Equipment: Difference between revisions

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Altair (talk | contribs)
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Ryoko (talk | contribs)
→‎Equipment: pre-work for update
(11 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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+equipreq: <item name> (<itemnumber>)=<details>
Always include the item number in your details, as well as your relevant stats and levels for equipment: [[Resources]] / Crafts / Equipment.
Equipment with an X for price can not be justified with Resources.
You must have the stats to have the equipment.  That is what stats are for. This is non-negotiable.  To avoid the back and forth, we're sticking with a simple, straightforward system that has several options to get where you want to go. This is the system.  Thank you for your understanding on this.
'''''Note:''''' When submitting your request, please put all relevant information (stats) in the request.  Do not assume we know your character or your character's stats.  We do not have everyone's sheets memorized and we do not want to have to search your sheet to justify your request for you.  Please respect our time and explain everything yourselves.  Thank you for your understanding on this.
Most equipment requests with +equipreq should refer specifically to an item number in the system or on the wiki above (one and the same).  Supernaturally created items would be the exception. If you have a question/suggestion/issue regarding equipment, use a regular +request for that.
Legal Items: There is no need to submit equipment requests for items that can be bought retail with no ID check. This includes hatchets, clubs (bats), phones and '''''excludes firearms and body armor'''''. We leave it to you to manage your characters and what legal stuff they might have, '''''as long as you have the requisite Resources'''''.  Players may substitute the Equipment background rating for a matching Resources rating for owning items.
Gifting: To keep the system simple, there’s no gifting to characters, otherwise there’s no need for a system.  Everyone will soon have everything as we’ve seen so many times before. There are multiple stats associated with owning equipment.  If you did not choose any of them, that’s the reality of your character’s situation. Live in that reality.
Borrowing: Instead, players with a group or faction may be loaned items or equipment for a particular scene or mission with the assumption that those items are returned, lost, or destroyed by the end of the mission. Get a verbal confirmation from your ST or Sphere Lead to approve loaned equipment.
Crafting: Crafters may substitute their Crafts score to create simple melee weapons. Other equipment will require a specific Secondary Ability but will otherwise function the same way. (ex: A person with Crafts 2 can craft a Resources 2 sword.) Crafting does not allow for the stats on an item to be changed in any way. An item is either created or not created and defaults to the same stats.
Supernatural Creation: If a character uses a power to create or alter an item, then submit a request to complete the process.  This is the only way an item can differ from default stats.  Any item that is different from default stats must have an equipment item approved and assigned to the character by staff.
Licensed and Illegal: Equipment that is licensed or illegal such as firearms and body armor, must be approved through a +request. Please detail how your character is planning to go about getting the equipment.  There may be associated rolls or scenes involved with acquiring such items. '''Players may substitute the Equipment, Armory, or similar background rating for a matching Resources rating for owning illegal items without a roll or a justification.''' However, you still needs to submit a +equipreq.
Note: Purchasing items illegally increases the cost by 1.
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
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{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
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Line 130: Line 158:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Hatchet
|style="" |101 Hatchet
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Tomahawk
|style="" |102 Tomahawk
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Axe
|style="" |103 Axe
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Great Axe
|style="" |104 Great Axe
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="background-color:white" |Polearm
|style="" |105 Polearm
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed.
|style="" |Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed.
Line 188: Line 216:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Stiletto
|style="" |106 Stiletto
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Penetrates up to three points of armor.
|style="" |Penetrates up to three points of armor.
|style="background-color:white" |Knife
|style="" |107 Knife
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Short Sword
|style="" |108 Short Sword
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Sword
|style="" |109 Sword
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Broadsword
|style="" |110 Broadsword
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |C20/286
|style="" |C20/286
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Weapon gains +1 damage if used two handed.
|style="" |Weapon gains +1 damage if used two handed.
|style="background-color:white" |Katana
|style="" |111 Katana
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |May be used two-handed for an additional +1 damage die.
|style="" |May be used two-handed for an additional +1 damage die.
|style="background-color:white" |Great Sword
|style="" |112 Great Sword
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="background-color:white" |Klaive
|style="" |113 Klaive
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |A
|style="" |A
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |W20/302
|style="" |W20/302
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
|style="" |Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
|style="background-color:white" |Grand Klaive
|style="" |114 Grand Klaive
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |A
|style="" |A
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |W20/302
|style="" |W20/302
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
|style="" |Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
|style="background-color:white" |Sai
|style="" |115 Sai
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |+1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="" |+1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="background-color:white" |Hook Sword(s)
|style="" |116 Hook Sword(s)
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Used as pair, requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="" |Used as pair, requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
Line 300: Line 328:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Riot Baton
|style="" |117 Riot Baton
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Baseball Bat
|style="" |118 Baseball Bat
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Crowbar
|style="" |119 Crowbar
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Staff
|style="" |120 Staff
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Iron Staff
|style="" |121 Iron Staff
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="background-color:white" |Mace
|style="" |122 Mace
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Nunchaku
|style="" |123 Nunchaku
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |+1 to dice pool when used to block, +1 difficulty to opponent’s block attempts.
|style="" |+1 to dice pool when used to block, +1 difficulty to opponent’s block attempts.
|style="background-color:white" |Spiked Club
|style="" |124 Spiked Club
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Huge Spiked Club
|style="" |125 Huge Spiked Club
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
|style="" |Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
==Fist-Extension Weapons==
==Fist-Extension Weapons==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Sap
|style="" |126 Sap
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Brass Knuckles
|style="" |127 Brass Knuckles
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Spiked Gauntlet
|style="" |128 Spiked Gauntlet
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Hand Claws (small)
|style="" |129 Hand Claws (small)
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Hand Claws (large)
|style="" |130 Hand Claws (large)
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Katar
|style="" |131 Katar
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |War Fan
|style="" |132 War Fan
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Wind and Fire Wheel
|style="" |133 Wind and Fire Wheel
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
Line 478: Line 506:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Broken Bottle
|style="" |X Broken Bottle
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Chair
|style="" |X Chair
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Chainsaw
|style="" |134 Chainsaw
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Table
|style="" |X Table
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/450
|style="" |M20/450
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
==Whips and Chains==
==Whips and Chains==
Line 527: Line 555:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Chain
|style="" |135 Chain
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Chain Whip
|style="" |136 Chain Whip
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Kusarigama
|style="" |137 Kusarigama
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="" |Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="background-color:white" |Manriki-Gusari
|style="" |138 Manriki-Gusari
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="" |Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
|style="background-color:white" |Flogger
|style="" |139 Flogger
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Barbed Cat
|style="" |140 Barbed Cat
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Whip
|style="" |141 Whip
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Bullwhip
|style="" |142 Bullwhip
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/451
|style="" |M20/451
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
Line 613: Line 641:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Revolver, Light
|style="" |201 Revolver, Light
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |12
|style="" |12
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Revolver, Heavy
|style="" |202 Revolver, Heavy
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |35
|style="" |35
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Semi-Automatic Pistol, Light
|style="" |203 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Light
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |20
|style="" |20
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |17+1
|style="" |17+1
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Semi-Automatic Pistol, Heavy
|style="" |204 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Heavy
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |30
|style="" |30
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |7+1
|style="" |7+1
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Rifle
|style="" |205 Rifle
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |200
|style="" |200
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |5+1
|style="" |5+1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |SMG, Small
|style="" |206 SMG, Small
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |25
|style="" |25
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |30+1
|style="" |30+1
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="background-color:white" |SMG, Large
|style="" |207 SMG, Large
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |50
|style="" |50
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |30+1
|style="" |30+1
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="background-color:white" |Assault Rifle
|style="" |208 Assault Rifle
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |150
|style="" |150
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |42+1
|style="" |42+1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="background-color:white" |Shotgun, Sawed Off
|style="" |209 Shotgun, Sawed Off
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |10
|style="" |10
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Shotgun
|style="" |210 Shotgun
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |20
|style="" |20
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |5+1
|style="" |5+1
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Shotgun, Semi-Automatic
|style="" |211 Shotgun, Semi-Automatic
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |25
|style="" |25
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |6+1
|style="" |6+1
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Shotgun, Assault
|style="" |212 Shotgun, Assault
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |50
|style="" |50
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |32+1
|style="" |32+1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
Line 748: Line 776:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Biggs X-5 Model R Protector
|style="" |213 Biggs X-5 Model R Protector
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |40
|style="" |40
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |12
|style="" |12
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Revolver; at the touch of a button, can chamber any type of ammunition loaded in the cylinder. Both Model R and Model A made of composite materials – invisible to metal detectors.
|style="" |Revolver; at the touch of a button, can chamber any type of ammunition loaded in the cylinder. Both Model R and Model A made of composite materials – invisible to metal detectors.
|style="background-color:white" |Biggs X-5 Model A Protector
|style="" |214 Biggs X-5 Model A Protector
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |400
|style="" |400
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |12+1
|style="" |12+1
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="background-color:white" |Biggs Mjollner Mk. IV
|style="" |215 Biggs Mjollner Mk. IV
|style="background-color:white" |10
|style="" |10
|style="background-color:white" |100
|style="" |100
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |10
|style="" |10
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Rarely issued to unEnlightened personnel, as it tends to jam on a failed roll during unEnlightened use.
|style="" |Rarely issued to unEnlightened personnel, as it tends to jam on a failed roll during unEnlightened use.
|style="background-color:white" |Castle-Graves WW-3
|style="" |216 Castle-Graves WW-3
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |200
|style="" |200
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |50+1
|style="" |50+1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="background-color:white" |Bolan Mk. 13 Weapon System
|style="" |217 Bolan Mk. 13 Weapon System
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Combines a submachine gun main weapon (as per AK-47; 50-shot clip) with auto-shotgun capabilities (as MPS AA-12; 20-shot clip) through the main barrel, plus a grenade launcher under that barrel (as a MP-79/ six-shot magazine). Laser sights. Heavy; requires Strength 3 or better to employ but has relatively low recoil. Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Combines a submachine gun main weapon (as per AK-47; 50-shot clip) with auto-shotgun capabilities (as MPS AA-12; 20-shot clip) through the main barrel, plus a grenade launcher under that barrel (as a MP-79/ six-shot magazine). Laser sights. Heavy; requires Strength 3 or better to employ but has relatively low recoil. Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="background-color:white" |HIT Mark Chain-Gun
|style="" |218 HIT Mark Chain-Gun
|style="background-color:white" |8
|style="" |8
|style="background-color:white" |150
|style="" |150
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |200
|style="" |200
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
|style="" |Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
Line 823: Line 851:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Range
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Rate
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Clip
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Short Bow
|style="" |219 Short Bow
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |60
|style="" |60
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Hunting Bow
|style="" |220 Hunting Bow
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |100
|style="" |100
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Long Bow
|style="" |221 Long Bow
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |100
|style="" |120
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Crossbow, Commando
|style="" |222 Crossbow, Commando
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |20
|style="" |20
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Collapsible; requires one turn to unfold from storage configuration, plus one action to load once it has been unfolded.
|style="" |Collapsible; requires one turn to unfold from storage configuration, plus one action to load once it has been unfolded.
|style="background-color:white" |Crossbow
|style="" |223 Crossbow
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |90
|style="" |90
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |T
|style="" |T
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Crossbow, Heavy
|style="" |224 Crossbow, Heavy
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |100
|style="" |100
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/452
|style="" |M20/452
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Taser
|style="" |225 Taser
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored.
|style="" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored.
|style="background-color:white" |Tear Gas
|style="" |226 Tear Gas
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
|style="" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
|style="background-color:white" |Bear Mace
|style="" |227 Bear Mace
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |W20/303
|style="" |W20/303
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
|style="" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
|style="background-color:white" |Pacification Spray
|style="" |228 Pacification Spray
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
|style="" |Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
=Thrown Weapons=
=Thrown Weapons=
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Weapon
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Conceal
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Hide
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Knife
|style="" |229 Knife (Dagger)
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Shuriken
|style="" |230 Shuriken
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |3 (No Str)
|style="" |3 (No Str)
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |P
|style="" |P
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Spear
|style="" |231 Spear
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Stone
|style="" |X Stone
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |varies
|style="" |varies
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Stone, Large
|style="" |X Stone, Large
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |N
|style="" |N
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Tomahawk
|style="" |232 Tomahawk
|style="background-color:white" |6
|style="" |6
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |J
|style="" |J
|style="background-color:white" |M20/453
|style="" |M20/453
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
Line 1,005: Line 1,034:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Damage
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dam
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Effects
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Effects
|style="background-color:white" |Ectoplasmic Disruptors
|style="" |301 Ectoplasmic Disruptors
|style="background-color:white" |5/A
|style="" |5/A
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Blasts spirit entities and vampires with aggravated damage explosion; normal damage to physical beings.
|style="" |Blasts spirit entities and vampires with aggravated damage explosion; normal damage to physical beings.
|style="background-color:white" |Explosive Shells
|style="" |302 Explosive Shells
|style="background-color:white" |6/L
|style="" |6/L
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |Mini-grenades; six dice on target, minus one die/ yard from impact to max. of -6 dice; usable only in shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
|style="" |Mini-grenades; six dice on target, minus one die/ yard from impact to max. of -6 dice; usable only in shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
|style="background-color:white" |Flechettes
|style="" |303 Flechettes
|style="background-color:white" |7/L
|style="" |7/L
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Tiny darts; modern body armor reduced by -2 to protection from this ammo, but old-style thick armor counts as double for this ammo only; only from shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
|style="" |Tiny darts; modern body armor reduced by -2 to protection from this ammo, but old-style thick armor counts as double for this ammo only; only from shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
|style="background-color:white" |Incendiary Rounds
|style="" |304 Incendiary Rounds
|style="background-color:white" |4/A
|style="" |4/A
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |Phosphorus – ignites in air when fired; inflict two dice aggravated damage for one turn after they hit; ignite flammable objects.
|style="" |Phosphorus – ignites in air when fired; inflict two dice aggravated damage for one turn after they hit; ignite flammable objects.
|style="background-color:white" |Rubber Bullets
|style="" |305 Rubber Bullets
|style="background-color:white" |B
|style="" |B
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Damage as normal bullets for the gun, but bashing, not lethal.
|style="" |Damage as normal bullets for the gun, but bashing, not lethal.
|style="background-color:white" |Taser Bullets
|style="" |306 Taser Bullets
|style="background-color:white" |5/B
|style="" |5/B
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Electrical charge inflicts 5 levels bashing for two turns; Technocratic special ammo.
|style="" |Electrical charge inflicts 5 levels bashing for two turns; Technocratic special ammo.
|style="background-color:white" |Tear Gas Rounds
|style="" |307 Tear Gas Rounds
|style="background-color:white" |5/B
|style="" |5/B
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Fills two meter radius with tear gas – see Toxins, p.456; shotguns and Technocratic firearms only.
|style="" |Fills two meter radius with tear gas – see Toxins, p.456; shotguns and Technocratic firearms only.
|style="background-color:white" |Teflon Bullets
|style="" |308 Teflon Bullets
|style="background-color:white" |L
|style="" |L
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |Damage as per normal bullets for the gun, but reduce armor protection value by -1.
|style="" |Damage as per normal bullets for the gun, but reduce armor protection value by -1.
Line 1,064: Line 1,093:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Diff Reduction
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Diff Reduction
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Laser Sight
|style="" |309 Laser Sight
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |One turn to aim.
|style="" |One turn to aim.
|style="background-color:white" |Sniper Scope
|style="" |310 Sniper Scope
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Two turns to aim.
|style="" |Two turns to aim.
|style="background-color:white" |Night Vision Scope
|style="" |311 Night Vision Scope
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/454
|style="" |M20/454
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Dark only; also lets shooter see in darkness
|style="" |Dark only; also lets shooter see in darkness
Line 1,096: Line 1,125:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Rating
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Rating
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Dex Penalty
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Dex Penalty
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Tough Hide
|style="" |401-403 Tough Hide
|style="background-color:white" |1-3
|style="" |1-3
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Tough Hide reflects animals, Bygones, constructs, or shapechanged characters with especially thick or armored skin.
|style="" |Tough Hide reflects animals, Bygones, constructs, or shapechanged characters with especially thick or armored skin.
|style="background-color:white" |Cybernetic Armor
|style="" |404-407 Cybernetic Armor
|style="background-color:white" |1-4
|style="" |1-4
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Cybernetic Armor has been built into the wearer. See the Background: Enhancement.
|style="" |Cybernetic Armor has been built into the wearer. See the Background: Enhancement.
|style="background-color:white" |Reinforced Clothing
|style="" |408-409 Reinforced Clothing
|style="background-color:white" |1-2
|style="" |1-2
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3-4
|style="" |2-4
|style="background-color:white" |Reinforced Clothing has been stiffened, padded, or layered with thin mesh protection.
|style="" |Reinforced Clothing has been stiffened, padded, or layered with thin mesh protection.
|style="background-color:white" |Enhanced Clothing
|style="" |410-414 Enhanced Clothing
|style="background-color:white" |1-5
|style="" |1-5
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Enhanced Clothing is apparently normal clothing modified by the supernatural powers.
|style="" |Enhanced Clothing is apparently normal clothing modified by the supernatural powers.
|style="background-color:white" |Biker Jacket
|style="" |415 Biker Jacket
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Biker Jacket represents thick, practical, heavy-duty protection.
|style="" |Biker Jacket represents thick, practical, heavy-duty protection.
|style="background-color:white" |Leather Duster
|style="" |416 Leather Duster
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Cosplay Mail
|style="" |417 Cosplay Mail
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Cosplay Mail reflects modern costume armor.
|style="" |Cosplay Mail reflects modern costume armor. Usually made from butted rings.
|style="background-color:white" |Chainmail
|style="" |418 Chainmail
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Chainmail represents battle-worthy chain-link armor, heavier than cosplay mail.
|style="" |Chainmail represents battle-worthy chain-link armor, heavier than cosplay mail. Usually made from riveted rings.
|style="background-color:white" |Steel Breastplate
|style="" |419 Steel Breastplate
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |Steel Breastplates are for example rider cuirass
|style="background-color:white" |Full Plate
|style="" |420 Full Plate
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |Full Plate is articulated knight’s armor.
|style="" |Full Plate is articulated knight’s armor.
|style="background-color:white" |Kevlar Vest
|style="" |421 Kevlar Vest
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Flak Vest
|style="" |422 Flak Vest
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Riot Suit
|style="" |423 Riot Suit
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Riot Suit is police heavy body armor.
|style="" |Riot Suit is police heavy body armor.
|style="background-color:white" |Military Armor
|style="" |424 Military Armor
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |Military Armor reflects a full suit of modern battle armor.
|style="" |Military Armor reflects a full suit of modern battle armor.
|style="background-color:white" |Alanson Hardsuit
|style="" |425 Alanson Hardsuit
|style="background-color:white" |7
|style="" |7
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |X
|style="" |X
|style="background-color:white" |Alanson Hardsuit is a standard-issue, full-body suit of hypertech Technocratic armor, used by Union security forces composed of extraordinary citizens and Enlightened agents alike. See M20/656 for details.
|style="" |Alanson Hardsuit is a standard-issue, full-body suit of hypertech Technocratic armor, used by Union security forces composed of extraordinary citizens and Enlightened agents alike. See M20/656 for details.
Line 1,216: Line 1,245:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Rating
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Rating
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Diff Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Diff Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Dex Penalty
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Dex Penalty
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bk/Pg
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |$
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Trash Can Lid
|style="" |426 Trash Can Lid
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |+1
|style="" |+1
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |0
|style="" |0
|style="background-color:white" |
|style="" |
|style="background-color:white" |Wooden Shield
|style="" |427 Wooden Shield
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |+2
|style="" |+2
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Wooden Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
|style="" |Wooden Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
|style="background-color:white" |Metal Shield
|style="" |428 Metal Shield
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |+2
|style="" |+2
|style="background-color:white" |-2
|style="" |-2
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Metal Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
|style="" |Metal Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
|style="background-color:white" |Riot Shield
|style="" |429 Riot Shield
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |+2
|style="" |+2
|style="background-color:white" |-1
|style="" |-1
|style="background-color:white" |M20/447
|style="" |M20/447
|style="background-color:white" |4
|style="" |4
|style="background-color:white" |Riot Shield is a thick Plexiglas or metal-with-viewport shield, employed by police forces (typically in a wall formation) during civil unrest situations.
|style="" |Riot Shield is a thick Plexiglas or metal-with-viewport shield, employed by police forces (typically in a wall formation) during civil unrest situations.
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
|Name||Safe Speed||Max Speed||Maneuver||Crew||Durability||Structure||Weapons||System||Cost||Ref
|501 Unicycle||1x STR||3x STR||5||1||1||3||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||1||M20/460
|502 Mountain Bike||3x STR||8x STR||5||1||2||4||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||1||M20/460
|503 Racing Bike||5x STR||10x STR||6||1||2||3||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||1||M20/460
|504 Dirt Bike (motorcycle)||50||80||9||1||4||4||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||1||M20/460
|505 Light Motorcycle||75||130||8||1||2||3||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||1||M20/460
|506 Touring Motorcycle||90||170||5||1 (1 pass)||4||4||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||2||M20/460
|507 Crotch Rocket||100||200||7||1||2||3||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||2||M20/460
|508 Badass Hypercycle||120||250||7||1||5||5||May mount any two of the following options: two .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots%roil slick jet - Difficulty 4, -6 to pursuers’ Drive rolls, 4 shots%rsmoke screen jet - Difficulty 4, -4 to pursuers’ Perception and Drive rolls, 4 shots%rsix rockets - Difficulty 8, Damage 15, Rate 1, Range 3000 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rone 30 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots||Durability does not protect Rider||X||M20/460
|509 ATV||30||70||5||1||3||5||N/A||Durability does not protect Rider||3||M20/460
|510 Jeep||60||80||6||1 (4 pass)||4||6||Civilian vehicles have no weapons. %r%rMilitary vehicles may mount one of the following options: %rtwo twin-mounted .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots),%r one 30 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%rone mounted .50 caliber machine gun - Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rone M-19 grenade launcher - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rone TOW rocket - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot).%rWeaponized vehicles may also carry concealed technomagickal Devices||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||2||M20/460
|511 Compact Car||70||130||6||1 (1 pass)||3||3||N/A||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||2||M20/460
|512 Midsize Wagon||70||120||5||1 (3 pass)||3||4||N/A||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||2||M20/460
|513 Sports Car||130||200||9||1 (1 pass)||3||4||N/A||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||4||M20/460
|514 Street Racer||70||240||8||1 (1 pass)||4||4||N/A||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||3||M20/460
|515 Cop Car||80||200||7||1 (3 pass)||5||5||N/A||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||2||M20/460
|516 Police Interceptor||100||250||8||1 (3 pass)||5||5||N/A||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||4||M20/460
|517 Bond Q Division Supercar||100||250||10||1 (1 pass)||6||5||Civilian vehicles have no weapons. %r%rMilitary vehicles may mount one of the following options: %rtwo twin-mounted .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots),%r one 30 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%rone mounted .50 caliber machine gun - Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rone M-19 grenade launcher - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rone TOW rocket - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot).%rWeaponized vehicles may also carry concealed technomagickal Devices||Mass inflicts +1 die in impact-based damage||X||M20/460
|518 Limo||70||110||4||1 (5 pass)||4||6||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||4||M20/460
|519 Armored Limo||70||100||4||1 (5 pass)||8||6||Civilian vehicles have no weapons. %r%rMilitary vehicles may mount one of the following options: %rtwo twin-mounted .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots),%r one 30 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%rone mounted .50 caliber machine gun - Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rone M-19 grenade launcher - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rone TOW rocket - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot).%rWeaponized vehicles may also carry concealed technomagickal Devices||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||5||M20/460
|520 Stretch Car||80||100||3||1 (5-7 pass)||3||5||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||5||M20/460
|521 Pickup Truck||70||110||5-7||1 (1-4 pass)||3||6||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||2||M20/460
|522 SUV/Van||60||120||6||1 (3-7 pass)||4||7||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|523 Armored Supervan||50||100||5||1 (3 pass)||10||10||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||5||M20/460
|524 Off Road Truck||60||90||5||1 (1-3 pass)||4||7||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|525 Hummer||80||120||5||1 (1-5 pass)||5||8||Civilian vehicles have no weapons. %r%rMilitary vehicles may mount one of the following options: %rtwo twin-mounted .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots),%r one 30 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%rone mounted .50 caliber machine gun - Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rone M-19 grenade launcher - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rone TOW rocket - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot).%rWeaponized vehicles may also carry concealed technomagickal Devices||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|526 Armored Car||60||80||4||1 (1-5 pass)||10||10||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||5||M20/460
|527 RV||60||80||3||1 (1-5 pass)||3||8||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|528 Bus||60||100||3||1 (20+ pass)||4||8||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|529 Large Truck||60||110||4-5||1 (1 pass)||4||6||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|530 Heavy Truck||60||100||4||1 (5+ pass)||6||8||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|531 18 Wheeler||70||110||4||1 (1 pass)||5||8||N/A||Mass inflicts +3 dice in impact based damage , +3 protection to passengers.||3||M20/460
|532 APC||30||60||4||2 (11 pass)||12||14||Mount one of the following options: %rtwo twin-mounted .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots),%r one 30 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%rone mounted .50 caliber machine gun - Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rone M-19 grenade launcher - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rone TOW rocket - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot).%rWeaponized vehicles may also carry concealed technomagickal Devices||Requires min. 3 dots in Drive + appropriate Specialty to operate at all, mass inflicts + 5 dice in impact-based damage. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||GOV||M20/461
|533 Riot Tank||30||50||3||2||10||14||Two M-19 grenade launchers - to fire gas canisters - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rtwo .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots%rand one battering ram.%rVehicle can be sealed against water and gas attacks.||Requires min. 3 dots in Drive + appropriate Specialty to operate at all, mass inflicts + 5 dice in impact-based damage. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||GOV||M20/461
|534 Light Tank||20||30 on road||2||4||18 front/15 sides||18||105 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 20, Rate 1, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 1 shot%r plus two .50 caliber machine guns - front and turret, Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rand two grenade launchers - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rVehicle can be sealed against water and gas attacks.||Requires min. 3 dots in Drive + appropriate Specialty to operate at all, mass inflicts + 5 dice in impact-based damage. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||GOV||M20/461
|535 Heavy Tank||30||50 on road||2||4||22 front/20 sides||25||120 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 30, Rate 1, Range 2000 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rplus three .50 caliber machine guns - front and turret, Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 200 shots%rand four grenade launchers - Difficulty 6, Damage as grenade, Rate 1, Range 400 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rVehicle can be sealed against water and gas attacks.||Requires min. 3 dots in Drive + appropriate Specialty to operate at all, mass inflicts + 5 dice in impact-based damage. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||GOV||M20/461
|536 Hot Air Balloon||Wind||Wind||0||1 (3 pass)||4||4||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, Passengers get full protection from Durability.||2||M20/462
|537 Jetpack||100||250||10||1||4||4||N/A||Requires Jetpack Skill, Durability does not protect wearer, technomagickal vehicle||X||M20/462
|538 Ornithopter||120||200||10||1||4||2||N/A||Requires Jetpack Skill, Durability does not protect wearer, technomagickal vehicle||X||M20/462
|539 Gyrocopter||70||150||5||1||3||3||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all. Requires Pilot + Helicopter specialty.||4||M20/462
|540 News Copter||140||220||6||1 (1 pass)||4||6||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, Requires Pilot + Helicopter specialty. Durability protects passengers||5||M20/462
|541 Large Helicopter||150||250||6||2 (4 pass)||5||6||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, Requires Pilot + Helicopter specialty. Durability protects passengers||5||M20/462
|542 Attack Chopper||180||280||9||3||12||10||30 mm cannon - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots%r16 TOW missiles - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot%r16 rockets - Difficulty 8, Damage 15, Rate 1, Range 3000 yards, Capacity 1 shot||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, military aircraft require at least 3 dots in Pilot + Helicopter specialty. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||GOV||M20/462
|543 Military Utility Helicopter||180||280||7||3 (10 pass)||8||10||Two .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots%r%ror two 30 mm cannons - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%r%ror six rockets - Difficulty 8, Damage 15, Rate 1, Range 3000 yards, Capacity 1 shot) %rand two .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots).||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, military aircraft require at least 3 dots in Pilot + Helicopter specialty. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||GOV||M20/462
|544 Black Helicopter||200||400||10||2||13||13||Two .30 caliber machine guns - Difficulty 6, Damage 12, Rate 5, Range 800 yards, Capacity 100 shots%rtwo 30 mm cannons - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 8, Range 1200 yards, Capacity 50 shots%r12 rockets - Difficulty 8, Damage 15, Rate 1, Range 3000 yards, Capacity 1 shot%rand 16 TOW missiles - Difficulty 6, Damage 16, Rate 1, Range 2500 yards, Capacity 1 shot%r%rAlso features stealth mode - Arcane 5 except vs. Technocrats - and requires Perception roll difficulty 6 to hear.||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, military aircraft require at least 3 dots in Pilot + Helicopter specialty. Passengers get full protection from Durability. Requires Technocratic extraordinary citizen crew.||X||M20/462
|545 Small Prop Plane||110||170||5||1 (3 pass)||5||6||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||4||M20/462
|546 Medium Prop Plane||180||230||4||2 (10 pass)||6||8||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||5||M20/462
|547 Large Prop Plane||300||400||3||2 (50 pass)||6||10||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||6||M20/462
|548 Lear Jet||350||450||4||2 (20 pass)||8||15||N/A||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all. Passengers get full protection from Durability.||5||M20/462
|549 Fighter Jet||Mach 2||Mach 2.5||7||1||8||15||20 mm cannon - Difficulty 7, Damage 15, Rate 3, Range 1000 yards, Capacity 100 shots%rfour Sidewinder missiles - Difficulty 8, Damage 15, Rate 2, Range many miles%rsix Sparrow A1M-7P missiles - Difficulty 8, Damage 20, Rate 2, Range 30 miles%rand 14 250-lb. smart bombs - Difficulty 6, Damage 40.||Requires Pilot Skill to operate at all, military aircraft require at least 3 dots in Pilot + Fighter Jet specialty. Durability protects passengers.||GOV||M20/462
Equipment is available for characters to use on NuMetal, which allow bonuses for certain Ability-related tasks.
Equipment is available for characters to use on RetroMUX, which allow bonuses for certain Ability-related tasks.

In order to possess and receive the bonus for equipment, characters must meet the listed Level in both Resources and the associated Ability. If a character possesses the Resources, but does not possess the requisite Ability level, the character can use the equipment, but does not receive the listed bonus. An appropriate Secondary Ability can be used in place of the listed Ability.
In order to receive the bonus for equipment, characters must meet the listed Level in both Resources and the associated Ability. If a character possesses the Resources, but does not possess the requisite Ability level, the character can use the equipment, but does not receive the listed bonus. An appropriate Secondary Ability can be used in place of the listed Ability.
==Mental Equipment==
==Mental Equipment==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Level
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Level
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Ability
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Ability
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Automotive Tools (basic)
|style="" |Automotive Tools (basic)
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Crafts
|style="" |Crafts
|style="background-color:white" |Automotive tools are a necessity for all but the simplest automobile repairs. Even then, a fully-stocked garage with heavy equipment is required for more involved tasks such as engine or transmission replacement. If time is not a factor, any trained character with a Crafts Automotive Specialty can repair a vehicle’s mundane issues without rolls. Complex modifications and enhancements, or massive damages, always require a greater effort (an extended Intelligence + Crafts roll) to work out.
|style="" |Automotive tools are a necessity for all but the simplest automobile repairs. Even then, a fully-stocked garage with heavy equipment is required for more involved tasks such as engine or transmission replacement. If time is not a factor, any trained character with a Crafts Automotive Specialty can repair a vehicle’s mundane issues without rolls. Complex modifications and enhancements, or massive damages, always require a greater effort (an extended Intelligence + Crafts roll) to work out.
|style="background-color:white" |Automotive Tools (advanced)
|style="" |Automotive Tools (advanced)
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Crafts
|style="" |Crafts
|style="background-color:white" |Automotive tools are a necessity for all but the simplest automobile repairs. Even then, a fully-stocked garage with heavy equipment is required for more involved tasks such as engine or transmission replacement. If time is not a factor, any trained character with a Crafts Automotive Specialty can repair a vehicle’s mundane issues without rolls. Complex modifications and enhancements, or massive damages, always require a greater effort (an extended Intelligence + Crafts roll) to work out.
|style="" |Automotive tools are a necessity for all but the simplest automobile repairs. Even then, a fully-stocked garage with heavy equipment is required for more involved tasks such as engine or transmission replacement. If time is not a factor, any trained character with a Crafts Automotive Specialty can repair a vehicle’s mundane issues without rolls. Complex modifications and enhancements, or massive damages, always require a greater effort (an extended Intelligence + Crafts roll) to work out.
|style="background-color:white" |Communications Headsets
|style="" |Communications Headsets
|style="background-color:white" |1/2
|style="" |1/2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Technology
|style="" |Technology
|style="background-color:white" |Communications headsets keep characters in constant contact. Different varieties work over different distances, but most commercial models work over about 200 feet. If the users have practiced using their headsets together, they gain the dice bonus on any coordinated efforts. In the case of a teamwork action, the dice bonus only applies to the final roll. If the users are unpracticed, the bonus falls to +1 and actors must make reflexive Perception + Alertness rolls to participate successfully.
|style="" |Communications headsets keep characters in constant contact. Different varieties work over different distances, but most commercial models work over about 200 feet. If the users have practiced using their headsets together, they gain the dice bonus on any coordinated efforts. In the case of a teamwork action, the dice bonus only applies to the final roll. If the users are unpracticed, the bonus falls to +1 and actors must make reflexive Perception + Alertness rolls to participate successfully.
|style="background-color:white" |Crime Scene Kit
|style="" |Crime Scene Kit
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Investigation
|style="" |Investigation
|style="background-color:white" |A crime scene (or CSI) kit is a toolbox full of investigative aids such as magnifiers, fingerprinting dust, cameras, tape, testing chemicals, and sample bags. While the kits offer a dice bonus to Investigation rolls, the more important benefit of the CSI kit is that it allows evidence to be moved and digested elsewhere. Properly applied, it allows investigators to do the bulk of their work offsite and at their own pace.
|style="" |A crime scene (or CSI) kit is a toolbox full of investigative aids such as magnifiers, fingerprinting dust, cameras, tape, testing chemicals, and sample bags. While the kits offer a dice bonus to Investigation rolls, the more important benefit of the CSI kit is that it allows evidence to be moved and digested elsewhere. Properly applied, it allows investigators to do the bulk of their work offsite and at their own pace.
|style="background-color:white" |Cracking Software
|style="" |Cracking Software
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Computers
|style="" |Computers
|style="background-color:white" |Crappy software’s a dime a dozen. Good, reliable cracking software is hard to come by. With solid software, a hacker can force passwords, breach firewalls, and otherwise be a nuisance in computer systems. Beyond the dice pool modification, the benefit such software offers is a sort of buffer between the hacker and security. Any effort to track the hacker takes two steps: one to identify the software, then one to trace it back to the source. Functionally, this means rolling twice on behalf of the security personnel, with an opportunity for the hacker to withdraw before detection.
|style="" |Crappy software’s a dime a dozen. Good, reliable cracking software is hard to come by. With solid software, a hacker can force passwords, breach firewalls, and otherwise be a nuisance in computer systems. Beyond the dice pool modification, the benefit such software offers is a sort of buffer between the hacker and security. Any effort to track the hacker takes two steps: one to identify the software, then one to trace it back to the source. Functionally, this means rolling twice on behalf of the security personnel, with an opportunity for the hacker to withdraw before detection.
|style="background-color:white" |Duct Tape
|style="" |Duct Tape
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Crafts
|style="" |Crafts
|style="background-color:white" |Duct tape has as many uses as one can think of, and just as many you never would. It can reinforce barricades, stabilize weapon handles, bind prisoners, repair broken pipes, and so much more. In most cases, duct tape can offer a +1 bonus to Crafts-related rolls. Alternatively, it can add a point of Durability to almost anything. If used as a restraint, rolls to break free suffer a -3 penalty, and must overcome the duct tape’s Structure.
|style="" |Duct tape has as many uses as one can think of, and just as many you never would. It can reinforce barricades, stabilize weapon handles, bind prisoners, repair broken pipes, and so much more. In most cases, duct tape can offer a +1 bonus to Crafts-related rolls. Alternatively, it can add a point of Durability to almost anything. If used as a restraint, rolls to break free suffer a -3 penalty, and must overcome the duct tape’s Structure.
|style="background-color:white" |First-Aid Kit
|style="" |First-Aid Kit
|style="background-color:white" |0/1
|style="" |0/1
|style="background-color:white" |1/2
|style="" |1/2
|style="background-color:white" |Medicine
|style="" |Medicine
|style="background-color:white" |A first-aid kit contains all the necessary supplies to stabilize an injury and stop wounds from getting worse until the victim can find proper treatment. The one-dot version of the first-aid kit does not offer a die bonus; it simply allows for treatment. The two-dot version offers a +1 to treatment rolls due to superior supplies.
|style="" |A first-aid kit contains all the necessary supplies to stabilize an injury and stop wounds from getting worse until the victim can find proper treatment. The one-dot version of the first-aid kit does not offer a die bonus; it simply allows for treatment. The two-dot version offers a +1 to treatment rolls due to superior supplies.
|style="background-color:white" |Luminol
|style="" |Luminol
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Investigation
|style="" |Investigation
|style="background-color:white" |Luminol is a chemical that reacts to certain metals in human blood and other bodily fluids. The reaction causes a faint neon glow for about thirty seconds, visible in the dark. It comes in an aerosol can and will seek out faint traces of bodily fluids, even after a thorough cleaning. In addition to showing the exact locations of violent crimes, luminol can assist in tracking wounded people and animals. Luminol’s dice bonus applies to any roll to track by the fluid traces, or to piece together the details of a crime scene.
|style="" |Luminol is a chemical that reacts to certain metals in human blood and other bodily fluids. The reaction causes a faint neon glow for about thirty seconds, visible in the dark. It comes in an aerosol can and will seek out faint traces of bodily fluids, even after a thorough cleaning. In addition to showing the exact locations of violent crimes, luminol can assist in tracking wounded people and animals. Luminol’s dice bonus applies to any roll to track by the fluid traces, or to piece together the details of a crime scene.
|style="background-color:white" |Multi-Tool
|style="" |Multi-Tool
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |1
|style="" |1
|style="background-color:white" |Crafts
|style="" |Crafts
|style="background-color:white" |Sometimes the need for mobility doesn’t allow for your character to carry around a full tool kit. In these cases, a multi-tool can be a lifesaver. From sawing to stripping wires, to opening bottles, to filing off serial numbers, a multi-tool can do the job in a pinch. The multi-tool offers a negligible die bonus on numerous Crafts and other assorted tasks, and most importantly, allows for rolls when sometimes they couldn’t be made for lack of proper equipment.
|style="" |Sometimes the need for mobility doesn’t allow for your character to carry around a full tool kit. In these cases, a multi-tool can be a lifesaver. From sawing to stripping wires, to opening bottles, to filing off serial numbers, a multi-tool can do the job in a pinch. The multi-tool offers a negligible die bonus on numerous Crafts and other assorted tasks, and most importantly, allows for rolls when sometimes they couldn’t be made for lack of proper equipment.
|style="background-color:white" |Personal Computer
|style="" |Personal Computer
|style="background-color:white" |1-4
|style="" |1-4
|style="background-color:white" |1-4
|style="" |1-4
|style="background-color:white" |Computers
|style="" |Computers
|style="background-color:white" |In the 90s, access to a personal computer is not a given. They can vary in size, functionality, and price, from simple models that barely surf the web to high-end machines that process megabytes of data per second. The Level of the computer determines its dice bonus.
|style="" |In the 90s, access to a personal computer is not a given. They can vary in size, functionality, and price, from simple models that barely surf the web to high-end machines that process megabytes of data per second. The Level of the computer determines its dice bonus.
|style="background-color:white" |Special Effects
|style="" |Special Effects
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Subterfuge
|style="" |Subterfuge
|style="background-color:white" |“Special effects” is a catch-all term for the tricks and chicanery used by amusement parks and stage magicians to fool witnesses. A character may use these as a distraction or a defense. In addition to the dice bonus, special effects generally fool their audience at first. A witness will fall for the trick unless given good reason to be suspicious. This can waste valuable time or lead the witness into a trap.
|style="" |“Special effects” is a catch-all term for the tricks and chicanery used by amusement parks and stage magicians to fool witnesses. A character may use these as a distraction or a defense. In addition to the dice bonus, special effects generally fool their audience at first. A witness will fall for the trick unless given good reason to be suspicious. This can waste valuable time or lead the witness into a trap.
|style="background-color:white" |Surveillance Equipment
|style="" |Surveillance Equipment
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |3
|style="" |3
|style="background-color:white" |Alertness
|style="" |Alertness
|style="background-color:white" |Standard surveillance equipment usually consists of motion detectors, cameras, and monitors. High-end versions may include infrared heat sensors, barometric scanners, or even more complex gear. Either way, the point of surveillance equipment is to survey, detect, and otherwise track who enters or leaves a location. Often, this also means locking down breached zones. Unless someone knows surveillance equipment exists and actively avoids it, his presence is noticed and recorded. If he tries to avoid it, contest his Dexterity + Stealth against the installing technician’s Intelligence + Crafts. The technician may add the equipment’s dice bonus. If the intruder scores more successes, he remains unnoticed. Otherwise, he goes on record.
|style="" |Standard surveillance equipment usually consists of motion detectors, cameras, and monitors. High-end versions may include infrared heat sensors, barometric scanners, or even more complex gear. Either way, the point of surveillance equipment is to survey, detect, and otherwise track who enters or leaves a location. Often, this also means locking down breached zones. Unless someone knows surveillance equipment exists and actively avoids it, his presence is noticed and recorded. If he tries to avoid it, contest his Dexterity + Stealth against the installing technician’s Intelligence + Crafts. The technician may add the equipment’s dice bonus. If the intruder scores more successes, he remains unnoticed. Otherwise, he goes on record.
|style="background-color:white" |Survival Gear
|style="" |Survival Gear
|style="background-color:white" |1/2
|style="" |1/2
|style="background-color:white" |1/3
|style="" |1/3
|style="background-color:white" |Survival
|style="" |Survival
|style="background-color:white" |Survival gear is the catch-all term for the various kits of equipment needed to survive in harsh environments. This could include tents, canned foodstuff, raingear, sleeping bags, sterile water, or any of the various things a person can use to survive the world outside their cushy homes. They come in two levels: a basic level and an advanced level. The basic level offers +1 and subtracts one from the effective level of environment, while the advanced offers +2 and subtracts two from the effective environment level.
|style="" |Survival gear is the catch-all term for the various kits of equipment needed to survive in harsh environments. This could include tents, canned foodstuff, raingear, sleeping bags, sterile water, or any of the various things a person can use to survive the world outside their cushy homes. They come in two levels: a basic level and an advanced level. The basic level offers +1 and subtracts one from the effective level of environment, while the advanced offers +2 and subtracts two from the effective environment level.
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{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Level
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Level
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Ability
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Ability
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Bear Trap
|style="" |Bear Trap
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Crafts
|style="" |Crafts
|style="background-color:white" |A bear trap is a large metal contraption that looks something like a set of deadly jaws. For this reason, they’re also commonly called jaw traps. When a human or large animal steps into the bear trap, it snaps shut on their leg. Due to the serrated edges on the trap, this can cause massive bleeding or even broken bones. The jaw trap causes three lethal damage and ignores two points of armor. A character trapped in the jaws can attempt to escape as an instant action. Doing so requires a Feat of Strength, with the trap’s dice bonus as a penalty due to the distracting pain and the strength of the jaws. Failure on this roll causes another point of lethal damage as the jaw digs in further. Creatures without opposable thumbs cannot escape this way and must rip themselves free. Any rolls to hide a bear trap suffer its dice bonus as a penalty. They’re difficult to hide due to their awkward shape and weight.
|style="" |A bear trap is a large metal contraption that looks something like a set of deadly jaws. For this reason, they’re also commonly called jaw traps. When a human or large animal steps into the bear trap, it snaps shut on their leg. Due to the serrated edges on the trap, this can cause massive bleeding or even broken bones. The jaw trap causes three lethal damage and ignores two points of armor. A character trapped in the jaws can attempt to escape as an instant action. Doing so requires a Feat of Strength, with the trap’s dice bonus as a penalty due to the distracting pain and the strength of the jaws. Failure on this roll causes another point of lethal damage as the jaw digs in further. Creatures without opposable thumbs cannot escape this way and must rip themselves free. Any rolls to hide a bear trap suffer its dice bonus as a penalty. They’re difficult to hide due to their awkward shape and weight.
|style="background-color:white" |Caltrops
|style="" |Caltrops
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Security
|style="" |Security
|style="background-color:white" |Caltrops are small, pointed pieces of metal, arranged in such a way that one point is always facing upward. This makes walking (or driving) through a patch of caltrops inconvenient and painful. These traits assume possession of enough caltrops to fill a doorway or other narrow corridor. Moving through caltrops causes one point of lethal damage. Caltrops ignore a point of armor. To move through safely, a Dexterity + Athletics roll is required with the caltrops’ dice bonus applied as a penalty to the roll. A character may only move at half Speed (rounded down) while moving safely through caltrops. A character may hide caltrops, although it is difficult. A Wits + Security - 3 roll is required; the caltrops’ dice bonus does not apply to this roll.
|style="" |Caltrops are small, pointed pieces of metal, arranged in such a way that one point is always facing upward. This makes walking (or driving) through a patch of caltrops inconvenient and painful. These traits assume possession of enough caltrops to fill a doorway or other narrow corridor. Moving through caltrops causes one point of lethal damage. Caltrops ignore a point of armor. To move through safely, a Dexterity + Athletics roll is required with the caltrops’ dice bonus applied as a penalty to the roll. A character may only move at half Speed (rounded down) while moving safely through caltrops. A character may hide caltrops, although it is difficult. A Wits + Security - 3 roll is required; the caltrops’ dice bonus does not apply to this roll.
|style="background-color:white" |Camouflage Clothing
|style="" |Camouflage Clothing
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Stealth
|style="" |Stealth
|style="background-color:white" |Camouflage clothing allows its wearer to blend in with her surroundings enough for the untrained eye to pass over her completely. Effective camouflage must be catered to the environment: greens and browns in the woodlands, shades of grey in an urban area. Proper  camouflage adds its bonus to rolls to remain unnoticed.
|style="" |Camouflage clothing allows its wearer to blend in with her surroundings enough for the untrained eye to pass over her completely. Effective camouflage must be catered to the environment: greens and browns in the woodlands, shades of grey in an urban area. Proper  camouflage adds its bonus to rolls to remain unnoticed.
|style="background-color:white" |Climbing Gear
|style="" |Climbing Gear
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Athletics
|style="" |Athletics
|style="background-color:white" |Climbing gear includes ropes, pulleys, handles, carabiners, hooks, and other assorted tools for scaling things. They serve a twofold purpose. First, they add their dice bonus to the normal Strength + Athletics rolls for climbing. Second, if properly applied (with a Wits + Athletics roll), they prevent a character from falling more than 10 feet at a time.
|style="" |Climbing gear includes ropes, pulleys, handles, carabiners, hooks, and other assorted tools for scaling things. They serve a twofold purpose. First, they add their dice bonus to the normal Strength + Athletics rolls for climbing. Second, if properly applied (with a Wits + Athletics roll), they prevent a character from falling more than 10 feet at a time.
|style="background-color:white" |Gas Mask
|style="" |Gas Mask
|style="background-color:white" |5
|style="" |5
|style="background-color:white" |2
|style="" |2
|style="background-color:white" |Survival
|style="" |Survival
|style="background-color:white" |A gas mask is a filtration device placed over the face that defends the wearer against noxious chemicals in the air. With a working gas mask, a character can stand minor toxins for as long as he needs, whereas other characters might take damage over time or require rolls to remain conscious. Powerful toxins may still require rolls. A gas mask adds five dice to these rolls.
|style="" |A gas mask is a filtration device placed over the face that defends the wearer against noxious chemicals in the air. With a working gas mask, a character can stand minor toxins for as long as he needs, whereas other characters might take damage over time or require rolls to remain conscious. Powerful toxins may still require rolls. A gas mask adds five dice to these rolls.
|style="background-color:white" |Lockpicking Kit
|style="" |Lockpicking Kit
|style="background-color:white" |1/2
|style="" |1/2
|style="background-color:white" |1/2
|style="" |1/2
|style="background-color:white" |Security
|style="" |Security
|style="background-color:white" |A lockpicking kit consists of picks, tools, and rods for manipulating tumblers and opening locks. A good kit contains a wide array of tools for all types of locks, but guarantee appendix one-equipment intrusion of an analog lock. With such a kit and at least a dot of Larceny, a character can pick a lock without a roll if time is not an issue. If time is an issue, the dice bonus applies to the Dexterity + Larceny rolls. At Level 1, a character may procure a portable lockpick and is far more concealable. However, it only offers a +1 bonus and doesn’t allow for picking without rolls since the kit realistically may not have the right tools for a given job.
|style="" |A lockpicking kit consists of picks, tools, and rods for manipulating tumblers and opening locks. A good kit contains a wide array of tools for all types of locks, but guarantee appendix one-equipment intrusion of an analog lock. With such a kit and at least a dot of Larceny, a character can pick a lock without a roll if time is not an issue. If time is an issue, the dice bonus applies to the Dexterity + Larceny rolls. At Level 1, a character may procure a portable lockpick and is far more concealable. However, it only offers a +1 bonus and doesn’t allow for picking without rolls since the kit realistically may not have the right tools for a given job.
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{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; background-color:grey"  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 200px; "  |Type
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; background-color:grey"  |Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 10px; "  |Bonus
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Level
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Level
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; background-color:grey"  |Ability
! scope="col" style="width: 50px; "  |Ability
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; background-color:grey"  |Notes
! scope="col" style="width: 1000px; "  |Notes
|style="background-color:white" |Disguise
|style="" |Disguise
|style="background-color:white" |1-3
|style="" |1-3
|style="background-color:white" |1-3
|style="" |1-3
|style="background-color:white" |Subterfuge
|style="" |Subterfuge
|style="background-color:white" |A good disguise goes a long way to help fit in with a strange group, or to go unnoticed in a crowd where one doesn’t belong. Properly costumed for a situation, no rolls are required to blend into the crowd. Any rolls to actively detect the outsider suffer a penalty equal to the dice bonus of the disguise; the disguised character also gains the bonus to remain hidden. With a disguise, a character can emulate the first dot of a single Social Merit that would make sense within the scope of the scene. For example, it doesn’t make money appear from thin air, but it would allow a character to get their drinks on a nonexistent tab, reflecting Resources 1. This requires a Composure + Subterfuge roll to maintain in the face of anyone in the know, contested by the witness’s Wits + Subterfuge. The dice bonus of the disguise applies to the liar, but does not affect the witness.
|style="" |A good disguise goes a long way to help fit in with a strange group, or to go unnoticed in a crowd where one doesn’t belong. Properly costumed for a situation, no rolls are required to blend into the crowd. Any rolls to actively detect the outsider suffer a penalty equal to the dice bonus of the disguise; the disguised character also gains the bonus to remain hidden. With a disguise, a character can emulate the first dot of a single Social Merit that would make sense within the scope of the scene. For example, it doesn’t make money appear from thin air, but it would allow a character to get their drinks on a nonexistent tab, reflecting Resources 1. This requires a Composure + Subterfuge roll to maintain in the face of anyone in the know, contested by the witness’s Wits + Subterfuge. The dice bonus of the disguise applies to the liar, but does not affect the witness.
|style="background-color:white" |Fashion
|style="" |Fashion
|style="background-color:white" |1-3
|style="" |1-3
|style="background-color:white" |1-5
|style="" |1-5
|style="background-color:white" |Various
|style="" |Various
|style="background-color:white" |Never underestimate the value of high fashion. Like a disguise, fashionable clothing allows a character to fit in. However, the point of fashion is to draw attention, not to fade into the crowd. As opposed to anonymity, fashion means being noticed. Note that the clothing chosen must be appropriate to the setting. Punk chic will not work at a Senator’s fundraiser, for example. When improperly dressed, the dice bonus applies as a penalty to all Social Skill rolls. The associated Ability can be any social Ability, but the Level applies only for that ability's rolls. The dice bonus for Fashion is equal to half the Level, rounded up.
|style="" |Never underestimate the value of high fashion. Like a disguise, fashionable clothing allows a character to fit in. However, the point of fashion is to draw attention, not to fade into the crowd. As opposed to anonymity, fashion means being noticed. Note that the clothing chosen must be appropriate to the setting. Punk chic will not work at a Senator’s fundraiser, for example. When improperly dressed, the dice bonus applies as a penalty to all Social Skill rolls. The associated Ability can be any social Ability, but the Level applies only for that ability's rolls. The dice bonus for Fashion is equal to half the Level, rounded up.
+equipreq: <item name>=<details>

Always include the item number in your details, as well as your relevant stats and levels for equipment: Resources / Crafts / Equipment
In 1994, Texas gun laws were generally permissive, but there were still some regulations in place. Here's an overview of the key aspects:

You must have the stats to have the equipment.  That is what stats are for. This is non-negotiable.  To avoid the back and forth, we're sticking with a simple, straightforward system that has several options to get where you want to go. This is the system.  Thank you for your understanding on this.
Concealed Carry: Texas did not have a "shall-issue" concealed carry law until 1995. At that time, it was largely illegal for the average citizen to carry a concealed handgun in public. There were exceptions, such as carrying a concealed weapon on one's own property or while traveling, but Texas had yet to implement the widespread licensing for concealed carry that would come later.

'''''Note:''''' When submitting your request, please put all relevant information in the request. Do not assume we know your character or your character's stats. We do not have everyone's sheets memorized and we do not want to have to search your sheet to justify your request for you.  Please respect our time and explain everything yourselves.  Thank you for your understanding on this.
Purchase and Ownership: There were few restrictions on the purchase and ownership of firearms. Background checks for private sales between individuals were not required, although federal law did require licensed dealers to conduct background checks. There was no waiting period for purchasing firearms in Texas, although the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, signed into law in 1993, imposed a federal five-day waiting period for handgun purchases from licensed dealers, pending a background check.

Most equipment requests with +equipreq should refer specifically to an item number in the system or on the wiki above (one and the same). Supernaturally created items would be the exception. If you have a question/suggestion/issue regarding equipment, use a regular +request for that.
Assault Weapons Ban: At the federal level, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, often referred to as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 13, 1994. This law prohibited the manufacture and sale of certain semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity magazines. While this was a federal law, it affected Texas and other states, placing restrictions on the sale and manufacture of these specific types of firearms.

Legal Items: There is no need to submit equipment requests for items that can be bought retail with no ID check. This includes hatchets, clubs (bats), phones and '''''excludes firearms and body armor'''''. We leave it to you to manage your characters and what legal stuff they might have, '''''as long as you have the requisite Resources'''''. Players may substitute the Equipment background rating for a matching Resources rating for owning items.
Open Carry: Open carry of handguns was not legal in Texas in 1994. The state only legalized the open carry of handguns much later, in 2016. However, long guns, such as rifles and shotguns, could be carried openly in most places.
Gifting: To keep the system simple, there’s no gifting to characters, otherwise there’s no need for a system.  Everyone will soon have everything as we’ve seen so many times before. There are multiple stats associated with owning equipment.  If you did not choose any of them, that’s the reality of your character’s situation. Live in that reality.
Borrowing: Instead, players with a group or faction may be loaned items or equipment for a particular scene or mission with the assumption that those items are returned, lost, or destroyed by the end of the mission. Get a verbal confirmation from your ST or Sphere Lead to approve loaned equipment.
Crafting: Crafters may substitute their Crafts score to create simple melee weapons. Other equipment will require a specific Secondary Ability but will otherwise function the same way. (ex: A person with Crafts 2 can craft a Resources 2 sword.) Crafting does not allow for the stats on an item to be changed in any way. An item is either created or not created and defaults to the same stats.
Supernatural Creation: If a character uses a power to create or alter an item, then submit a request to complete the process.  This is the only way an item can differ from default stats.  Any item that is different from default stats must have an equipment item approved and assigned to the character by staff.
Licensed and Illegal: Equipment that is licensed or illegal such as firearms and body armor, must be approved through a +request. Please detail how your character is planning to go about getting the equipment.  There may be associated rolls or scenes involved with acquiring such items. If your character is far above their apparent age, there is no way for them to be able to have a legal identity without the proper Alternate Identity stats. Players may substitute the Equipment, Armory, or similar background rating for a matching Resources rating for owning illegal items without a roll or a justification. However, you still needs to submit a +equipreq.
Note: Purchasing items illegally increases the cost by 1.

Revision as of 14:52, 15 December 2024


+equipreq: <item name> (<itemnumber>)=<details>

Always include the item number in your details, as well as your relevant stats and levels for equipment: Resources / Crafts / Equipment.

Equipment with an X for price can not be justified with Resources.



Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
101 Hatchet 6 1 L J M20/450 0
102 Tomahawk 6 2 L J M20/450 1
103 Axe 7 3 L N M20/450 1
104 Great Axe 7 6 L N M20/450 3 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
105 Polearm 7 3 L N M20/450 1 Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed.


Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
106 Stiletto 4 1 L P M20/450 1 Penetrates up to three points of armor.
107 Knife 4 1 L P M20/450 1
108 Short Sword 5 2 L J M20/450 2
109 Sword 6 2 L T M20/450 1
110 Broadsword 6 3 L T C20/286 2 Weapon gains +1 damage if used two handed.
111 Katana 6 3 L T M20/450 2 May be used two-handed for an additional +1 damage die.
112 Great Sword 5 6 L N M20/450 4 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
113 Klaive 6 2 A J W20/302 X Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
114 Grand Klaive 7 3 A T W20/302 X Silver weapons — damage cannot be soaked by werewolves except in breed form.
115 Sai 5 1 L J M20/450 1 +1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
116 Hook Sword(s) 7 3 L T M20/450 1 Used as pair, requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +1 to dice pool when used to block, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.

Clubbing Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
117 Riot Baton 5 1 B T M20/450 1
118 Baseball Bat 5 2 B T M20/450 2
119 Crowbar 6 1 L J M20/450 1
120 Staff 6 1 B N M20/450 1
121 Iron Staff 7 3 L N M20/450 1 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.
122 Mace 6 2 L N M20/450 1
123 Nunchaku 7 2 B T M20/450 1 +1 to dice pool when used to block, +1 difficulty to opponent’s block attempts.
124 Spiked Club 6 2 L T M20/450 1
125 Huge Spiked Club 7 4 L N M20/450 2 Two-handed weapon; very heavy – requires min. Strength 3 to employ.

Fist-Extension Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
126 Sap 4 1 B P M20/450 1
127 Brass Knuckles 6 0 L P M20/450 1
128 Spiked Gauntlet 6 1 L J M20/450 1
129 Hand Claws (small) 6 1 L P M20/450 1
130 Hand Claws (large) 6 2 L P M20/450 1
131 Katar 6 2 L J M20/450 1
132 War Fan 5 2 L J M20/450 2
133 Wind and Fire Wheel 6 3 L N M20/450 2

Improvised Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
X Broken Bottle 6 1 L P M20/450 0
X Chair 7 2 B N M20/450 2
134 Chainsaw 8 7 L N M20/450 3
X Table 8 3 B N M20/450 2

Whips and Chains

May be used to entangle an enemy’s limb at +1 difficulty.

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
135 Chain 5 0 B J M20/451 1
136 Chain Whip 6 1 L J M20/451 1
137 Kusarigama 7 3 B T M20/451 1 Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
138 Manriki-Gusari 7 2 L T M20/451 1 Requires two hands to employ properly; +2 difficulty if used one-handed, +2 to dice pool for disarm attempts.
139 Flogger 6 1 B J M20/451 1
140 Barbed Cat 6 0 L J M20/451 1
141 Whip 6 0 L J M20/451 1
142 Bullwhip 7 1 L J M20/451 1


Conventional Guns

Type Dam Range Rate Clip Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
201 Revolver, Light 4 12 3 6 P M20/452 2
202 Revolver, Heavy 6 35 2 6 J M20/452 2
203 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Light 4 20 4 17+1 P M20/452 3
204 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Heavy 5 30 3 7+1 J M20/452 3
205 Rifle 8 200 1 5+1 N M20/452 2
206 SMG, Small 4 25 3 30+1 J M20/452 3 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
207 SMG, Large 4 50 3 30+1 T M20/452 3 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
208 Assault Rifle 7 150 3 42+1 N M20/452 3 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
209 Shotgun, Sawed Off 8 10 2 2 J M20/452 2
210 Shotgun 8 20 1 5+1 T M20/452 2
211 Shotgun, Semi-Automatic 8 25 3 6+1 T M20/452 3
212 Shotgun, Assault 8 50 3 32+1 N M20/452 4 Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.

Technocracy Sidearms

All category weapons except chain-gun feature laser sights and can be used by Sleepers and extraordinary citizens; issued only to Technocracy personnel of extraordinary citizen level or higher.

Type Dam Range Rate Clip Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
213 Biggs X-5 Model R Protector 5 40 4 12 J M20/452 X Revolver; at the touch of a button, can chamber any type of ammunition loaded in the cylinder. Both Model R and Model A made of composite materials – invisible to metal detectors.
214 Biggs X-5 Model A Protector 5 400 4 12+1 J M20/452 X Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
215 Biggs Mjollner Mk. IV 10 100 1 10 T M20/452 X Rarely issued to unEnlightened personnel, as it tends to jam on a failed roll during unEnlightened use.
216 Castle-Graves WW-3 8 200 3 50+1 N M20/452 X Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
217 Bolan Mk. 13 Weapon System M20/452 X Combines a submachine gun main weapon (as per AK-47; 50-shot clip) with auto-shotgun capabilities (as MPS AA-12; 20-shot clip) through the main barrel, plus a grenade launcher under that barrel (as a MP-79/ six-shot magazine). Laser sights. Heavy; requires Strength 3 or better to employ but has relatively low recoil. Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.
218 HIT Mark Chain-Gun 8 150 3 200 N M20/452 X Gun may fire full-auto, three-round bursts, and strafing sprays.


Long and short bows take an automatic action to nock and draw; crossbows require two automatic actions to reload. A character with Archery 3 or higher can nock, draw, and loose an arrow as a single action but cannot do the same thing with a crossbow.

Type Dam Range Rate Clip Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
219 Short Bow 4 60 1 1 N M20/452 2
220 Hunting Bow 5 100 1 1 N M20/452 3
221 Long Bow 5 120 1 1 N M20/452 2
222 Crossbow, Commando 3 20 1 1 J M20/452 3 Collapsible; requires one turn to unfold from storage configuration, plus one action to load once it has been unfolded.
223 Crossbow 5 90 1 1 T M20/452 3
224 Crossbow, Heavy 6 100 1 1 N M20/452 3
225 Taser 5 5 1 1 P M20/453 2 Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored.
226 Tear Gas 3 3 1 5 P M20/453 3 Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
227 Bear Mace 4 3 1 3 P W20/303 2 Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.
228 Pacification Spray 5 3 1 5 P M20/453 X Bashing damage, not lethal; adds no extra damage from successes scored. Also reduces target’s dice pools by two dice for one turn per success.

Thrown Weapons

Weapon Diff Dam Type Hide Bk/Pg $ Notes
229 Knife (Dagger) 6 0 L P M20/453 1
230 Shuriken 7 3 (No Str) L P M20/453 1
231 Spear 6 1 L N M20/453 1
X Stone 5 0 B varies M20/453 0
X Stone, Large 5 3 B N M20/453 0
232 Tomahawk 6 1 L J M20/453 1

Special Ammunition

Special ammunition is handled on a case by case basis. Trying to get illegal ammunition can (and probably will) get you into trouble with law enforcement, local or federal.

Type Dam Bk/Pg $ Effects
301 Ectoplasmic Disruptors 5/A M20/454 X Blasts spirit entities and vampires with aggravated damage explosion; normal damage to physical beings.
302 Explosive Shells 6/L M20/454 5 Mini-grenades; six dice on target, minus one die/ yard from impact to max. of -6 dice; usable only in shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
303 Flechettes 7/L M20/454 3 Tiny darts; modern body armor reduced by -2 to protection from this ammo, but old-style thick armor counts as double for this ammo only; only from shotguns and Technocratic firearms.
304 Incendiary Rounds 4/A M20/454 5 Phosphorus – ignites in air when fired; inflict two dice aggravated damage for one turn after they hit; ignite flammable objects.
305 Rubber Bullets B M20/454 1 Damage as normal bullets for the gun, but bashing, not lethal.
306 Taser Bullets 5/B M20/454 2 Electrical charge inflicts 5 levels bashing for two turns; Technocratic special ammo.
307 Tear Gas Rounds 5/B M20/454 2 Fills two meter radius with tear gas – see Toxins, p.456; shotguns and Technocratic firearms only.
308 Teflon Bullets L M20/454 4 Damage as per normal bullets for the gun, but reduce armor protection value by -1.

Special Gun Sights

Scopes add two dice to shooter’s dice pool for the first shot only.

Type Diff Reduction Bk/Pg $ Notes
309 Laser Sight -1 M20/454 2 One turn to aim.
310 Sniper Scope -2 M20/454 3 Two turns to aim.
311 Night Vision Scope -1 M20/454 3 Dark only; also lets shooter see in darkness


Thick coats, flack suits, cybernetic armor, and other methods of protection absorb the damage of an attack. In game terms, armor adds dice to a character’s soak roll and allows a human being to soak lethal damage as well as certain types of aggravated damage – a vampire’s fangs, most likely, but not fire, or Life Sphere magick.

Light armor is easy enough to move around in, and supernatural effects can turn business suits or lingerie into cloth-weight armor too. Most forms of normal-tech armor, though, get cumbersome. Certain types of armor inflict a penalty upon the wearer’s Dexterity-based dice pool and demand time to put on or take off. Slipping on a biker jacket takes a single easy action, but a cop donning riot gear needs several minutes to suit up properly.

Armor does not stack. Any armor with a Dexterity Penalty cannot be concealed.

Type Rating Dex Penalty Bk/Pg $ Notes
401-403 Tough Hide 1-3 0 M20/447 X Tough Hide reflects animals, Bygones, constructs, or shapechanged characters with especially thick or armored skin.
404-407 Cybernetic Armor 1-4 0 M20/447 X Cybernetic Armor has been built into the wearer. See the Background: Enhancement.
408-409 Reinforced Clothing 1-2 0 M20/447 2-4 Reinforced Clothing has been stiffened, padded, or layered with thin mesh protection.
410-414 Enhanced Clothing 1-5 0 M20/447 X Enhanced Clothing is apparently normal clothing modified by the supernatural powers.
415 Biker Jacket 1 -1 M20/447 2 Biker Jacket represents thick, practical, heavy-duty protection.
416 Leather Duster 2 -2 M20/447 2
417 Cosplay Mail 2 -1 M20/447 2 Cosplay Mail reflects modern costume armor. Usually made from butted rings.
418 Chainmail 4 -2 M20/447 3 Chainmail represents battle-worthy chain-link armor, heavier than cosplay mail. Usually made from riveted rings.
419 Steel Breastplate 3 -2 M20/447 3 Steel Breastplates are for example rider cuirass
420 Full Plate 5 -2 M20/447 4 Full Plate is articulated knight’s armor.
421 Kevlar Vest 3 -1 M20/447 3
422 Flak Vest 4 -2 M20/447 3
423 Riot Suit 4 -2 M20/447 3 Riot Suit is police heavy body armor.
424 Military Armor 5 -2 M20/447 4 Military Armor reflects a full suit of modern battle armor.
425 Alanson Hardsuit 7 -2 M20/447 X Alanson Hardsuit is a standard-issue, full-body suit of hypertech Technocratic armor, used by Union security forces composed of extraordinary citizens and Enlightened agents alike. See M20/656 for details.


Shields act as protective gear that can be brought to bear when facing an enemy. An opponent who’s facing your shield in hand-to-hand combat adds +1 or +2 to his difficulty to hit you, depending on the size of the shield in question. If it’s being used to ward off projectile weapons (bottles, rocks, bullets, etc.), then a shield also acts as armor, reducing a blow by one success for every level in the shield’s Rating.

That said, a shield occupies one hand, restricting the user’s movements and potential activities. Blocking a specific incoming attack (say a volley of bullets or a swung fire axe) demands a Dexterity + Melee roll and a dedicated shield blocking action. Shields are heavy, too, and they suggest that you’re looking for trouble. Outside of riot-trained police (who often use them in formation) and medieval reenactment enthusiasts, you won’t find many people in the 90s using shields.

Type Rating Diff Bonus Dex Penalty Bk/Pg $ Notes
426 Trash Can Lid 3 +1 0 M20/447 0
427 Wooden Shield 2 +2 -1 M20/447 2 Wooden Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
428 Metal Shield 4 +2 -2 M20/447 3 Metal Shields represent field-ready shields built for jousts and reenactment battles.
429 Riot Shield 5 +2 -1 M20/447 4 Riot Shield is a thick Plexiglas or metal-with-viewport shield, employed by police forces (typically in a wall formation) during civil unrest situations.