Texas for many years. Everyone seems to know Grandpops. He walks around with an old bamboo staff like he's Houston's very own version of Fizban. Don't know who that is? Well, it ain't nothing but the best secret that was ever told! Don't you youngin's read anymore? Hee Hee! Read!
RP Hooks[ edit ]

Old Cowboy: He's wandered all up and down Texas. Enjoys talking about the good ol' days.
Spirit Foo: Spirit Talker and Shaman.
Abuelo: Speaks Spanish.
Po Po: Has a Granddaughter who works in Houston PD.
Teacher: You wanna know something? Dig it! Come sit a spell.
Known to Fera: If you don't know him, yer own parents did, or grandparents did, and so on.

Contacts[ edit ]
Everyone. Ha!
Poppa Joe[ edit ]
Statistics[ edit ]

Age: Wrinkly
Mood: Happy Fucker

Gallery[ edit ]