2025-02-06 Camarilla Court
2025-02-06 Camarilla Court | |
Date of Scene: | 13 February 2025 |
Location: | Crimson Hall |
Synopsis: | Camarilla Court |
Thanks to: | Chaos |
Cast of Characters: | Kindred of Houston |
Cast of NPCs: | Ha-Joon |
Garabaldi enters the room and takes a spot on the back wall a Mattel football game in hand as he plays and waits for court to start. He has at least turned down the irratting noises it makes for the sake of others.
--- ----- <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Downtown - Elysium - Crimson Hall ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
The Prince’s Courtroom is an imposing and meticulously designed chamber that exudes authority and gravitas, setting the tone for the weighty decisions and declarations made within. The room is expansive, with high ceilings that emphasize its grandeur, and the walls are clad in dark, polished wood panels, inlaid with subtle silver accents that form intricate, almost imperceptible motifs of Kindred lore. Warm, ambient lighting emanates from chandeliers designed to mimic a ring of suspended candles, casting flickering shadows that give the space an air of timeless dignity. At the head of the room, a raised dais commands attention. Upon it sits an ornate throne, carved from rich ebony wood and upholstered in deep crimson velvet, its high back adorned with silver filigree in the shape of intertwining roses and thorns. The throne is flanked by two smaller yet equally regal chairs, reserved for trusted advisors or favored Kindred. Behind the dais, double doors of heavy, dark wood lead to private offices and the council chamber, their surfaces engraved with the Camarilla’s insignia. The seating for attendees is arranged in an amphitheater style, with curved rows of leather-bound chairs that ensure clear lines of sight to the dais. Each chair is finely crafted, offering understated comfort while maintaining the formal atmosphere. A polished stone floor, veined with streaks of silver, reflects the soft lighting, and a long, plush rug in crimson and black runs from the entrance to the dais, guiding all eyes to the Prince’s seat. The room is a masterpiece of form and function, its every element reinforcing the power and control of the Prince while providing a space for Kindred to witness and participate in the politics of the night.
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<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Contents: Eddie 0s Bruiser in a Business Suit. Deja 13s Mousy brown punk hair, yellow eyes. Sonja 10m Tall redhead, usually serious. Hwarang 3m Shorter Korean man with black hair. Ha-Joon 8s A tall, slender Asian man with hunter green eyes Jason 2m An unkempt man wearing noticeably dirty clothing. Jeans, well worn hiking boots and a green and black plaid flannel shirt. Luke 3s A tattooed man with dark hair. Garabaldi 1m Six foot, thin Veronica 2m Badass black gal in a silk wrap David 3m Tallish man with dark hair and steel blue eyes. Amelie 12m Slim brunette, Fame 3, App 5 <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Obvious Exits:
Prince's Office <PO> Patio
Primogen Council <PC> Keeper's Office <K> Sheriff's Office <Sh> Seneschal's Office <Sen> Out <O> <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
Sonja arrives through the front, heading up towards the dais to wait for court to begin. She stands at her seat next to the Prince's, hand resting on the back as she waits to sit for now.
David stands when he sees Sonja has arrived and offers her a respectful bow.
The soft click of polished shoes against the silver-veined stone floor precedes Luke's arrival as he steps into the Crimson Hall with an air of quiet confidence. The ambient flicker of the chandelier's candle-like lights dances across his sharp green eyes and the faint flush of his skin, lending him an unassuming vitality that belies the calculated precision in his every movement. His dark, tailored suit fits impeccably, the subtle embroidery along the lapels catching the faintest gleam of the hall's light, understated yet deliberate.
The Malkavian pauses just within the threshold, taking in the imposing grandeur of the chamber with a slow sweep of his gaze. A faint smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he inclines his head respectfully toward the dais and the gathered Kindred. He moves toward a seat along the curved rows while offering a faint nod to familiar faces as he passes. Sliding smoothly into place, he settles in with the easy grace.
Deja makes her way into Elysium as she stands in the back leaning against the wall. Her yellow eyes looking over the room as her gaze swings slowly from face to face.
As the time draws near, Eddie makes his way into the Crimson Hall. He pauses and looks around the room before moving to sit in his usual spot. He folds his hands in his lap for now. His usual smile is dimmed and more of a furrowed brow expression.
Amelie was here, an arrival with soft little steps of her heels, her hair pinned up and makeup perfect as one might expect from a Toreador's attendant. Figure hugged by the deep colored fabrics of the designer dress almost certainly payed for by the funds of another, her gaze slips over the faces of those gathered, a light smile offered before her steps draw her to settle into her seat close at hand.
Garabaldi notices Sonja and David and pauses what he is doing to offer Sonja a bow before nodding to David. As time approaches he slides his toy into a pocket and then straightens his tie.
Vain has arrived.
The door to the Prince's office is opened, though it is not by Ha-Joon, it is by another older Korean man who is decked out in a pristine dark blue suit with a matching tie and brown dress shoes. Everything about him and his outfit is well put together.
Once Ha-Joon exits he will give him a flash of a smile with a bow of his head and closes the door behind him before placing his tattooed hands behind his back, clasping them together and following along behind the prince.
Despite his short stature Hwarang carries himself with a commanding and confident aura about him. His intense brown eyes survey the court at large, giving each individual an attentive gaze as if trying to read how each one of them ticks.
The door to the Prince's office opens, and Ha-Joon strides toward the dais with quiet confidence. His gaze sweeps over the gathered Kindred as he clasps his hands behind his back, a pleased smile playing at his lips. He offers a measured nod in greeting.
"Good evening. Once again, and as always, I appreciate your presence here tonight." His voice carries an effortless authority, pausing just long enough to let the words settle.
"There are a few matters I wish to address," he continues, "but before we begin..." His attention shifts to the composed figure at his side. "I would first like to introduce a new Kindred to our city." His smile deepens as he gestures toward Hwarang. "I will allow him to introduce himself."
A flicker of amusement dances in his eyes as he glances toward Sonja, his lips curving into a sly grin. "And afterward, we shall hear from the Seneschal."
Vain is here, of course, He may not be wielding capital-p Presence, but he has sufficient quantities of the regular kind to draw the eye. Too big to fit in a chair, he has carefully positioned himself not to block anyone's view, but he still takes up enough space that even in the shadowed amphitheater setup he is still extremely visibl.
David, still standing turns when the door to the prince's office opens. He gives The Prince a respectfull bow and remains standing until the prince sits before sitting himself.
When the Prince comes out, Eddie rises to his feet. There's a slight bow of his head in respect before he looks back to the figure gestured at. He studies the man a moment before settling back into his seat, folding his hands in his lap for now.
At the left side chairs, Veronica gives a little wave to Ana to join her.
Abraham is not at his post this time when the Court starts up, but he does emerge from his office, dressed as he typically is for the event. Strapped to his back, a Claymore sword, pistols in ready positions at his waist. The Sheriff crosses to his typical spot and assumes the parade rest stance he so often is in. His gaze settles forward, cool and dispassionate as he waits for more.
Jason stands briefly as the Prince enters, nods his head in respect and then takes his seat again. His eyes are scanning the entire crowd taking in those he has come to know as well as those he is as yet not very familiar with. So many tales to learn over time.
The Seneschal inclines her head to Ha-Joon, then looks from him to the unfamiliar face near him. She remains standing for the moment, watching Hwarang with a touch of curiosity in her expression.
Throughout the whole time, Hwarang does not sit. He simply stands next to Ha-Joon with arms clasped behind his back while continuing to look over those who are present with a look that is devoid of any emotion.
Once the announcement of his arrival is made though he will give a warm smile to Ha-Joon, unclasping his hands to let one touch at his stomach before bowing towards the prince. When he comes to the upright position, he will stand up proudly, walking across the floor with his shoes audibly heard clacking against the floor, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the court." There is an Asian accent to his words, but it has long since faded from being broken likely due to time being spent in the new world, "I am Hwarang Lee of clan Toreador. Childe of your beloved and cherished prince, Ha-Joon." He will briefly turn on his heels to look back at his Sire warmly.
Then Hwarang turns back out towards the court to address them, walking by each clan's respective station as he speaks, "I will not bore you with the details of my entire life history so I will stick to the basics. You will find that I am rather unique from the others of my clan. While I cherish the arts and performances, my art style is a little different from the rest." He will pause near the other Toreadors and bow his head as well, "I prefer the Art of War. That being said, I have long been detained from my sire for some time, traveling from city to city to give strategic advice and to train others in times of war with the Sabbat and other threats to our sect and unlives. I am happy to offer such assistance to any of you as well. Please, don't be a stranger." He has come full circle now back to Prince Dais, giving him another bow before taking a spot to his side and behind him where he will stand.
Veronica, the French accented dark skinned women in the left side seating area, will have paid close attention to that, and gives a little finger-to-palm clap. Not loud. Not distracting. Just out of a little appreciation.
The Prince nods to Hwarang as he moves to stand by him. He then looks out to the rest of the court, his eyes moving from the Seneschal then to the Sheriff. "Seneschal? Sheriff?" He inquires before turning to sit upon his throne.
Sonja inclines her head to the Prince before she looks out to the crowd, "Harpy Vayne, please come forward?" Her eyes landing on him once she picks him out of the crowd.
The newest arrival, the man who'd come from the office announced as the Childe of her Dormitor absolutely has the gaze of Amelie on him. Did she know of his existance? Was this a reveal to her as much as anyone else? Well, the French mortal woman in the room full of Kindred was doing her best to remain quiet and give nothing away. Talk of his particular artform? Well, her gaze does drift, to the sheriff, to others whom she'd seen first-hand had made combat and war their own focus and indeed had offered her instruction (and one particularly informative beatdown) in the past.
She could almost swear she could still feel the ache at the memory, even with the healing of vitae.
Attention drifts back and the Prince calls the next item, Amelie's hands folding in her lap and her attention drifting to listen as the Harpy is called forth.
Vain keeps quiet, and still! Not quite statue still, but fairly so. And he watches the introduction, looking thoughtful. Doubtless the gears are turning up there, however glacially they might be doing so.
The Toreador Primogen is here. Truly. Quietly in her seat, Ana watches Hwarang consideringly. She crosses one leg over the other at the knee, smoothing her skirt as she does.
Abraham steps forward and nods to the Prince, taking his time to settle into a spot that the Court can hear him. "A few items tonight." His voice carries well throughout the room. "There are at least two emerging threats in the Praxis at the moment. The first," A look toward Eddie, "I will let Primogen Dubious explain." The Sheriff takes a hard glance around the room for a moment, looking for someone. The brow furrow he makes indicates he doesn't see them. "The second," a look to David and then Isabella, "is emerging still and we are working on all the details to share with you next Court. Both seem to be dangerous and concerning." Back to Eddie, "Will you explain what happened to the Court?"
Veronica's attention now moves to Eddie, an eyebrow arched. She'll watch him through her amber-colored sunglasses.
Deja watches from the back of the room. If one looks more closely they might notice her sneakers are actually Heelys, the sneakers that have a wheel in the heel. She idly clicks the button with the toe of her other foot a few times extending and retracting the wheels idly as she watches and listens. It doesn't make any noise or anything and it gives the tiny Outlander (Gangrel) something to do with her idle energy to keep her mind off being inside a building. She does pay attention. . . . well for the most part.
With Abraham addressing him, Eddie will stand. He adjusts his duster a bit and then looks around the room. "There is a monster in the city." Eddie says. "Leaving my domain a few nights ago, I had an old friend suddenly appear from the shadows." He looks around as he speaks. "Knew all the things we've been through in the past six or seven months. As we talked, something didn't quite seem right."
"When I called him on the discrepancy, he told me that I should tell the Princ he was in town. Also that I should inform Primogen Wulfgar that he was coming for him." A beat, "That's when he told me he was going to play with his food and attacked me." A shake of his head, "I have never experienced something as strong as this vampire. With no regard for who might be a witness, he attacked me, then began to drain me right there. I fought with everything I had in me and that wasn't even a hiccup to this creature. It spoke into my mind for me to sleep and I thought it was the end of me."
Taking a second to compose himself. "My servant shot him twice, did nothing to him. Before he vanished into thin air, he flipped my limo over on its roof, with one hand. This thing found someone in my mind, took his persona and used it against me. He could be anywhere or anyone."
Isabella looks to David and then to the sheriff as he speaks and settles into her seat as Eddie takes the floor, she will raise a brow at what she learns happened to him.
Vain days nothing, but does, flex his wings, with the faint creaking of stone rubbing against a leather seat. Perhaps the gargoyle is sending a quiet message.
Hwarang is still settled to the side of the Prince's dais, arms folded behind his back into a clasp and searching the crowd all the same. It is quite likely his eyes will fall upon Amelie for a good long while, having at least heard of her from his sire.
However Hwarang's attention will be decidedly taken when the announcement from the sheriff about danger comes about. The hawk-like gaze will now seek out Primogen Dubois, settling upon him now and brows furrowing as he hears the story being unveiled. He remains silent and his face devoid of any emotion, but he seems to be contemplating everything the primogen told.
Garabaldi folds his hands on the head of his cane as he leans forward a bit to listen to the announcement by the Sheriff.
Amelie 's eyes do indeed seem locked on Eddie as he shares his story, the encounter with the creature that apparently seemed to have beat the Kindred as easily as she might be overpowered. And wasn't afraid of being seen doing it. Keeping her face even, only the light curling of her fingers coming to coil into the fabric of her dress in a self-soothing subtle display of nervousness.
Jason pays only passing interest to Eddie's tale seeeing as he heard it all last night at the Primogem Council
Abraham nods to Eddie's words, his face as grim as that story is. "If this thing is as powerful as the Primogen claims, and all our investigations show that it is, this city has a super predator walking amongst us with an axe to grind against Primogen Wulfgar." A beat. "If it is a Nosferatu, which is our early theory, we likely will not be able to track it down, but we must find a way to stop it. This is why it is critical that you bolster your haven's defenses and be alone as infrequently as possible. Trust. No. One. Not even a friendly face." The Sheriff lets those words sink in .. and gives extra time. "Two more brief items," the Brujah continues, "I want to call Isabella Raven out for her exceptional work on my behalf. You can see by the look of her she ran into some dragonsbreath rounds and suffered serious wounds. But, she accomplished the task, at great risk to herself. She has wanted to become a Deputy, and I see no reason why that loyalty should not be rewarded. She can join Deputy Garabaldi and Deputy Frost. We need all the fighters we can get." The Sheriff's tone lightens a bit, "The last matter is bookkeeping. The Regulators coterie will be hosting two events in the near future. One, a marksmanship contest in which we plan to work with the other factions and open up the contest to them as well. The second event, will be Kindred only. A mock Blood Hunt, in which Kindred of the Tower can test their skills in tracking down prey. Dates for these events will be posted as soon as we are able to finalize details." Abe then looks to the Seneschal and bows his head, a clear indication that the dark-haired Kindred is done. He steps back to his spot below the dais.
Isabella smiles brightly as she is awarded Deputy something that she has wanted for a bit now. She settles in her seat and looks around to note where the other Deputy's are and will speak to them after court is over.
The Seneschal nods to the Sheriff as he concludes the warning for the Praxis, looking out to the faces in the audience. "Harpy Vayne, please come forward?" She still stands next to her seat, having remained on her feet this time.
After giving his dissertation, Eddie looks to those gathered and then smiles towards Isabella before taking his seat again.
Luke's is listening, nodding along but his smirk sharpens ever so slightly as Sonja's words cut through the ambient murmur of the chamber. Rising smoothly to his feet, he adjusts the lapel of his tailored jacket with a practiced ease, as if the summons had been expected all along. His sharp green eyes meet hers briefly, a flicker of curiosity hidden behind a veil of composed charm. "Of course, Seneschal," he responds, his voice carrying that rich, resonant quality that seems to settle in the room's corners like velvet.
With measured steps, he makes his way down the crimson and black carpet, each footfall deliberate but unhurried. When he reaches the designated spot, he dips into a respectful bow toward the Prince before turning his attention to Sonja, his posture relaxed yet attentive. "How may I serve the court this evening?" he inquires smoothly, his tone warm but laced with a subtle undertone, as though he's already trying to piece together the purpose of the request.
Hwarang will silently nod, agreeing with the Sheriff's advice concerning the unseen threat. Furthermore, his eyes will then move back out into the crowd, seeking out the woman who would appear to have been shot with such a lethal round. He will give Isabella an appraising eye, but he remains silent as the others talk. Things move fast in the court, and Luke is soon about to bat. So Hwarang will now find himself looking between him and the Seneschal for the next order of business.
Sonja watches him approach, waiting until he's in front to continue speaking. She nods to him, "Your time as a Harpy, and your interested in a more proactive role regarding the Prince's club have caught the eye of His Grace and I. Because of your desire to become a part of the Praxis from the time you arrived, we would like to offer you the position of Keeper at this time. To provide a watchful eye on Elysium, as well as offer entertainment to the members of the Court." Her head tilts slightly, eyebrow lofting up as she watches him. "I don't suppose that tickles your fancy?"
Luke's sharp green eyes widen just slightly at Sonja's words, the faintest flicker of surprise crossing his features before it melts into a warm, genuine smile. Straightening his posture, he places a hand over his chest in a subtle gesture of respect. "Prince... Seneschal, I am deeply honored," he begins, his voice carrying that rich, resonant timbre that fills the chamber without overpowering it. "To have caught the attention of the Prince and you is a distinction I do not take lightly."
His gaze shifts briefly to the Prince, offering a respectful nod before returning to Sonja. "The position of Keeper is a responsibility I would be privileged to accept. Watching over Elysium, ensuring it remains a sanctuary of grace and civility, and weaving moments of entertainment worthy of this esteemed court... I can think of no better way to serve." A faint, playful smirk curves his lips as his eyes glimmer with unmistakable enthusiasm.
"I assure you, it more than tickles my fancy. It ignites it. You have my word that I will carry out this role with all the care and dedication it deserves. Perhaps, I can bring in some of the expertise of those in the court to assist, the Toredor I'm sure would fit the bill." Looking over and finding their Primogen, he bows slightly at the waist, "Perhaps we can speak of this." With that said, he bows to the Prince and Seneschal to wait if there is more of him being dismissed.
The Prince steps forward after the Seneschal concludes the matter of Keeper. He nods his head, his eyes moving to Luke. "Congratulations are in order, I believe. And, just in time, as it were." A pause, "I have received notice from the Seneschal of Philadelphia that Primogen Wulfgar has decided to take up as Primogen there. Will this mean he has left our city? I am not sure, the only information I have to go on was a call I received late last evening concerning the matter." A glance is given to Garabaldi, "I assume, with this absence of Vormund Wolfgar, that Garabaldi will assume responsibility for the domain granted to him as well as represent the Nosferatu on the Primogen Council until further notice." The tone that Ha-Joon has when delivering this information lacks its usual warmth, but is replaced by something colder sounding.
Looking back out to the Kindred of Houston. "Enough of that for now...." He says as he resumes his pacing. "Just when we think we are in the clear, yet another issue has arisen." He pauses and begin his ritual of pacing the dais. "I want to be certain that the Kindred of my city are taking necessary precautions. We are, when all is said and done, fierce creatures who value our independence, but in these perilous nights - I wish for you all to take caution and look out for each other." Another pause, as he nods around the room.
"First, what I wish to discuss is a matter we briefly touched on this past week. And, that is the matter of coteries." Stopping to glance about, he continues. "Now, with this mysterious being attacking the Kindred of Houston along with another matter that our Magister has been working on. We, once again, have enemies knocking at our door step. One that hunts us and the other that plagues our city with their infernal endeavors. As such, I find it necessary to encourage the Kindred to start working together." He pauses slightly, "I fear that in the past when we have been dealing with the issues before us that we have turned our back on maintaining our nightly affairs. By continuing this pattern of shirking our goals and aiming our attention all on one thing, our influence over the nights of Houston will never solidify."
He continues, "As such, I wish to encourage the Kindred of Houston, both old and new, to come together in the spirit of colloboration while keeping a few things in mind. The goal of working together should be to determine where you wish to find your niche amongst the Camarilla of Houston. Will you and those you choose to work with be a coterie that is ready to be called upon when situations arise and we are called to arms? Or, will you work with continuing effort to spread our network of influence and ensure that we, as Kindred, remains the domitors of Houston." He pauses to glance around once more. "I will not force you to form coteries and command you to work with those who you do not wish to, but the night will come, and from the sounds of it - sooner than later, where I will call upon you all to step forward and aid the Camarilla."
Sonja smiles gently and nods. "That is all, thank you Keeper Vayne. I look forward to seeing what you can come up with in the following nights. If any of the rest of you have ideas you'd like to see come to fruition in Elysium, you now have someone to speak to." She motions to Luke, giving him a light round of applause before she moves to sit finally, giving the Prince her undivided attention.
<OOC> Ha-Joon says, "put mind after sonja :D"
As the shiny new Keeper looks in her direction, Ana nods to him and there's a quiet smile. She turns her attention back to the Prince, and all of the new information there.
Having said his portion of this, the Sheriff seems fine with standing in the shadow of the dais. When Luke and Sonja have their exchange, his dark eyes shift between the both of them. Then, to Ha-Joon as the Prince as he gives his words about Vormund and the coteries. "Highness," a rare time the Sheriff says says something, "Did the Seneschal say what .. Primogen Wulfgar was doing back in Philadelphia? I have a concern as to his motives in returning 'home', given our knowledge of the now deceased Anya Duchen-Lacroix's presence there as a traitor." His face hardens a bit. "I recall an emissary coming here not long ago from a faction that seemed very capable of being the largest and possibly final security threat this Praxis would face. Is this going to be an issue for us?" It seems a very 'Sheriffy' question to ask, if someone's actions will bring heat on them.
The Prince goes to speak, but stops himself as he looks back to the Sheriff. "Excellent question." He then looks back out to the gathered Kindred. "I believe the Primogen has gone there to see what damage has been done by the aforementioned Kindred." He looks to the Sheriff, "It is unknown his goals." He glances to Garabaldi, "Whip Garabaldi - were you informed of this departure of Primogen Wulfgar?"
Jason frowns at the Sherrif's words. He arrived in town on the very tail end of the Anya saga and isn't really up on anything that might have gone before. It seems Houston is on the edge of drowning in intrigue, oh well, it keeps life interesting.
Now Eddie just goes deadpan. He continues to listen, looking from speaker to speaker. He's got nothing to add at this particular time.
David keeps his seat, watching the announcements and scenes unfold.
Whatever smile the Seneschal had with the appointment of a new Keeper fades as quickly as it arrived. She doesn't look at anyone in particular, but focuses on the floor in front of her instead. The look that passes through her eyes might burn a hole in the carpet. "That...truce is tenuous at best, this Praxis suffered for months under SAD. If he has threatened that in any way..." the anger in her voice evident for all to hear.
Garabaldi looks up, "I was told he would be gone yes, the exact nature of the absence no. He did say if there is an emergency he would return if contacted."
The new Keeper being announced will finally get Hwarang to unclasp his hands. He will bring them out in front of him and give a soft clap to congratulate the new keeper before returning to his former position with that ever-stoic look upon his face.
When Ha-Joon speaks he has the full attention of his childe. The smaller Asian man in the blue dress suit will nod his words to the Prince's words, though there is no expression on his face that shows he is worrying. He just seems to be looking as if he is processing all the information slowly, gears turning.
Isabella listens to court unravel and this all has her on the edge of her seat, looking from speaker to speaker as well. Her eyes falling upon Deputy Garabaldi as he speaks. And then the princes words comes as well as her looking at him.
Amelie too remains silent, albeit save for a smile and indeed a nod the way of the new Keeper as he accepts the title before she returns her attention to the discussion of the Primogen absent and all that might follow.
Abraham's pale jaw sets at the corner as no one appears to know any more about Vormund. His hand, hanging at his side flexes for a second as he nods to the Prince and then turns back to his spot. The Brujah looks like he's going to camp on this one, but whereas he's normally staid, it is clear he is unhappy at this.
Vain blink slowly, as if half-remembering the act. He rests his stony hands on the back of the leather chair he's behind, stonily (heh heh) watching the proceedings.
Garabaldi looks troubled and his jaw tightens just a little. He looks up at the dais now clearly paying a bit more attention.
In the most deadpan of voices and with a smile that does not reach his eyes, "How. Comforting." He says, his eyes still on Garabaldi for a few moments as though he is in his own thoughts. His eyes finally move to the Kindred of the room, "Interesting how a Kindred who sits upon the Council of Primogens decides to leave to tend to another a city. A city from which he has fallen from Grace in when the very Kindred of his current city are being hunted." His eyes move back to Garabaldi, "Something to consider when selecting whom you decide to represent the Nosferatu clan in matters of the sect." And, with that, the Prince turns and walks to the other side of the dais, his eyes darken. "For I shall not let the actions of one be the consequences for all. As your Prince, I give you my word on this."
With a dismissive wave, the Prince looks back to rest of the room, his demeanor warming as he issues a single nod, raising a finger to his lips before he continues, lowering the finger when he speaks. "Let me be clear - We are facing two issues as of this moment. One being this .... thing.... that is hunting us, using their gift to disguise themselves with a familiar face before striking. And, two - A cult that has taken root within our city and set a plague upon it with their infernal practices." Turning around to pace to the other side of the dais, he continues. "Need I remind you that we are barely over the one year anniversary in which a hidden sect that call themselves the Tal'Mahe'Ra took it upon themselves to purge ALL kindred, with out discrimination, from the streets of Houston." A pause to let his words sink in to the Kindred before he continues on. "And, as I previously stated, we also need to not fall into a routine of ignoring our more mundane responsibilities such as tending to domain and securing our influence."
He glances out, "My dear Kindred, this is not a time for you to sit back and pay heed to my words. This is a time in which I am asking for your input and your opinion on how to deal with these matters."
"These kindred...."He gestures to the Seneschal, the Sheriff and individually gestures to the other officers of his court, "Can not be the only ones who wish to have, as they say, skin in the game. For, either you will aid and contribute to the Camarilla in whatever capacity you think would be the most successful." He then stops to face them, open armed and open handed. "Or, I fear that you will find your presence in the city to be.... precarious."
Vain rumbles in answer, "A face can be copied, but not an uncommon power. Imaginary claws cannot score stone, nor imaginary wings allow one to fly."
Jason stands and clears his throat, "My Prince, as you are very aware, some of these are matters my clan is ill suited to deal with, however, it occurs to me that we might be well suited to preparing hidden places in the woodlands and swamps of the area as fall back positions and hide outs should the need arise to utilize such options. Obviously we stand ready to commit to action at your call, but our ways are best utilized in the wilds and not so much in the streets of the city. Just food for thought if you might wish to avail yourself of our services in ways that best utilize our abilities.", he nods in respect and re-takes his seat.
His attention on the Prince, Eddie looks around the room to see the reactions of the other Kindred in the room. His attention slips to Jason when he speaks with a little nod. His attention returns to the dias though.
Seeing as no one else is speaking up on the issue Hwarang will interject himself once the prince has finished speaking, with arms falling to his side, "It would appear that this unseen, powerful foe has a man on his list." He says less as a question and more as a statement, "It has pointedly said that it is seeking to find Primogen Wulfgar. Which means that it has revealed its hand to us." He will pause to glance about the room again, "So, we should use that to our advantage and set up a honey pot to attract the bee to us." A sly smirk appears on his lips, "And when it arrives, we show overwhelming force on eliminating it."
Then finally, the older Asian man in the blue suit will let out a sigh before continuing, "As for the infernalist I am assuming there is a great number of these individuals. They can sometimes travel in cabals together." He will pause once more for a beat, looking around again to see who is paying attention, "When facing multiple opponents, the key strategy is to divide and conquer by isolating and attacking each enemy separately, ensuring you never fight a united front with multiple foes; essentially, we create a situation where we have a numerical advantage against each individual opponent by strategically splitting their forces.
Abraham does not react to the Prince making that gesture to him -- Who knows, maybe he missed it? What he does not mess is Jason's comment. "Sorry, Primogen." the Sheriff seems especially chatty tonight. "And, correct me if I'm not reading this right. You sound like you are volunteering to help, but I am not sure why you added the rest? It sounds dangerously like an excuse to not invite you or a hedge against poor performance. I have seen a great many Gangrel perform equally well in both urban and rural environments. I cannot speak for any other Kindred, by as a Sheriff, in the wake of these threats, I am looking for Kindred who are a 'hell yes' on dealing with them." A look toward Hwarang as he makes a gesture to the Asian man. "Like that." A beat. "Are you a hell yes on this?"
Ha-Joon nods to Jason, a smile growing on his face. With a playful wrinkle of his nose, he comments. "Would it be wrong to require a certain thread count if we are to fall back to nature?" He says with a playful grin. A glance to the Sheriff, arching an eyebrow. "My dear Sheriff, while it may not be the best way to contribute but it is still a contribution. I am sure the Gangrel and their Primogen will be able to come up with something better thought out." He offers a nod to Jason. "Conversely, I do agree with the Sheriff though. Do not sell your clan short on how skilled they can be when dealing with all different types of environments." He finalizes what he says with a nod.
His eyes move over to Hwarang. "An excellent idea - though I will admit to being weary about placing a kindred intentionally in this things path. We do not know where its lies in terms of power and without knowing more about it, it could be sending this honey pot out to be picked off." He shakes his head, looking back to the rest of the Kindred. "Though, it may be our only course of action." He looks Veronica, and then to Vain and Deja. "To those of you who have been silent this evening - what are your thoughts and opinions? Not just on the matter of this mysterious thing hunting us but on what I have said through out this evening?"
Vain rumbles in reply, "Demon worship ought not to be countenanced. I urge the Court to issue warrants for the absolute destruction of those who have sold their souls in this manner."
Jason looks at the sherrif, "Point me at a target and I am there, but traps, and honeypots, not so much. You got a fight lined up just let me know. But don't discount the value of solid fall back positions for re-grouping if everything goes to hell in a handbasket.", faces forward and waits to see who else has anything to say.
David speaks up now, "I already have one volunteer to assist in the investigation into the infernalists. Happy to share all the details with whomever wants to give a hand in possibly getting rid of this threat."
Amelie could defend herself better than one would expect for a human her size. Hell, she'd even been taught since coming to Texas (fittingly) how to use the great equalizer that was a gun...but she was still a mortal, still all-too-easily outclassed, so the young woman wasn't going to volunteer to go toe-to-toe with Kindred-hunting monsters just yet.
Not unless instructed to anyway
Remaining silent, she watches the exchange, gaze moving from Sheriff, to Prince, to each who spoke in turn.
Ha-Joon looks over to David, "Perhaps you would be willing to share before the information you have gathered so that the Kindred will have an idea of what they are signing up for?" He asks of the Magister.
Garabaldi looks to David and bows his head, "Count me in."
Hwarang is still lingering near the prince's dais, standing up with a straight-backed and confident, "In an ideal situation, we wouldn't need to set up a honey pot. But as it stands right now, from the sound of it. This creature can disguise itself as our friends, and we have no means to see through it. It is vastly powerful if it can have its way with a sizeable opponent like Primogen Dubois." He will gesture towards Eddie with a hand, "If anyone else has any suggestions, then I would be open to them, but for now, the hunters have become the prey until we get a solid solution." He assesses respectfully.
Then Hwarang will go silent as David announces that he has some information. He will fall back to his position near the dais, and quietly listen for the new bit of information on another threat.
Ha-Joon steps over to Hwarang and murmurs. "You mean, after all these years and you still have yet to see the benefits of heightening your senses and awareness?" He pats the man on the shoulder, chuckling as though it is a joke between them. The Prince then turns back to look upon the Magister.
There's a thoughtful moment from Ana and then she notes. "It can change its face, but I would not think that it could change its aura. Hardly a consistent solution, but at least a potential way to distinguish friend from foe."
Vain rumbles, "I say again, the identity of those around you can be verified by the demonstration of uncommon abilities. This individual might confuse you into thinking that they are me, but when the hunter leaps off a tall building, he goes splat, rather than woosh."
David stands at the Prince's request. "During my investigation, I came across several promising leads. The first few not panning out, but then I found out that in the last six months there have been rumors on the street of a group known as 'The White Flame'. From what I was able to gather it is some kind of cult, but they appear to be associated with Satanic activity. After some inquiries about them and I found out a few bits about them.
The cult is led by a woman called Sister Mary Ash. There are also three other members of importance. A Brother Gideon Ashcroft, who seems to be the second-in-command, Sister Elara Blackwood, a local ritualist, and Brother Marcus Crowe. They appear to have an extensive network in the city. Sister Mary Ash is extremely well informed and has people that she calls her 'flames' that keep her abreast of any danger, interlopers, and snoopers.
The cult does not seem to have a centralized base of operations, and is constantly moving around the city streets, accruing more cultists -- the organization appears to be growing in strength and recruiting from the locals. I also got wind of an alleged 'Satanic relic' that has found its way to the city and the Cult is after it. I believe it is called the Chalice of Thorns." he says this and remains standing."
Announcement: Chaos shouts, “The ground rumbles, a subtle tremor at first—barely noticeable. Pictures rattle against the walls, chandeliers sway, their glass pendants clinking together in an eerie chorus. A deep, groaning sound rises from the foundation, a warning of what's to come. Within seconds, the tremor escalates into a violent quake. Buildings shudder, their frames creaking under the strain, while the earth itself seems to roll in waves. Car alarms blare in a chaotic symphony as the relentless shaking continues, rattling windows and toppling objects. The quake holds its grip for what feels like an eternity—before, just as suddenly, it begins to subside, leaving only dust, distant sirens, and the echoes of destruction in its wake.”
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sonja rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 8) vs 8 for 4 successes. => 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
As the sound starts up the Seneschal looks up from her glowering at the floor, her brow furrowing as she looks around the room. The swaying of the lights are the first clue, but as the first wave hits and her chair starts to topple over she moves to the side, managing to keep her feet as it falls on over. She moves towards the Prince as best she can, using the falling furniture as a guide as she lurches in his direction.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jason rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 9) vs 8 for 2 successes. => 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> David rolls Dexterity + Athletics (Total: 6) vs 8 for 1 successes. => 1 2 3 7 9 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Garabaldi rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 4) vs 8 for 1 successes. => 1 3 8 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Eddie rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 10) vs 6 for 4 successes. => 1 2 2 3 5 6 6 9 9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Hwarang rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 12) vs 6 for 1 successes. => 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Vain rolls Dexterity + Athletics (Total: 5) vs 8 for 1 successes. => 2 5 7 7 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Good thing he was sitting down. Though, as the room starts to move and shake, Eddie gets to his feet and tries to make his way to the Prince's side. Ready to protect him should it go sideways. He's steady, though that's relative to the situation.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Ana rolls Dexterity + Athletics (Total: 7) vs 6 FAILED => 1 2 2 2 4 4 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Abraham rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 14) vs 6 FAILED => 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 8 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Deja rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity (Total: 9) vs 6 for 2 successes. => 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Garabaldi is surprised by the sudden rolling and bucking, stumbling forward he grabs a chair for a moment to right himself. He lets go of the chair as it begins to tip over and like a sailor at sea he tries to shift his position to stay on his feet.
<OOC> Abraham says, "How violent on the scale is this Ha-Joon?"
Hwarang will give Ha-Joon a side glance and a brief smile, "You know I am familiar with such things. However, from what has been presented, it would seem that this creature has an accrued vast understanding of the arts of remaining unseen. For most of the praxis I would venture to guess that it would be able to get around their senses." A motion towards the gargoyle, "Unless it was similar to someone they knew and could differentiate the different characteristics, of course." He will nod his head towards Ana, raising his hand to tap one finger against his head, "Hopefully, such things could work, but that would also require knowing the aura of the person it is disguised as. Variables are not something I like to deal with.
He then turns his attention towards David, dismissing the previous conversation to move on with the intelligence of the other threat. He will fold both arms across his chest while soaking in the information. Just as he is about to speak, the ground begins to tremble, and things are shaking and swaying back and forth. Without hesitation Hwarang will address the prince, "Your majesty, we need to get you to cover." He will approach him to try and escort him to the nearest desk or piece of furniture that will fit him. He doesn't exactly move as gracefully as he usually does, though. He makes it through, but the shaking has obviously messed with his balance.
<OOC> Ha-Joon says, "a 6 something?" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Amelie rolls Dexterity + Acrobatics + 1 (Total: 10) vs 6 for 5 successes. => 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 7 9 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Jason sees that the Prince is well attended to, leaps to hi feet and faces the doorway in the very off chance there is an attack forthcoming. He stands ready to leap into battle if anything should enter the room, if he is wrong he will apologize later. He sways and teeters as the floor shakes but is able to remain on his feet.
David was still standing when the quake hits, he reaches out and barely manages to grab the back of the seat he was previously. "What the F..."
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Luke rolls Dexterity + Celerity + Athletics (Total: 6) vs 6 for 2 successes. => 1 2 3 6 8 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
The rumble of the ground prompts Ana to freeze, and eyes going wide. She reaches a hand out to grasp at the chair next to her and the usually quite calm Toreador starts to scream. The further moving and shaking of the room, Ana tries to get to her feet, to run.. anywhere.. not here, and for once, those heels mixed with the freak out in progress causes her to trip, landing on her knees. Not quite frenzied, but she's still wide eyed.
Vain flaps his wings as the earth trembles, and grabs ahold of the seat he is standing in back of, in order to help with keeping his balance. He eyes the ceiling critically, looking for signs of damage.
As the world starts to shake Deja drops to one knee for stability as she grows and looks around, her yellow eyes now red and glowing. Her hands have just the very the tips of her claws showing, but as she realizes nobody is trying to do her bodily hard that second they retreat mergi9ng back into fingernails. She stands slowly as she looks around and says "I'm going to go up and see whats happening!" She then walks to the window, door whatever as she slowly starts to shift a little at first as it takes a few moments.
The quake is enough to shake her, to send Amelie tipped from her chair, but for a woman in a designer dress and heels, the fact she tumbles smoothly back up to her feet without the motion so much as ending is...well. She -was- an Olympic Gymnast before all of this after all. Of course her own concern, only enhanced though the connections of the vitae that weave over heart and mind have her looking to the Prince in single-minded concern before she too falls into step beside Hwarang, her own concerned utterance of the Prince's name lost to the sounds of others moving and calling out or the rumbling of the earth itself.
The faintest vibration beneath his polished shoes draws Luke's sharp green eyes downward, his expression tightening into a mask of calm calculation as the chandeliers above begin their ghostly clink. His fingers twitch against his side, tension coiling through him as the tremor grows into a full-blown quake.
When the violent shaking surges through the chamber, Luke moves swiftly, stepping forward to steady a nearby Kindred who stumbles. "Stay calm," he commands, his rich, resonant voice cutting through the rising panic like a blade. His gaze darts to the Prince, the Seneschal, and the dais, ensuring the court's key figures remain unharmed.
As the tremors subside, leaving only the haunting wail of distant sirens, Luke straightens his jacket with a quick, practiced tug. "It seems the nights grow more unpredictable by the moment," he remarks dryly, his tone betraying only the faintest edge of unease. "Your Grace, shall we ensure everyone's accounted for? Chaos is an opportune ally to our enemies." His eyes scan the room, sharp and watchful, already piecing together how best to manage the aftermath.
Abraham listens attentively to David as he explains the details of the White Flame and its members. His eyes are focused on the Tremere, the calm nature having returned to his face as he slips his hands behind his back. A nod is given as Deputy Frost wraps up. Then, the quake hits -- in Houston -- which has never been hit by one since it doesn't get them. The Sheriff's stance and more likely the unwieldy sword contribute to the stumble that happens when the ground starts shaking. He tips to one side and bereft of something to grab onto and aided by the geometry of the five or six pound sword on his back, he topples down to one side. But, no stranger to hitting the ground, he does so such that he prevents either impaling himself with the weapon or causing further injury. One of the guns in his holster skitters out of it and lands next to him. In a moment, Abe looks up and takes in the chaos breaking out in the Elysium, eyes narrowed. He looks toward the Prince and says, staying down till all the shakes stop.
Sonja reaches the Prince as well, weaving this way and that as the ground under her feet lurches. She leaves the actual ushering to Amelie and Hwarang, instead moving to the doorway of the closest office, throwing it open to reveal the heavy desk inside. "Here." Trying to brace herself on the door frame as she looks the rest of the court over.
As the ground begins to tremble, Ha-Joon looks from David to the walls and then to the ceiling. When it picks up, he looks to Sonja appearing next to him and takes her arm as he nods to Hwarang, as he curses in Korean. "Amelie." He yells out as he moves to the open office door, tripping over a fallen chair causing him to tumble to the ground for a moment.
As the quake subsides, he looks to Sonja. "When does Houston get a fucking earthquake?" He says to the Seneschal as though he has lost all sense of decorum for a moment.
After the quake subsides, he rights himself with his hand still gently on Sonja's arm before glancing around to the other Kindred present. "Is everyone alright?" He asks stepping forward.
He looks to Amelie, "Ensure that the staff is okay." He then looks to Abraham, "Check and see if we are safe where we are at." He glances back up to the ceiling as he looks to Hwarang. "Make sure the Kindred are all accounted for." He then looks to the patio doors, which are cracked as he listens to the sound of sirens and car alarms going off all over the city. "It is probably unwise to do so, but shall we go see what damage has been done to the city?'
There is no 'alright' going on in the Toreador primogen. Ana is getting to her feet and doing her absolute level best to get OUT of the room. Patio is her current goal as she flees.
David holds on to the back of that chair through the chaos. Releasing it when the quake subsides.. "I'm good." he looks around to see if anyone needs help.
The shaking stops, the threat seems...over, or at least as far as the house falling on them. Still, she was on her feet, only her slightly deshevled hair from her acrobatics to not hit the ground hard moments ago. Stepping back from her part of the ushering when Ha-Joon commands her, there's a nod of her head while the adrenaline dumps out of her system and a breath escapes her. "Yes your Grace. I'll check in on them, see what damage has happened to the building." There's a glance towards Luke's earier space as things settle, a quiet whince given. Heck of a first night to be the Keeper.
As the shaking stops, Abraham rises from the place he was deposited and slips his claymore off his shoulder. Picking up his revolver as he rises, the Brujah nods to Ha-Joon. "I will place a few calls," he says, straightening his coat. "And, you are correct, Highness, it does not," the dark-haired man adds. Then, he turns to head off and start checking in with three groups -- the Elysium's ghouls and attendants to go assess any damage to this floor. The staff of the Rice, who get a call directly from him and they start doing the same. He then heads out onto the balcony and gives the downtown a once over. No doubt, by now, the air is filled with sirens as police and fire respond to the dozens of calls. What it allows him to do, however, is listen and look at what is going on from a decent vantage. The Elysium and the hotel become a hive of activity as people are moved out and everything is checked over for damages or risks.
Hwarang lets out a disappointed sigh when Ha-Joon falls to the ground, likely faulting himself for it. But seeing as he is not being openly scolded, he will reserve having a pity party for himself. Instead, he will do as the Prince asks and begin to check around on the other kindred in the vicinity.
Obviously his first stop is to where he heard the screams coming from his clans Primogen. With a quickness, he settled up near her, offering a hand out to her to help her get up, "Primogen Waldon, are you all right?" He will ask, and if she accepts his hand, he will help her to her feet and towards the outside where it is safer for now.
Jason still stands at the ready facing the door in case of any possible attack, "We probably need to vacate sooner than later in case the building collapses. Your orders my Prince?", he is just calling out over his shoulder as he concentrates on the doorway in case of trouble.
Sonja nods, and once things start to calm and the Prince is uninjured she moves to straighten up as she looks to Luke. There's a nod to the Keeper as well, "Make sure everyone is okay." There's a look to Ana, who is decidedly not, and a nod in her direction as well. "Please make sure she doesn't get hurt on anything broken." before looking back to Abraham then the Prince.
Itsfter a few moments there is a slight short after shock. It is at this time that the fire alarm is sounded off as it rings through out the building.
The Prince looks to Hwarang. "Help get the kindred out of here and have them meet at the Phoenix." A staff member then comes up to the Prince. "My Prince. Seneschal. If you will, come with us please." The Prince nods and lightly places a hand on the Seneschal's elbow. "Come." he says to her over the blaring fire alarms of the building. Without waiting for permission, he tugs on her arm to follow him, a pause is given by Luke. "Have them assemble at the Phoenix. Ensure everyone makes it out." He then follows the staff who are escorting him to the fire escape.
David nods to the Prince and moves to help whomever needs helping before heading towards the Phoenix
As Abraham moves about the Elysium, he is directing people to and fro -- the staff primarily, who are going to make it a top priority to ensure that the Prince and the Seneschal both are evacuated from the building when they are ready to go. The Sheriff looks like he is in no rush to leave; the captain is going to go down with the ship if it is sinking. Another one of his focuses is to secure this place. It is a massive Masquerade breach and Kine cannot find their way in here and have things lying around or in a state where they can find things. As the alarm goes off, Abraham passes by the city's leadership, and says over the sound, "Go on ahead. I need to lock a few things down here before we go." He looks to David, Garabaldi, and Isabella. "Deputies, with me." They're in it too.
Luke's sharp green eyes dart to the swaying chandeliers as the tremors rattle the room, his usually calm demeanor momentarily cracking as the quake intensifies. He braces himself against the leather-backed chair nearby, gripping the polished wood as the violent shaking subsides. Straightening his jacket with a quick, practiced motion, he surveys the room, his gaze sharp and deliberate, scanning for immediate threats or injuries among the gathered Kindred.
At the Seneschal's nod, Luke offers a brief bow, his voice steady and resonant, cutting through the unsettled murmurs. "Of course, Sire, Seneschal. I'll ensure everyone is accounted for." His gaze follows Ana's retreating form, and he pivots smoothly on his heel to address her first. Catching up, he steps alongside her, his tone low but commanding. "Primogen Waldon, allow me. The patio may seem safer, but let's tread carefully and get to the Phoenix. The last thing we need is someone getting hurt." His hand hovers just slightly near her, ready to assist if needed, though respectful enough not to impose.
Looking back toward the broader room, Luke calls out with calm authority, his voice rising just enough to carry over the chaos. "Everyone, remain alert but composed. If you notice any damage or hazards, report them immediately. Let's not allow panic to do what the quake could not. To the Phoenix!" Without waiting for further instructions, he begins moving through the room, a steady presence amidst the lingering tension, checking in with Kindred and staff alike as he calmly passes orders off to the staff, his steps deliberate, his attention unwavering.
Once the Prince is safe, Eddie takes a couple steps back. He looks to the rest of the assembly. Helping his friends, Eddie guides the others out of the building, but hangs back to make sure everyone gets out.
Sonja lets her gaze linger here and there, concern for the Court evident, but she nods and moves as the Prince tugs her into following along.
Ha-Joon moves to Elysium - Lounge Ha-Joon has left.
David changes direction, heading over to Abraham to assist with whatever he needs.
GAME: Ha-Joon wants to meet you at Crimson Phoenix - Club Floor. Turn to +help +meet for more info as what this means or type +meet/accept to accept.
Accepting a hand up, Ana turns her wide and clearly panic filled eyes to Hwarang. "We have to leave!" Sure, that's exactly what everyone's doing, but there's an urgency around her that most dont have. She's half pulling him as much as anything.
Garabaldi has left. Garabaldi has arrived. <OOC> Abraham says, "Sheriff and Deputies are gonna stay behind and secure this place up."
While escorting Ana out, Hwarang will look around to see if anyone else is in need of assistance. For now, it would appear that everyone else is golden. After a double check to ensure the Prince's possession, IE, Amelia, is also safely out of here as well, he will continue to the fire escape to ensure Ana has made it out.
Deja makes it to a window as she assumes her animal form, well forms as her body breaks apart into a flock of about 20 crows. The flock circles into the sky each bird staying realtivly close to the others, all a carbon copy of one another, each of their eyes glowing yellow as the flock circles the area searching for issues.
Sending you to Crimson Phoenix. <--------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Downtown - Crimson Phoenix - Club Floor ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------> The heart of the nightclub is an expansive dancefloor, a mesmerizing blend of East meets West. Overhead, a lattice of neon lights pulses in sync with a carefully curated mix of Eastern-inspired beats and Western electronic dance music. The walls are adorned with vivid murals: one side features cherry blossoms and a golden dragon weaving through clouds, while the opposite showcases bold graffiti of urban skylines and modern calligraphy. The floor itself is a sleek, black mirrored surface, reflecting the kaleidoscope of lights and the movement of dancers, creating an immersive, almost ethereal atmosphere. Suspended lanterns of various shapes-some evoking traditional paper styles, others resembling abstract glass sculptures-provide a soft glow that contrasts with the vibrant strobes and laser effects.
At one end of the dancefloor, an elevated DJ booth is designed to mimic an ancient pagoda with a contemporary twist: sleek, metallic panels and digital displays complement its traditional curved roofline. Nearby, a performance platform hosts dancers wearing avant-garde costumes that merge traditional Eastern fabrics and patterns with cutting-edge designs. The entire space is alive with energy, a sensory feast that seamlessly integrates cultural motifs with modern nightlife. The fusion of traditions creates an inclusive, timeless ambiance that draws revelers from every corner of the city. <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Contents: Eddie 1s Bruiser in a Business Suit. Hwarang 2m Shorter Korean man with black hair. Deja 1m Mousy brown punk hair, yellow eyes. Fiorenza 31s A voluptuous Italian beauty stylishly dressed. (APP 5) Vain 4m Imposing figure with wings and horns Luke 3m A tattooed man with dark hair. Sonja 3m Tall redhead, usually serious. Ha-Joon 34s A tall, slender Asian man with hunter green eyes <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Obvious Exits: Vip Loungue <VL> Out <O> <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
Announcement: Chaos shouts, “Due to the earth quake - Safe to say there are several power outtages. Feel free to incorporate this into your RP :)”
By the time the Kindred arrive at the Phoenix, Ha-Joon and Sonja are already there, surrounded by a contingent of security. The bar is in shambles—broken glass litters the floor, barstools lie toppled, and cracked mirrors reflect the dim light. Overhead, a few lights hang precariously from their fixtures, swaying slightly.
Ha-Joon surveys the wreckage with a thoughtful expression before gesturing toward it as he speaks to Sonja. "Turns out one of the Elysium thralls mentioned insurance to me. Who knew?" His tone is light, paired with a nonchalant shrug, though his sharp gaze continues to scan the damage.
"Someone get some lights on in here," he instructs, his voice carrying just enough authority to spur action. His attention shifts back to the gathered group, eyes settling on one of the security detail. "Hwarang?" He calls out, a note of concern threading through his tone. "Ensure his safety."
Satisfied, he finally turns back to Sonja, his expression softening just slightly. "Are you alright?"
As more Kindred start to filter in her attention slides from the Prince to the doors, watching with heightened senses to see who all is accounted for. Her jaw is set, concern for the rest evident for those that can see her expression. The Prince's question has her looking back, her tense expression softening a little, "I am just fine Your Grace, thank you for asking." She tilts her head a little, "Would you like me to look for Hwarang for you?"
Vain arrives, from above, of course. Stopped traffic doesn't matter terribly when you travel as the crow flies. Which is not to say he crashes in from the roof, rather he just makes his way downstairs in the more traditional fashion after alighting up there.
Hwarang has already navigated through the darkness and into the club, properly utilizing his extraordinary senses with Ana nearby as he had ensured she made it out of the hotel. "I already have a team on it. The generator should be coming up soon." He will his sire. Then, to Sonja, he will bow his head and offer her a short smile, "I am found, dearest Seneschal. Everyone but the sheriff and his deputies have made it out."
After a few moments the lights will indeed begin to flicker a few times before fully coming online, "Your majesty. I thought I saw that your retainer made it out okay." He glanced around, not seeing Amelie, "Did she not return here with you?" Hwarang will ask while intense brown eyes look around at the others to see who is gathered.
Fiorenza shows up, her retainer Alessio in tow. You'd never know she was just in an earthquake. She's dressed to the tens -- a level above the 'nines', and she chose silver for the color of her cocktail dress this evening, which allows for a bit of argent lambency. Her hair's down this evening, a dark waterfall that blends in with the umbrage of the lack of radiant light. She doesn't seem to struggle so much with seeing in the obscurity, but then she's holding to her thrall's arm as escort. "I hope everyone present fared better than my Murano chandelier at home." She hears Hwarang of course and tells the Prince immediately, "If anyone's actually missing, I can find them."
TThe Seneschal looks over as she hears Hwarang's voice, a sigh and she nods. "Ah good. Quite the welcome to the city. I would apologize for that but...earthquake wasn't on the list of possibilities." Her expression wry for a moment. Looking over as Fiorenza arrives and approaches she asks, "Property damage aside, you and your family are okay?"
Alessio, still on the mend from some kind of accident, at least is to the point that he can move around more or less under his own power... there's still some mottled bruising on his neck and wrists, but it has faded to the point that it is barely noticeable in comparison to the patchwork of existing scars in both places. He is wearing a dark blue cable knit cashmere sweater that looks almost black in the low lighting conditions of the club, along with a pair of truly black slacks. The sweater has begun to fray at the sleeves, despite being brand new, a single long loose thread hanging off at the wrist. The darkness doesn't give him much trouble, at least not in terms of locating the people in the room. When Fiorenza mentions looking for missing people, "Something I would be happy to assist with as well."
Deja returns via the flock of Crows. As the door is held open the birds pour into the club landing in a cluster/pile and slowly sort of dissolve into one another as they form Deja once more. The little gangrel reforms and slowly stands stretching out as she says "I did not see anything in the area. I circled a few times."
Amelie arrives a little later, having stopped to attend to the duties she'd been directed as far as checking on the staff...and of course making sure that what spot fires had started were attended to. Fire extinguishers were your friend, and no Elysium wanted to be less than up-to-code when a frenzy could turn into a stampede! Hair down as she'd long since abandoned the intricate bun she'd started the night with, the woman moved into the space quietly, lest she interupt the meeting of those in higher station.
Vain rumbles, "So is this city particularly earthquake-prone? Or is this more supernatural nonsense? Perhaps a pit to hell will open under our feet and the whole city shall slide in."
"Si, grazie, Madam Senseshal," Fiorenza replies towards Sonja, eyes warm upon the flame-haired woman. "We are all well." She nods to Alessio, her attention returning to the Prince expectantly, in case he asks her for any assistance in locating missing Camarilla members.
Hwarang will politely nod towards Sonja, drawing closer to her and Ha-Joon now, "It is quite all right. From what our Prince has told me there is not much that I do not expect this city to give us." He says with a shake of his head and then glances at the new faces. "Everyone is present and accounted for aside from Amelie, "I could have sworn she was doing just fine on her own."
The arrival of the crows and then Deja draws the Asian man in the blue suits attention, aiding him in spotting Amelie when she arrives, "You had me worried sick that something had happened to you. What were you up to?" He asks, his tone stern but concerned even though she appears no worse for wear.
Luke steps through the doors of the Crimson Phoenix, the faint crunch of broken glass underfoot announcing his arrival. His sharp green eyes sweep over the chaotic scene, toppled furniture, shattered mirrors, and precariously hanging lights before narrowing in quiet assessment. With a quick tug at his tailored jacket, he steps forward, his presence cutting through the disorder like a blade.
"Let's get this sorted," he announces, his voice carrying with the smooth authority of someone used to commanding attention. He gestures toward a pair of staff standing idle near the entrance. "You two, focus on clearing the glass and stabilizing the bar area. It needs to be spotless by the time guests start arriving." His attention shifts to another group. "The rest of you, prioritize securing anything loose. If it looks like it could fall, take it down or brace it. Presentation matters."
Spotting the Prince and Sonja along with others arriving he greetings them, makes sure they are ok and then moves to keep staff working. When he sees Fiorenza and Alessio entering, Luke's expression softens into a warm, charismatic smile, his sharp features briefly losing their edge. He steps toward them, inclining his head in greeting. "Fiorenza, Alessio. A pleasure to see you both, even under... less-than-ideal circumstances." His gaze flickers briefly to Alessio's bruising but quickly returns to meet Fiorenza's with a reassuring nod. "I trust you all weathered the quake without harm?"
Ha-Joon nudges Sonja in the side as he gestures to Luke. "Well. He seems to have this handled." He looks over to Fiorenza and shakes his head laughing. "Of course! The city is falling down around us but Madame Giovanni witnesses the end of city as we know it in nothing short of couture!" He says with a grin as he greets her, with a nod to Alessio. "Alessio."
Glancing back to Fiorenza, "How are you and yours? Is Charlie okay?" He inquires before watching the men start to clean up the mess.
A toss is given back to Sonja, "Any word from our Sheriff and Deputies as of yet?" With a glance to the door, he gasps in alarm as he frantically searches around him. "Gustav!" Grabbing the arm of one of his security Detail, "Find. My. Dog."
Moments later, as if on cue, a man in a suit comes in with a frantic and barking Gustav.
Sonja's eyes widen, for when the name of Gustav is spoken and there is no sign of the Princely pooch at first, you might as well have told her that the Prince himself was missing. She starts to move as if going to go back to the hotel, the barking is the only thing that halts her steps. Her hand goes over her heart, nevermind it isn't beating, and she looks to Ha-Joon for a moment. Her secret is out, she cares about the damn dog.
She then nods to the Prince and murmurs. "I will see if I can find out." turning towards the bar to slip behind it. Digging around in search of something, she finally tracks down the phone as it starts to ring. She answers it and begins talking with whomever on the other end in quiet tones, nodding from time to time.
Vain seems rather nonplussed by the idea that the dog is getting so much attention. Struck dumb, perhaps!
Alessio nods his head in greeting to Luke and then Ha-Joon in turn. His face is taciturn, though a smile manages to reach those frozen electric blue eyes of his, glinting with amusement in the darkness of the blackout. "Prince Ha-Joon, a great honor, as always. Luke, I'm glad you are okay. It'd be terrible if something as small as a little earthquake got in the way of our wager." The dog of course breaks the impassive expression, and his mouth curls up in a more genuine smile. Alessio is, in fact, a dog person as well.
Fiorenza chuckles as she hears Luke enter, leaning in towards Alessio to murmur something in Italian to him. Then, Another silkily sonorous titter and then Luke is approaching she and Alessio and she nods to him, 'We are quite well, thank you. Little Italy is built over a hearty chunk of bedrock, so, largely immoveable. We did get some good jolts. Sent a chandelier down, but... I always found it rather garish anyway.' A pause. 'I'm glad to see you're well.' A polite smile plucks it's way onto her lips, and she almost... -almost- extends a hand to him, but in the end doesn't. 'Charlie is well, Your Grace, grazie.' There's a moment of alarm in regard to the pooch, because who doesn't love puppies?! Perhaps her Necromancy can still be of use after all, to locate the Prince's hound! But!--then it appears in the suited man's arms, so. Good thing. It would have been a total experiment.
Amelie was indeed the most well known ghoul in the praxis, and the last surviving human one...but those that knew, knew she wasn't truly the -favorite-. Perhaps that was why she had taken so long, or maybe there was a kinship between those who took their immortality from the same Dormitor. Either way, the image of the French ghoul walking along with the leash tucked in her hand was probably a strange one right up until the moment that Gustav came bolting out from behind her skirts, immediately ruining some sense of decorum and actually causing the woman who had literally walked faultlessly in heels during an earthquake to stumble.
Clearly he was excited to see the Prince.
Tugging back enough to unfasten the leash, Amelie gives a little exhale.
"Gustav has had a big night, much like the rest of us."
As Amelie enters with the dog, Ha-Joon takes to the knee and pets the rushing dog as he smiles. He stands and looks over to Amelie. "Thank you, Amelie." he then nods around the room, his eyes falling back to SOnja. "Any word of the pent house?" He inquires to the Seneschal.
Deja watches as she stands bacl not really sure what to do with herself, her yellow eyes studying faces as she listens intently. She just looks like the kind of young woman that NEEDS a fidget spinner as soon as they invent those damn things.
Vain takes this time to amble over to Deja, enquiring of her, "The night has not quite gone to expectation, but it looks like you are holding up reasonably well."
Luke takes in the scene as Ha-Joon and Sonja address the chaos, his sharp green eyes tracking the arrival of Gustav with faint amusement that doesn't quite reach his lips. His gaze flickers briefly to Ha-Joon as the Prince's relief becomes evident, the barest hint of a knowing smirk playing at the corner of Luke's mouth. Still, he lets the moment pass without comment, focusing instead on the tasks at hand.
Turning back to Fiorenza and Alessio, Luke nods at Alessio's mention of their wager, his smirk sharpening into something more playful. "It'd take more than a little tectonic shift to keep me from our wager. Let's not pretend either of us is so easily shaken," he says with a light chuckle, his tone smooth as silk. Then, addressing Fiorenza, he inclines his head once more. "I'm glad Little Italy weathered the storm so well. As for the chandelier, sorry." Smiling he greets Amelie as she arrives and waves to the others as well. "You can get comfortable here. There will be space in the VIP as well. We'll have the staff make sure its all safe and secure and comfortable."
Sonja looks over as the Prince speaks to her, nodding before she says her goodbyes on the phone and walks back over. She speaks loud enough so others can hear her too, expecting all will want to know the details. "Deputies Garabaldi and David are working with hotel staff to fight fires on the first and sixth floor, and they are coming under control with the combined effort. The Sheriff is having our security staff and ghouls move anything...questionable out of Elysium and into secure storage for the time being, in case anyone goes to inspect our floor. At this time everyone has been safely evacuated and the Sheriff and his team are remaining behind to ensure that nothing relating to us is discovered by Kine."
When Fiorenza murmurs in Italian in his ear, Alessio tilts his head towards her with a curious expression that quickly turns into one of quiet mirth. He runs a hand through his wild messy collection of dark chestnut locks, using the gesture to momentarily cover the surprise and humor on his face; though it leaves his hair even more untamed than it was before. "Some things, once damaged, just aren't possible to repair, I think, Dona Fiorenza."
Ha-Joon glances over to Luke, nodding his head. "Thank you and I will ensure you have the supplies necessary." He then looks to Sonja, who gets another nod. "Excellent." Finally, his interest is piqued. "Something funny?" He inquires walking over to the duo, smiling between them. "What was damaged?" He asks with a tilt of his head.
Fiorenza seems relieved when she hears the Seneschal's news. "This is good. If my Clan can be of any assistance at all, please let me know." Said with utmost sincerity. Her eyes eventually drift to Deja, whom she seems to know, and she comments to her, "Quite impressive, arriving as a murder of crows. I have always had an affection for corvids. They are very, very, smart birds." When the Prince approaches she of course slides her attention to him, replying, "My chandelier, Your Grace. I'm sorry, I mentioned it, but you probably didn't hear in the hubbub. Really, it's no great loss." Dimples. Then, "Perhaps we should take the darkness as a time to enjoy some fun. Whenever the power went out at our villas in Boston and Italy, my children always loved playing games. Like Truth or Dare?"
Deja looks to Fiorenza and smiles as she says "Thank you, I have a allot more control over my shape shifting abilities than most other Gangrel. It stems from before my time as a vampire." She does not seem to care to expand on this further as it is probibly not the time or place and does not wish to interupt the Giovanie and the Prince.
Vain smiles at the lady gangrel, and says, "Hunh, I'll have to ask you about that some time. Although, alas, I shall not be able to reciprocate."
Luke glances around the room, his sharp green eyes briefly settling on the Prince and Seneschal before shifting back to the gathering crowd. A warm but composed smile graces his lips as he takes a half-step back, clasping his hands behind his back, "Excuse me." With that said, he steps off and starts making sure work is being done to prep for the night and day not far off.