Old Days
The history of the Garou Nation in Houston is a compelling tale that intertwines the ancient lore of the werewolf tribes with the vibrant tapestry of Chicano history in Texas. The first Garou tribes to set paw in the Houston area were the Uktena, Shadow Lords, Red Talons, and Bone Gnawers. Each arrived centuries before European colonization, drawn by the land’s raw spiritual power and its ancient secrets.
The Uktena, with their profound connection to mystical energies, established hidden sanctuaries to protect the area's powerful leylines. The Shadow Lords saw Houston as a strategic point for exerting influence. The Red Talons, dedicated protectors of the wilderness, fiercely resisted human expansion, while the Bone Gnawers embedded themselves in the city’s growing communities.
The Chicano movement of the 20th century added a significant layer to the Garou Nation’s history. The Uktena found common cause in reclaiming and honoring indigenous heritage, while the Bone Gnawers formed alliances to address issues of poverty and marginalization.
The arrival of Get of Fenris, Fianna, and Silver Fangs later caused tribal rivalries to intensify. The Get of Fenris sought dominance, the Fianna brought cultural connections, and the Silver Fangs aimed to establish leadership.
World War II
During World War II, the Shadow Lords, Uktena, and Bone Gnawers found themselves opposed by the Get of Fenris, Fianna, and Silver Fangs, who aligned with the Axis Powers in a struggle for dominance.
The Axis-aligned Garou factions saw the war as an opportunity to reshape the world order, while their rivals viewed fascism as a direct threat. Despite their resistance, the Shadow Lords and their allies lost, leading to decades of struggle to regain influence.
1950s - 1970s: The Rise of the Silver Fangs
Following the war, the Silver Fangs capitalized on their new influence and founded the Sept of the Resonant Fury, solidifying their control over the region.
1980s: The Return of the Wendigo
In the 1980s, the Wendigo returned to Texas, bringing an unnatural snowfall. Their reemergence marked a shift in the supernatural balance, though they chose isolation over political engagement.
Modern Nights: The Fall of the Sept of the Resonant Fury
In recent years, the **Sept of the Resonant Fury fell**, leaving the Forest Caern as the last remaining shifter stronghold in Houston. Xochiquetzal, a guerilla fighter from South America, spearheaded a campaign to reclaim the Forest Caern, marking a turning point in Houston’s supernatural history.
However, the once-mighty spirit of the surrounding forest, an Elk, grew corrupt. The shifters, allied with mages, attempted to cleanse the spirit, but the mages ultimately destroyed it. This fractured an already uneasy alliance, driving a wedge between the factions. The now ailing forest attracted the attention of a lumber company, which began a culling.
But all was not lost—an allied moon spirit, aptly named Moon Moon, sacrificed herself to become the new spirit of the forest.
Sept Life
**Sept Organizational Chart**
Reports To
Current Holder
Sept Alpha
Highest-ranking Garou in the sept, has ultimate authority.
Battle Master
Sept Alpha
Leads battles and war parties.
Master of the Rite
Sept Alpha
Oversees all rites and spiritual matters.
(Name Here)
Sept Alpha
Manages sept security and leads guardians.
(Name Here)
Keeper of the Land
Sept Alpha
Maintains the caern's physical and spiritual well-being.
(Name Here)
Caller of the Wyld
Sept Alpha
Summons spirits and sets mood for moots.
(Name Here)
Sept Alpha
Keeper of stories, lore, and songs.
(Name Here)
Sept Alpha
Serves as the judge and enforces the Litany.
(Name Here)
Den Mother/Father
Sept Alpha
Watches over and trains cubs.
(Name Here)
Master of the Rite
Assists with rituals and Umbral travel.
(Name Here)
Warriors who protect the sept.
Various Guardians
Kinfolk Liaison
Sept Alpha
Ensures Kinfolk are supported and protected.
(Name Here)
Sept Alpha
Oversees Moon Bridges and inter-sept travel.
(Name Here)
New Arrivals - ....
The Khanate
The Septs
Warg System
The Warg System in Rage Across the Amazon is a structured military hierarchy created by Golgol Fangs-First to organize Garou warriors in the war against Pentex. While it enforces discipline and tactical efficiency, it operates alongside the Sept structure, where the Sept Alpha remains the highest authority in non-military matters.
Structure of the Warg System
Basic War Unit: The Pack (~5 Garou)
Led by a Pack Leader.
Types of Packs:
War Pack – Standard combat unit.
Borzoi Pack – Scouts, named after the Russian wolfhound.
Guardian Pack – Defends caerns and key locations.
Warg (~15 Garou)
Comprised of three Packs.
Commanded by a Battlemaster.
Primary tactical unit, executing frontline orders.
Moon (~41 Garou)
Comprised of three Wargs.
Commanded by a War Leader.
Mid-sized war force responsible for broader strategic objectives.
Ward (~90 Garou)
Comprised of two Moons and a Caern.
Led by a War Chieftain.
The largest war force, capable of major assaults and territory defense.
Character Creation
Character Creation Rules
Garou Tribes: All except Croatan & White Howler
Ananasi: Tenere, Kumoti
Bastet: All but Bubasti
Other Fera: Corax, Gurahl, Kitsune, Mokole, Nuwisha, Ratkin, Rokea
Kinfolk: Must be Homid
Minimum Age: 18+
Restricted: No Hengeyokai allowed
Base XP
18-20: 0 XP
21-25: 25 XP
26-30: 50 XP
31+: 100 XP
Incentive XP
Bone Gnawers, Glass Walkers, Uktena
Older Kinfolk of all types
Members of the Juniper Cross Community
LIMITED: Rokea (approved on a case-by-case basis, must be able to function on land and in groups).
[+/-] Ajaba Character Creation
Ajaba Character Creation
Step 1: Concept
What is your character’s background, personality, and motivation?
How did they experience their First Change?
What is their relationship with their pride, pack, and kinfolk?
How do they view their struggle and the war against the Wyrm (duty, vengeance, or something else)?
Step 2: Choose Breed (Determines Gnosis & Special Traits)
Each Breed determines Gnosis, instincts, and social experience.
Starting Gnosis
Beginning Gifts
Historically, most homid Ajaba were of native Central and Southern African descent. As Europeans pressed south onto the continent, however, they were also incorporated into the werehyenas’ breeding pool, creating a broad spectrum of racial representation. That diversity has increased even further since the Ajaba were driven out of their native homelands. Desperate to renew their numbers, the Breed feels a stronger imperative than ever before to ensure their next generation is a populous one.
Apecraft’s Blessings, City Running, Master of Fire, Persuasion, Smell of Man
Matings between two Ajaba are also exceptionally fertile, and when conception occurs between two werehyenas, it always results in a metis offspring. The race has never shared the usual Changing Breed view of metis, however, and the current crisis only makes them more accepted. Now more than ever, metis Ajaba tend to be fully accepted as members of the tribe.
Create Element, Primal Anger, Rat Head, Sense Wyrm, Shed
While there are several species of hyena, only one the spotted hyena is the traditional Kinfolk of the Ajaba. Despite having a reputation as foul scavengers, spotted hyenas hunt up to 95% of the food they eat, and other “predators” of the region (such as lions) often attempt to steal their kills.
Hare’s Leap, Heightened Senses, Predator’s Arsenal, Prey Mind, Sense Prey
Dawn Ajaba are filled with fury and Rage, eager to fight with their foes or to prove their dominance over their own kind. They are feisty and combative, easily-offended and hyperactive, and have historically made strong pack-leaders — although they usually lack the control necessary to lead an entire clan.
Beat of the Heart-Drum, Finishing Blow, Lightning Reflexes, Pack Tactics, Razor Claws
Midnight Ajaba are balance made manifest. While their anger may not equal that of the Dawn aspect, nor their supernatural strength that of the Dusk, neither do they have particular weaknesses in either area. Historically, males among the Ajaba frequently exhibited the Midnight aspect. This gave them a unique place in Ajaba society, as they were considered some of the most stable and balanced individuals of the Breed, despite their low social standing. The irony of this state of affairs was not lost on them.
Beast Speech, Burning the Vision, Mindspeak, Perfect Recall, Tears of the Heavens
Dusk Ajaba turn their Rage inward, learning more subtle ways to fulfill their sacred duty. Dusk aspect werehyenas strike from the shadows, stalking their prey until they are most vulnerable. They know how to see beyond the obvious, ferreting out their target’s weaknesses and using them to full advantage, whether that be to cull the herd, or lead the clan.
Blur of the Milky Eye, Fatal Flaw, Open Seal, Scent of Running Water, Whispers in the Grass
Step 4: Social Structure (Pride or Coalition)
Ajaba are organized into prides or coalitions, defined geographically or culturally.
Step 5: Assign Attributes (7/5/3)
Distribute Attribute points across the three categories:
Specialties should be chosen for Attributes rated at 4 or higher.
Distribute Ability points among Talents, Skills, and Knowledges.
No Ability may exceed 3 dots without spending Freebie Points.
Specialties should be chosen for Abilities rated at 4 or higher.
Crafts and Performance require a specialty even at one dot.
Common choices include Allies, Contacts, Mentor, Resources, Totem.
Gifts (Choose 3)
- One from Breed.
- One from Aspect.
- One General Ajaba Gift.
Rage, Gnosis, Willpower
Value Based on Prior Choices
Determined by Aspect
Determined by Aspect
Determined by Breed
Starts at 3
Step 8: Finishing Touches
- Merits & Flaws (Optional):
Characters may take ~10 points of merits, and up to 7 points of flaws for an additional 7 points of freebies.
- Freebie Points (Spend 15 to Customize Further):
Cost Per Point
[+/-] Ananasi Character Creation
Ananasi Character Creation
Step 1: Concept
- What is your character’s background, personality, and motivation?
- How did they experience their Sylie (Metamorphosis)?
- What is their relationship with their faction, local colony, and kinfolk?
- How do they view their duty and role within the Triat (Weaver, Wyrm, Wyld)?
Each Breed determines Gnosis, instincts, and social experience.
Starting Gnosis
Born human, unaware of heritage until Sylie. Homid Ananasi have an early life much like other humans, but notice differences as they approach their transformation.
Born from a spider, arachnid Ananasi hatch from egg sacs and rapidly undergo their Sylie, often within hours. They must consume prey to grow into their form.
Distribute Ability points among Talents, Skills, and Knowledges.
No Ability may exceed 3 dots without spending Freebie Points. Specialties chosen at 4 or higher;
Crafts and Performance require a specialty at one dot.
Common choices: Allies, Contacts, Mentor, Resources. (No Totem, Ancestors, or Pure Breed.)
Gifts (Choose 3)
- One from Aspect.
- One General Ananasi Gift.
Blood, Gnosis, Willpower
Value Based on Prior Choices
Determined by Aspect
Blood Pool
10 points (used instead of Rage)
Determined by Breed
Determined by Breed
Step 8: Finishing Touches
- Merits & Flaws (Optional):
Characters may take ~10 points of merits, and up to 7 points of flaws for an additional 7 points of freebies.
- Freebie Points (Spend 15 to Customize Further):
Cost Per Point
Blood Pool
[+/-] Bastet Character Creation
Bastet Character Creation
Step 1: Concept
- What is your character’s background, personality, and motivation?
- How did they experience their First Change?
- What is their relationship with their tribe, pride, or kinfolk?
- How do they view their role in the world and their duty as a Bastet?
Step 2: Bastet Forms
Bastet can shapeshift between five forms, each with unique traits.
Each Breed determines Gnosis, instincts, and social experience.
Starting Gnosis
Born human, often unaware of their heritage until their First Change.
Born from two Bastet parents, rare and bearing both physical deformities and great spiritual potential.
Born among wild or domestic cats, deeply attuned to nature but may struggle with human society.
Step 4: Choose Pryio (Determines Personal Outlook & Willpower Recovery)
Bastet are not bound by Auspices but instead follow a Pryio, which reflects their natural tendencies. Pryio can shift during life-altering experiences.
Willpower Recovery
Daylight Pryio
Warriors, leaders, and direct actors in the world.
By proving strength, honor, and courage.
Twilight Pryio
Seekers of wisdom, mystics, and truth-seekers.
By uncovering secrets or solving riddles.
Night Pryio
Cunning manipulators and lone hunters, thriving in the shadows.
By keeping secrets, manipulating events, or inspiring fear.
Distribute Ability points among Talents, Skills, and Knowledges.
No Ability may exceed 3 dots without spending Freebie Points. Specialties chosen at 4 or higher;
Crafts and Performance require a specialty at one dot.
- Den-Realm: A personal Umbral sanctuary (unique to Bastet).
- Jamak: Personal spirit ally (Bastet version of a Totem).
- Bastet cannot enter the Umbra without a Gift, except Swara.
Step 8: Finishing Touches
- Merits & Flaws (Optional):
Characters may take ~10 points of merits, and up to 7 points of flaws for an additional 7 points of freebies.
- Freebie Points (Spend 15 to Customize Further):
Cost Per Point
[+/-] Garou Character Creation
Garou Character Creation
Step 1: Concept
What is your character’s background, personality, and motivation?
How did they experience their First Change?
What is their relationship with their pack, sept, and kinfolk?
How do they view the war against the Wyrm (duty, curse, or something else)?
Step 2: Choose Breed (Determines Gnosis & Special Traits)
Each Breed determines Gnosis, instincts, and social experience.
Starting Gnosis
Beginning Gifts
Born human and raised by human parents, you were not aware of your heritage until you experienced your First Change — though you’ve felt the effects of Rage burning within you before that. It’s likely that you were completely unaware of the werewolves in your family tree.
Apecraft’s Blessings, City Running, Master of Fire, Persuasion, Smell of Man
Your parents are both Garou. They broke the Litany in a moment of animal passion and you’re the twisted result. Raised in a sept among other werewolves, you know Garou culture better than most homids or lupus. Your parents’ crime left you malformed and sterile, a visible reminder of their crime. 🚫 Metis are highly discouraged.
Create Element, Primal Anger, Rat Head, Sense Wyrm, Shed
You were born a wolf and spent your first two years among wolves. Your First Change didn’t come until you were almost fully grown. You haven’t the sophistication or understanding of the human world of a homid, but your instincts and connection to the wild is much stronger.
Hare's Leap, Heightened Senses, Predator’s Arsenal, Prey Mind, Sense Prey
Your Tribe defines your cultural identity and starting Willpower.
Starting WP
Starting Gifts
Black Furies
Defenders of the wild places and fierce warriors for their fellow women. Most Black Furies are female; the only males in their tribe are metis.
Breath of the Wyld, Man's Skin, Heightened Senses, Sense Wyrm, Wyld Resurgence
Bone Gnawers
As the best-informed tribe, the Bone Gnawers are consummate spies. Members live in poverty and have a casual regard for Garou traditions.
Cooking, Desperate Strength, Resist Toxin, Scent of Sweet Honey
Children of Gaia
The most moderate tribe, the Children of Gaia nurture what little the Wyrm has not corrupted and often speak out on humanity’s side.
Brother’s Scent, Jam Weapon, Mercy, Mother's Touch, Resist Pain
Originally of Celtic descent, the Fianna hold on to a lust for both celebration and battle, wherever they are in the world.
Faerie Light, Hare's Leap, Persuasion, Resist Toxin, Two Tongues
Get of Fenris
Dedicated to the Wyrm’s destruction, the Get are savage and bloodthirsty warriors who take great pride in their Germanic and Scandinavian heritage.
Lightning Reflexes, Master of Fire, Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Visage of Fenris
Glass Walkers
The ultimate urban predators, the Glass Walkers take the war against the Wyrm into the boardroom and the skyscraper—though other Garou do not trust them.
Control Simple Machine, Diagnostics, Persuasion, Plug and Play, Trick Shot
Red Talons
Living in the deep wilderness, this tribe only allows lupus and some metis to join. They believe that the only way to beat the Wyrm is to exterminate humanity.
Beast Speech, Eye of the Hunter, Hidden Killer, Scent of Running Water, Wolf at the Door
Shadow Lords
Cunning, deceptive, and domineering, the Shadow Lords have a burning drive to lead the whole Garou Nation.
Aura of Confidence, Fatal Flaw, Seizing the Edge, Shadow Weaving, Whisper Catching
Silent Striders
Exiled from their homeland, the Silent Striders travel constantly. Many learn the secrets of the physical or spiritual world on their journeys.
Silence, Speed of Thought, Visions of Duat
Silver Fangs
The hereditary rulers of the Garou Nation, their careful maintenance of royal blood has led to inbreeding and the taint of madness.
Eye of the Falcon, Falcon's Grasp, Inspiration, Lambent Flame, Sense Wyrm
Ascetics who seek to master their own Rage, the Stargazers wander the world striking at the Wyrm wherever they find it.
Balance, Channeling, Falling Touch, Iron Resolve, Sense Wyrm
Mysterious and mystical, the Uktena are a tribe of outsiders charged with guarding the resting places of many powerful Banes, though this taints them by association.
Sense Magic, Sense Wyrm, Shroud, Spirit of the Lizard, Spirit Speech
The only tribe made up of primarily Native American werewolves, the Wendigo are cold and insular, guarding their caerns against even other Garou.
Beat of the Heart-Drum, Call the Breeze, Camouflage, Ice Echo, Resist Pain
Step 5: Assign Attributes (7/5/3)
Distribute Attribute points across the three categories:
Specialties should be chosen for Attributes rated at 4 or higher.
Distribute Ability points among Talents, Skills, and Knowledges.
No Ability may exceed 3 dots without spending Freebie Points.
Specialties should be chosen for Abilities rated at 4 or higher.
Crafts and Performance require a specialty even at one dot.
The Sam Houston National Forest is in a bad way. The spirit of the forest, a mighty Elk Spirit, became corrupted, and during the efforts to cleanse the once might spirit, it was instead destroyed. Leaving us with a seed, and a dying forest.
Unfortunately a dying forest means, logging and the H.T. Mills & Co. have begun marking the forest trees for culling.
Moon Moon finds mysterious tunnels, and a secret stash of forgotten treasure. There's a mystery afoot, told in the pieces of treasure, who will solve the secrets of Munchie's Treasure Hunt?
The Juniper Cross Community School was Founded in the 1920's, originally built by Black educators and community leaders determined to create a safe and empowering place for learning amidst segregation. Named after the resilient juniper tree, the school became more than an academic institution—it was a hub for activism, church meetings, and civil rights gatherings. Over the years, it weathered systemic neglect, while remaining a sanctuary diverse and underserved students to gain an education, befor ultimately closing in the late 1980s, it was partially shuttered, with many wings boarded up. However, the heart of the school remained, figuratively, alive through a host of community programs, such as providing free tutoring, meals on wheels to seniors, free breakfast and after school programs.
But there is a power here, fed through the Juniper Cross community that surrounds the school. The community that built the school with their own hands. The community that filled the school with educators. The community that nurtured their children's education and dreamms in that school.
The Juniper Community has fought a great many battles against much larger enemies, the loss of the school is a mighty blow, but don't count them out yet. For they have many allies both seen and unseen.
ST NOTE: Juniper Cross Community is a fictional community we have created for our game, but they represent underserved communities across the world that deal with the same very real issues. As such I want to make sure we are respectful of the material we will be using to tell this story of community and resilience. The rules are simple: We do not cause significant harm to the mortals of this community without an ST on board with the idea.
Plot Summary: Coming Soon! Similar to picking up your TV remote and flicking channels, you land upon a Crime Investigation documentary. It's nitty and gritty, and you may need to look away. But it does have those supernatural elements involved that so many love in delving deep into CREEPY PASTA Memes! If you love those, this story is for you. Investigation elements will be mad gore, but if that's not for you, then that's okay! There's plenty of Creepy Pasta for everyone. Get your claws sharpened, your boomsticks lock and loaded, and your horror screams practiced. This will be one wild ride!
A Shifter Moot to discuss the state of the spiritually struggling Forest, The state of the Hive in the City, and the search for a City Caern, introducing the spiritually charged (and closed) Juniper Cross Commmunity School. (1/19/1995)