Vampire: Difference between revisions
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* '''Record Willpower:''' (Courage). Record Blood Pool: (Determined by Generation).<br><br> | * '''Record Willpower:''' (Courage). Record Blood Pool: (Determined by Generation).<br><br> | ||
* '''Record Specialties:''' Any Attribute or Ability 4 or higher gets a free specialty. You can find a list here: [ Attributes & Abilities] Please make a +note of your specialties. (+help +note) | * '''Record Specialties:''' Any Attribute or Ability 4 or higher gets a free specialty. You can find a list here: [ Attributes & Abilities] Please make a +note of your specialties. (+help +note) You may buy more with XP (See below.) | ||
== Step Six - Freebies & XP == | == Step Six - Freebies & XP == |
Revision as of 01:51, 30 October 2024
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Character Creation
A step by step guide on how to create a Vampire character.
Step One - Concept
Choose Concept (ex. "Scholar", "Artist", or "Master of the Occult") Name your character, and add yourself as the player. Heh, talk about hard work. Just know if you send me Caine, I will fire you. Period. Currently any child concepts will be denied.
- Choose Clan: Please note anything outside of the basic Camarilla Clans require a preliminary sheet written up - and you will need to speak to Chaos and/or Starsong
- Choose Nature: This who your character truly is. Please see +liststats archetypes
- Choose Demeanor: This is what your character shows the world. Both nature and demeanor are the way your character acts and portrays herself. Demeanors are also listed on page 175.
Step Two - Attributes
Select Attributes
Starting Vampire characters receive 7/5/3 points to spend on their Physical (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina), Social (Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance), and Mental (Perception, Intelligence, Wits) traits. Each one of the 9 traits starts at 1 for free.
Step Three - Abilities
Select Abilities
- Starting: You receive 13/9/5 points to spend on Talents, Skills, and Knowledges. All abilities start with 0 points(Unless you have the Jack of all Trades merit, which requires ST approval before being allowed into play then follow the merit rules to buy up Ability).
No ability can be raised higher than 3 at this stage.
- Abilities measure your character’s capability to undertake specific kinds of tasks.
Whereas Attributes measure raw potential in broad fields, each Ability is a much more focused area of talent, skill or knowledge. Abilities let your character use his or her potential most effectively and compensate for underlying deficiencies in some cases. A physically weak but experienced knife-fighter can make mincemeat out of a tough, burly opponent who has no clue how to fight well, for instance, and a priest who lacks personal charisma but understands the principles of rhetoric can defeat a charming but unskilled opponent in debate.
- Keep in mind your character is more than just dots. Look at your backstory to determine what makes sense for the sheet spread. Anything 4 or higher should be specialized and will be closely examined even if learned during play. This is because it makes you the top-inchalant of whatever that ability is. Performances should have Mini Specs at any level (i.e Singing or Dancing).
- Talents: A Matter of Innate Ability
Talents are matters of innate aptitude, requiring no training to necessary develop, and they improve primarily or exclusively through experience. Characters get better at them only by doing them regularly. It is possible to attempt actions related to Talents that a character does not possess. The player simply rolls the character's Attribute dice pool without the benefit of Talent-based dice, but also without penalty. Everyone (or nearly everyone) possesses the most rudimentary grasp of each given Talent, even without the minimal competence required for one dot's worth.
Step Four - Advantages & Disciplines
Select Advantages and Choose Disciplines.
Starting characters receive 3 points to spend on disciplines.
These points can be placed into In-Clan Disciplines (the three Disciplines associated with the Clan), or into the Physical Disciplines (Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence). Out-of-Clan Disciplines can be Purchased by adding the Merit Additional DIscipline (5pts)
Specialty Disciplines (such as but not limited to Serpentis, Necromancy, Obtenebration, Quietus, Vicissitude, Protean or Thaumaturgy ) Are only authorized for the clans they are associated with. This means no Brujah With Obtenebration or Toreador with Serpentis.
Choose Backgrounds. Starting characters receive 5 points to spend on Backgrounds.
- Rate Virtues: Starting Vampire characters who follow the Road of Humanity receive 7 points to spend on Virtues (Conscience, Self-Control, and Courage). Other Roads and Paths will have 5.
For most Vampire characters, virtues begin at 1 point, unless noted otherwise above and below.
Vampire characters who follow Road of Humanity are NOT permitted to start with a Humanity rating of 7+ with out prior Storyteller approval before play testing. (ST'S NOTE: The simple translation for this is - talk to me about your character. Tell me why their humanity is still that high. As long as you're not talking about some kind of sadistic bastard with no regard for human life, I'm sure we can work something out.) They must also have a just, valid reason to have a humanity so high in the background.
- Alternate Virtues begin at zero: While every human (and thus every recently Embraced Kindred) has a modicum of their “natural” Virtues, vampiric Virtues must be learned from the ground up. So, while a character with Conscience, Self-Control, and Courage is created with one free dot in each Virtue, then has seven points to spend on Virtues, a character with Conviction, Self-Control, and Courage begins with only two free dots (in Self-Control and Courage). A character with Conviction, Instinct, and Courage begins with only one free dot (in Courage). All characters receive seven points to spend, but must use points to buy the inhuman Virtues to at least 1. This may seem unfair, but shunting off one’s human nature is not undertaken lightly. Even monsters are not created overnight.
Vampire characters who follow a Road OTHER THAN Humanity should regard those Virtues associated with that Road. Characters following a Road other than humanity must have a Willpower score of at least 5. Characters who start with a road other than humanity should justify it in their backstory. Playing a Road other than humanity is an extremely challenging and very serious aspect to roleplay. The character literally tears out of themselves social norms that billions of people around the world have followed for thousands of replace them with something utterly inhumane and make them more of a monster. Those Road guidelines are and should be far more restricting to a character than Humanity ever could be.
Step Five - Finishing Touches
Finishing Touches
- Merits and Flaws: No more than 10 merits and no more than 7 Flaws
- Record Humanity: (Conscience + Self-Control).
- Record Willpower: (Courage). Record Blood Pool: (Determined by Generation).
- Record Specialties: Any Attribute or Ability 4 or higher gets a free specialty. You can find a list here: Attributes & Abilities Please make a +note of your specialties. (+help +note) You may buy more with XP (See below.)
Step Six - Freebies & XP
You are allotted 15 freebies TOTAL on your first character creation.
Freebie Chart:
Trait | Cost |
Attribute | 5 per dot |
Ability | 2 per dot |
Background | 1 per dot |
Willpower | 1 per dot |
Discipline | 7 per dot |
Virtue | 2 per dot (Does not raise your Willpower/Humanity/Path) |
Humanity/Path | 2 per dot |
Merit | cost as per Merit |
Flaw | bonus as per Flaw (Max. Total: 7 points) |
XP at Chargen: For anything above a Fledgling:
Neonate - 75xp to be spent during Chargen
Ancilla - 150 xp to be spent as Chargen ** Please See Below
XP Chart:
Trait | Cost |
Attribute | Current Rating * 4 |
Ability | Current Rating * 2 |
Specialty | 2 XP per specialty. Ability/Attribute must be 4 or higher. |
Background | Current Rating * 3 |
Willpower | Current Rating * 2 |
Discipline | First Dot 10 XP. Current Rating * 5 (In Clan) * 7 (Out of Clan) * 6 (Caitiff/Pander) |
New Necro/Thaum Path | 7 XP |
Secondary Path Necro/Thaum | Current Rating * 4 |
Virtue | Current Rating * 7 (Does not raise your Humanity/Path/Willpower) |
Humanity/Path | Current Rating * 2 |
- Additional Requirements:
Bulletpoint Character backgruond/backstory. This can start at the moment of the Embrace up until the character coming to Houston and why.
All Backgrounds/Merits (if applicable)/Flaws (if applicable)/Specialties Must be +note'ed
List of equipment (Guns, armor) that your character will be coming in game with.
+note with XP spends from Chargen
- Note: There are special requirements need in order to gain approval for anything above a Neonate.
- Note: There are special requirements need in order to gain approval for anything above a Neonate.
- Ancilla and Up:
Please submit a +job with your concept, desired age and any other information you think that Starsong or Chaos will need in order to approve your concept for an advanced Character.
- Note: Please refer to +bboard 3 for updates on accepted Generation.
- Note: Please refer to +bboard 3 for updates on accepted Generation.
- ELDERS will ONLY be approved in a case by case scenario based up their need in their respective spheres.
Domain Map
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